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Publications indexed to the term Ileitis

1Reduced Paneth cell alpha-defensins in ileal Crohn's disease. (Wehkamp J, Salzman NH, Porter E, Nuding S, Weichenthal M, Petras RE, Shen B, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Linzmeier R, Feathers RW, Chu H, Lima H Jr, Fellermann K, Ganz T, Stange EF, Bevins CL) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 Dec 13;102(50):18129-34       847 Citations
1Preliminary experience with laparoscopic intestinal surgery for Crohn's disease. (Ludwig KA, Milsom JW, Church JM, Fazio VW) Am J Surg 1996 Jan;171(1):52-5; discussion 55-6       126 Citations
1Immunocytes and abnormal gastrointestinal motor activity during ileitis in dogs. (Jouët P, Sarna SK, Singaram C, Ryan RP, Hillard CJ, Telford GL, Fink J, Henderson JD) Am J Physiol 1995 Dec;269(6 Pt 1):G913-24       39 Citations