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Publications indexed to the term Duodenal Neoplasms

1Variant anatomy of the biliary system as a cause of pancreatic and peri-ampullary cancers. (Muraki T, Reid MD, Pehlivanoglu B, Gonzalez RS, Sekhar A, Memis B, Xue Y, Cheng J, Jang KT, Mittal P, Cardona K, Kooby DA, Maithel S, Sarmiento JM, El-Rayes B, Lomberk G, Urrutia RA, Christians K, Tsai S, Evans DB, Adsay V) HPB (Oxford) 2020 Dec;22(12):1675-1685       11 Citations
1Inflammatory fibroid polyp of the duodenum: is endoscopic resection a feasible therapeutic choice? (Inayat F, Khan MA, Zafar F, Munir A) BMJ Case Rep 2018 Nov 28;11(1)       4 Citations
1A Multi-institutional Analysis of Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors: Tumor Biology Rather than Extent of Resection Dictates Prognosis. (Margonis GA, Samaha M, Kim Y, Postlewait LM, Kunz P, Maithel S, Tran T, Berger N, Gamblin TC, Mullen MG, Bauer TW, Pawlik TM) J Gastrointest Surg 2016 Jun;20(6):1098-105       37 Citations
1Presentation and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of the duodenum: a multi-institutional analysis. (Johnston FM, Kneuertz PJ, Cameron JL, Sanford D, Fisher S, Turley R, Groeschl R, Hyder O, Kooby DA, Blazer D 3rd, Choti MA, Wolfgang CL, Gamblin TC, Hawkins WG, Maithel SK, Pawlik TM) Ann Surg Oncol 2012 Oct;19(11):3351-60       71 Citations
1Achieving eugastrinemia in MEN1 patients: both duodenal inspection and formal lymph node dissection are important. (Dickson PV, Rich TA, Xing Y, Cote GJ, Wang H, Perrier ND, Evans DB, Lee JE, Grubbs EG) Surgery 2011 Dec;150(6):1143-52       31 Citations
1Zollinger-Ellison syndrome associated with a history of alcohol abuse: coincidence or consequence? (Wilson SD, Doffek KM, Krzywda EA, Quebbeman EJ, Christians KK, Pappas SG) Surgery 2011 Dec;150(6):1129-35       8 Citations
1Double-balloon enteroscopy enabled the diagnosis of duodenal adenocarcinoma in a patient with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery presenting with chronic anemia. (Sourianarayanane A, Mukewar SS, Upchurch BR, Bauer TW, Sanaka MR) Gastrointest Endosc 2011 Apr;73(4):837-8       3 Citations
1Duodenal obstruction and bleeding caused by metastatic müllerian adenosarcoma. (Sourianarayanane A, Bauer TW, Sanaka MR, Rizk M) Gastrointest Endosc 2011 Jan;73(1):176-7    
1Small pancreatic and periampullary neuroendocrine tumors: resect or enucleate? (Pitt SC, Pitt HA, Baker MS, Christians K, Touzios JG, Kiely JM, Weber SM, Wilson SD, Howard TJ, Talamonti MS, Rikkers LF) J Gastrointest Surg 2009 Sep;13(9):1692-8       106 Citations
1Widespread hyperplasia induced by transgenic TGFalpha in ApcMin mice is associated with only regional effects on tumorigenesis. (Bilger A, Sullivan R, Prunuske AJ, Clipson L, Drinkwater NR, Dove WF) Carcinogenesis 2008 Sep;29(9):1825-30       7 Citations
1Development of an integrated biospecimen bank and multidisciplinary clinical database for pancreatic cancer. (Hwang RF, Wang H, Lara A, Gomez H, Chang T, Sieffert N, Moon Y, Ram S, Zimmerman S, Lee JH, Pisters PW, Tamm EP, Fleming JB, Abbruzzese JL, Evans DB) Ann Surg Oncol 2008 May;15(5):1356-66       56 Citations
1Video capsule endoscopy compared with standard endoscopy for the evaluation of small-bowel polyps in persons with familial adenomatous polyposis (with video). (Wong RF, Tuteja AK, Haslem DS, Pappas L, Szabo A, Ogara MM, DiSario JA) Gastrointest Endosc 2006 Oct;64(4):530-7       85 Citations
1Carcinoid tumors of the duodenum. (Mullen JT, Wang H, Yao JC, Lee JH, Perrier ND, Pisters PW, Lee JE, Evans DB) Surgery 2005 Dec;138(6):971-7; discussion 977-8       80 Citations
1Cost and utilization impact of a clinical pathway for patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. (Porter GA, Pisters PW, Mansyur C, Bisanz A, Reyna K, Stanford P, Lee JE, Evans DB) Ann Surg Oncol 2000 Aug;7(7):484-9       166 Citations