Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications indexed to the term Vaginal Creams, Foams, and Jellies

1The effect of transdermal and vaginal estrogen therapy on markers of postmenopausal estrogen status. (Gupta P, Ozel B, Stanczyk FZ, Felix JC, Mishell DR Jr) Menopause 2008;15(1):94-7       28 Citations
1High-risk women's willingness to try a simulated vaginal microbicide: results from a pilot study. (Mosack KE, Weeks MR, Novick Sylla L, Abbott M) Women Health 2005;42(2):71-88       10 Citations
1The effect of nonoxynol-9 on human endometrium. (Jain JK, Li A, Minoo P, Nucatola DL, Felix JC) Contraception 2005 Feb;71(2):137-42       24 Citations