Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications with Family Practice in the title

1General and family practice: passive smoking. (Norcross WA, Vogel LM) West J Med 1986 Nov;145(5):678    
1Family practice residents' learning needs and beliefs about office-based psychological counseling. (Butler DJ, Seidl JJ, Holloway RL, Robertson RG) Fam Med 1995 Jun;27(6):371-5       12 Citations
1Colposcopic proficiency-disease spectrum in a single family practice colposcopists' clinic. (Brotzman GL, Schellhase KG) WMJ 2004;103(7):61-5       5 Citations
1Sibling family practices: guidelines for healthy boundaries. (Johnson TC, Huang BE, Simpson PM) J Child Sex Abus 2009;18(3):339-54       7 Citations
1Common problems in Pediatric Neurology, In AAN sponsored computer based syllabus for Family Practice residents, Martin Raymond (ed) (Patel H, Walsh LE, Garg BP) American Academy of Neurology    
1Common problems in Pediatric Neurology. In Family Practice Curriculum in Neurology (FPCIN)-AAN sponsored computer based syllabus for Family Practice residents, Martin Raymond (ed) (Patel H, Walsh LE, Garg BP) American Academy of Neurology    
1Paroxysmal non-epileptic disorders in children. In Family Practice Curriculum in Neurology (FPCIN)-AAN sponsored computer based syllabus for Family Practice residents, Martin Raymond (ed) (Patel H.) American Academy of Neurology    
1Common problems in Pediatric Neurology. In Family Practice Curriculum in Neurology (FPCIN)-AAN sponsored computer based syllabus for Family Practice residents, Martin Raymond(ed) (Patel H, Walsh LE, Garg BP) American Academy of Neurology