Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty who have authored publications indexed to the term Family Practice

Lynnette J. Anderson NPAPP Mgr HybridPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Nancy Bass MDProfessorNeurologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Kristin M. Bingen PhDProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Seth Bodden MDAssistant ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
David C. Clark PhDAssistant Dean, ProfessorResearch OfficeMedical College of Wisconsin
James M. Cook PhDUniversity Distinguished ProfessorChemistry and BiochemistryUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Sabina Diehr MDProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Lisa Grill Dodson MDCampus Dean, ProfessorMedical School Regional CampusesMedical College of Wisconsin
Christine M. Everett PhD, PACChief, Director, ProfessorHealth Sciences EducationMedical College of Wisconsin
Zeno Franco PhDAssociate ProfessorEmergency MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Joseph Gravel MDChair, ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Sabrina L. Hofmeister DOAssociate ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert W. Hurley MD, PhDAdjunct Professor of Anesthesiology and CTSIAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Jeffrey L. Jackson MDProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Bryan Johnston MDAssistant ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Adina L. Kalet MDProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Kory Koerner MDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Julie M. Kolinski MDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Allen R. Last MDAssociate ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Brian D. Lewis MDProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Ann M. Maguire MDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Cheryl A. Maurana PhDSVP Str Acad Ptnrshp, Dir, ProfInstitute for Health and EquityMedical College of Wisconsin
Linda N. Meurer MD, MPHProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Mary Beth Phelan MD, RDMSProfessorEmergency MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Amy Jeanette Prunuske PhDProfessorMedical School Regional CampusesMedical College of Wisconsin
Jacob P. Prunuske MDAssistant Dean, ProfessorMedical School Regional CampusesMedical College of Wisconsin
John R. Raymond MDPresident, CEO, ProfessorPresidentMedical College of Wisconsin
Philip N. Redlich MD, PhDProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert W. Sander MDAdjunct Assistant ProfessorMedical School Regional CampusesMedical College of Wisconsin
Kenneth G. Schellhase MD, MPHAdjunct ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Debra Schmidt NPAPP HybridPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
John J. Seidl MDAdjunct Assistant ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Pippa M. Simpson PhDAdjunct ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Grzegorz W. Telega MDProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert W. Treat PhDAssociate ProfessorAcademic AffairsMedical College of Wisconsin
Karolyn A. Wanat MDChair, ProfessorDermatologyMedical College of Wisconsin