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Publications indexed to the term Rhizotomy

1Electro-acupuncture upregulates CGRP expression after rat spinal cord transection. (Li WJ, Li SM, Ding Y, He B, Keegan J, Dong H, Ruan JW, Zeng YS) Neurochem Int 2012 Dec;61(8):1397-403       24 Citations
1Lack of specificity in electrophysiological identification of lower sacral roots during selective dorsal rhizotomy. (Ojemann JG, Park TS, Komanetsky R, Day RA, Kaufman BA) J Neurosurg 1997 Jan;86(1):28-33       12 Citations
1Selective dorsal rhizotomy and rates of orthopedic surgery in children with spastic cerebral palsy. (Chicoine MR, Park TS, Kaufman BA) J Neurosurg 1997 Jan;86(1):34-9       68 Citations
1Predictors of ability to walk after selective dorsal rhizotomy in children with cerebral palsy. (Chicoine MR, Park TS, Vogler GP, Kaufman BA) Neurosurgery 1996 Apr;38(4):711-4; discussion 714       18 Citations