The tumor-suppressive small GTPase DiRas1 binds the noncanonical guanine nucleotide exchange factor SmgGDS and antagonizes SmgGDS interactions with oncogenic small GTPases. J Biol Chem 2016 May 13;291(20):10948
05/20/2016Pubmed ID
27197236Pubmed Central ID
10.1074/jbc.A115.696831Author List
Bergom C, Hauser AD, Rymaszewski A, Gonyo P, Prokop JW, Jennings BC, Lawton AJ, Frei A, Lorimer EL, Aguilera-Barrantes I, Mackinnon AC Jr, Noon K, Fierke CA, Williams CLAuthors
Amy Rymaszewski PhD Research Scientist I in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of WisconsinCarol L. Williams PhD Professor in the Pharmacology and Toxicology department at Medical College of Wisconsin