Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications indexed to the term Emotional Adjustment

1Does perceived post-traumatic growth predict better psychological adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic? Results from a national longitudinal survey in the USA. (Park CL, Wilt JA, Russell BS, Fendrich MR) J Psychiatr Res 2022 Feb;146:179-185       14 Citations
2Establishment and replication of emotion regulation profiles: implications for psychological health. (Chesney SA, Timmer-Murillo SC, Gordon NS) Anxiety Stress Coping 2019 May;32(3):329-345       15 Citations
1Biliary atresia: Indications and timing of liver transplantation and optimization of pretransplant care. (Sundaram SS, Mack CL, Feldman AG, Sokol RJ) Liver Transpl 2017 Jan;23(1):96-109       176 Citations
1Treatment response in couple therapy: Relationship adjustment and individual functioning change processes. (Knobloch-Fedders LM, Pinsof WM, Haase CM) J Fam Psychol 2015 Oct;29(5):657-66       20 Citations