Medical College of Wisconsin
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The MSDB sends a GABAergic projection to cholinergic neurons in the ventral MHb Molecular Psychiatry Vickstrom, C.R., Liu, X., Liu, S. et al. The MSDB sends a GABAergic projection to cholinergic neurons in the ventral MHb. Mol Psychiatry 26, 2679 (2021).




A Anterograde tracing strategy: cell bodies and axons express tdTomato and putative synaptic puncta express SypEGFP. tdTomato and SypEGFP expression in the MSDB (B) and MHb (C) after injection of AAV1-Flex-tdTomato-T2A-SypEGFP in the MSDB (nā€‰=ā€‰3 mice). D Optogenetic circuit mapping strategy: ChR2(H134R)-GFP was expressed in the MSDB and whole-cell recordings of tdTomato+ MHb neurons were made in ChAT-tdTomato reporter mice. E Expression of ChR2-GFP in the MSDB. F ChR2-GFP+ axon terminals were observed in the ventral MHb, where they clustered around tdTomato+ neurons. 3V third ventricle, fr fasciculus retroflexus, LHb lateral habenula, MHb medial habenula, PVT paraventricular thalamus.

Author List

Casey R. Vickstrom, Xiaojie Liu, Shuai Liu, Meng-Ming Hu, Lianwei Mu, Ying Hu, Hao Yu, Santidra L. Love, Cecilia J. Hillard, Qing-song Liu


Cecilia J. Hillard PhD Associate Dean, Center Director, Professor in the Pharmacology and Toxicology department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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