Medical College of Wisconsin
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Jurica Bajic MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Institution: Medical College of Wisconsin
Department: Anesthesiology
Division: Clinical
Program: Operating Room Service

Publications (10)

  • Effect of central CO(2) drive on lung inflation responses of expiratory bulbospinal neurons in dogs. (Tonkovic-Capin M, Zuperku EJ, Stuth EA, Bajic J, Dogas Z, Hopp FA) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2000 Nov;279(5):R1606-18 PMID: 11049842 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0033674077 10/26/2000       8 Citations
  • The effects of the new antiarrhythmic E 047/1 on postoperative ischemia-induced arrhythmias in dogs. (Kulier AH, Novalija E, Hogan Q, Vicenzi MN, Woehlck HJ, Bajic J, Atlee JL 3rd, Bosnjak ZJ) Anesth Analg 1999 Dec;89(6):1393-9 PMID: 10589614 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0032747218 12/10/1999       6 Citations
  • Anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent pacemakers in chronically instrumented dogs. IV. Dysrhythmias after sinoatrial node excision. (Woehlck HJ, Vicenzi MN, Bajic J, Sokolyk SM, Bosnjak ZJ, Atlee JL 3rd) Anesthesiology 1995 Jun;82(6):1447-55 PMID: 7793658 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0029055788 06/01/1995    
  • Anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent atrial pacemakers in chronically instrumented dogs. III. Automaticity after sinoatrial node excision. (Vicenzi MN, Woehlck HJ, Bajic J, Sokolyk SM, Bosnjak ZJ, Atlee JL 3rd) Anesthesiology 1995 Feb;82(2):469-78 PMID: 7856905 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0028794997 02/01/1995       2 Citations
  • Dose-dependent effects of halothane on the carbon dioxide responses of expiratory and inspiratory bulbospinal neurons and the phrenic nerve activities in dogs. (Stuth EA, Tonkovic-Capin M, Kampine JP, Bajic J, Zuperku EJ) Anesthesiology 1994 Dec;81(6):1470-83 PMID: 7992917 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0027948491 12/01/1994       29 Citations
  • Interaction between chemoreceptor and stretch receptor inputs at medullary respiratory neurons. (Bajić J, Zuperku EJ, Tonković-Capin M, Hopp FA) Am J Physiol 1994 Jun;266(6 Pt 2):R1951-61 PMID: 8024052 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0028276675 06/01/1994       23 Citations
  • Expiratory bulbospinal neurons of dogs. I. Control of discharge patterns by pulmonary stretch receptors. (Bajić J, Zuperku EJ, Tonković-Capin M, Hopp FA) Am J Physiol 1992 Jun;262(6 Pt 2):R1075-86 PMID: 1621861 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0026694517 06/01/1992       24 Citations
  • Expiratory bulbospinal neurons of dogs. II. Laterality of responses to spatial and temporal pulmonary vagal inputs. (Tonković-Capin M, Zuperku EJ, Bajić J, Hopp FA) Am J Physiol 1992 Jun;262(6 Pt 2):R1087-95 PMID: 1621862 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0026710525 06/01/1992       5 Citations
  • Respiratory responses to aortic and carotid chemoreceptor activation in the dog. (Hopp FA, Seagard JL, Bajić J, Zuperku EJ) J Appl Physiol (1985) 1991 Jun;70(6):2539-50 PMID: 1885448 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0025796589 06/01/1991       14 Citations
  • Processing of pulmonary afferent input patterns by respiratory I-beta neurons. (Bajić J, Zuperku EJ, Hopp FA) Am J Physiol 1989 Feb;256(2 Pt 2):R379-93 PMID: 2492772 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0024578844 02/01/1989       3 Citations
  • Last update: 06/10/2009