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Publications indexed to the term Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis

1Immune Microenvironment in Microsatellite-Instable Endometrial Cancers: Hereditary or Sporadic Origin Matters. (Pakish JB, Zhang Q, Chen Z, Liang H, Chisholm GB, Yuan Y, Mok SC, Broaddus RR, Lu KH, Yates MS) Clin Cancer Res 2017 Aug 01;23(15):4473-4481       106 Citations
1Targeted therapy for hereditary cancer syndromes: hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome. (Agarwal R, Liebe S, Turski ML, Vidwans SJ, Janku F, Garrido-Laguna I, Munoz J, Schwab R, Rodon J, Kurzrock R, Subbiah V, Pan-Cancer Working Group) Discov Med 2014 Dec;18(101):331-9       14 Citations
1The recognition and surgical management of heritable lesions of the pancreas. (Kim MP, Evans DB, Vu TM, Fleming JB) Surg Oncol Clin N Am 2009 Jan;18(1):99-119, ix       2 Citations
1Colorectal Cancer Screening Clinical Practice Guidelines. (Levin B, Barthel JS, Burt RW, David DS, Ford JM, Giardiello FM, Gruber SB, Halverson AL, Hamilton S, Kohlmann W, Ludwig KA, Lynch PM, Marino C, Martin EW Jr, Mayer RJ, Pasche B, Pirruccello SJ, Rajput A, Rao MS, Shike M, Steinbach G, Terdiman JP, Weinberg D, Winawer SJ) J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2006 Apr;4(4):384-420       35 Citations
1Penetrance and expressivity of MSH6 germline mutations in seven kindreds not ascertained by family history. (Buttin BM, Powell MA, Mutch DG, Babb SA, Huettner PC, Edmonston TB, Herzog TJ, Rader JS, Gibb RK, Whelan AJ, Goodfellow PJ) Am J Hum Genet 2004 Jun;74(6):1262-9       58 Citations
1Increased risk for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer-associated synchronous and metachronous malignancies in patients with microsatellite instability-positive endometrial carcinoma lacking MLH1 promoter methylation. (Buttin BM, Powell MA, Mutch DG, Rader JS, Herzog TJ, Gibb RK, Huettner P, Edmonston TB, Goodfellow PJ) Clin Cancer Res 2004 Jan 15;10(2):481-90       44 Citations