Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty with orthopaedic surgery in the Bibliography section of their CV

Jonathan Edward Campbell MDCVAssistant ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Chad Carlson MDCVProfessorNeurologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Michael M. Decker MDCVVice Chair, Assistant ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Jesse Ehrenfeld MD, MPHCVSr Associate Dean, Director, ProfessorAdvancing a Healthier Wisconsin EndowmentMedical College of Wisconsin
John C. Neilson MDCVAssociate ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Barbara A. Slawski MDCVProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
John G. Thometz MDCVProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Kevin D. Walter MDCVAssociate ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Nicholas D. Young PhDCVAssistant ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin