Anesthetic Management of an Infant With Postnatally Diagnosed Tracheal Agenesis Undergoing Tracheal Reconstruction: A Case Report. A A Case Rep 2017 Dec 01;9(11):311-318
07/19/2017Pubmed ID
A term infant born cyanotic failed multiple intubation attempts and tracheostomy placement. After esophageal intubation resulted in the ability to ventilate, he was presumed to have tracheal agenesis and distal bronchoesophageal fistula. He was transferred to our institution where he was diagnosed with Floyd Type II tracheal agenesis. He underwent staged tracheal reconstruction. He was discharged to home at 4 months of age with a tracheostomy collar, cervical spit fistula, and gastrostomy tube. He represents the sole survivor-to-discharge of tracheal agenesis in the United States. We describe the anesthetic considerations for a patient with tracheal agenesis undergoing reconstruction.
Author List
Willer BL, Bryan KG, Parakininkas DE, Uhing MR, Staudt SR, Dominguez KM, McCormick ME, Mitchell ME, Densmore JC, Oldham KT, Berens RJAuthors
Richard J. Berens MD Professor in the Anesthesiology department at Medical College of WisconsinJohn C. Densmore MD Professor in the Surgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Michael E. McCormick MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Michael Edward Mitchell MD Chief, Professor in the Surgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Daiva E. Parakininkas MD Associate Professor in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of Wisconsin
MESH terms used to index this publication - Major topics in bold
AnesthesiaConstriction, Pathologic
Infant, Newborn
Intubation, Intratracheal
Positive-Pressure Respiration