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Parag P. Tolat MD

Parag P. Tolat MD profile photo picture

Chief, Professor

Institution: Medical College of Wisconsin
Department: Radiology
Division: Abdominal and Body Imaging
Program: General

Publications (34)

  • Median arcuate ligament release at the time of pancreaticoduodenectomy or total pancreatectomy. (Ward EP, Vincent-Sheldon S, Tolat P, Kulkarni N, Aldakkak M, Budithi R, Clarke CN, Tsai S, Evans DB, Christians KK) Surgery 2024 May;175(5):1386-1393 PMID: 38413302 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85186348752 02/28/2024       1 Citation
  • Determination of "borderline resectable" pancreatic cancer - A global assessment of 30 shades of grey. (Badgery HE, Muhlen-Schulte T, Zalcberg JR, D'souza B, Gerstenmaier JF, Pickett C, Samra J, Croagh D, Pancreatic Cancer Image Biobank Authorship Group) HPB (Oxford) 2023 Nov;25(11):1393-1401 PMID: 37558564 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85171365378 08/10/2023       6 Citations
  • ASO Visual Abstract: CA19-9 Response to First-Line Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX and Second-Line Gemcitabine/ nab-Paclitaxel for Patients with Operable Pancreatic Cancer. (Thalji SZ, Kamgar M, George B, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Clarke CN, Erickson BA, Hall WA, Tolat PP, Smith ZL, Evans DB, Tsai S) Ann Surg Oncol 2023 May;30(5):3022 PMID: 36877324 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85152164746 03/07/2023    
  • CA19-9 Response to First-Line Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX and Second-Line Gemcitabine/Nab-Paclitaxel for Patients with Operable Pancreatic Cancer. (Thalji SZ, Kamgar M, George B, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Clarke CN, Erickson BA, Hall WA, Tolat PP, Smith ZL, Evans DB, Tsai S) Ann Surg Oncol 2023 May;30(5):3013-3021 PMID: 36788189 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85147934173 02/15/2023       3 Citations
  • Postoperative surveillance of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) recurrence: practice pattern on standardized imaging and reporting from the society of abdominal radiology disease focus panel on PDAC. (Chu LC, Wang ZJ, Kambadakone A, Hecht EM, He J, Narang AK, Laheru DA, Arif-Tiwari H, Bhosale P, Bolan CW, Brook OR, Bezuidenhout AF, Do RKG, Galgano SJ, Goenka AH, Guimaraes AR, Hough DM, Kulkarni N, Le O, Luk L, Mannelli L, Rosenthal M, Sangster G, Shah ZK, Soloff EV, Tolat PP, Zins M, Fishman EK, Tamm EP, Zaheer A) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2023 Jan;48(1):318-339 PMID: 36241752 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85140245527 10/15/2022       7 Citations
  • Multimodality Imaging for the Staging of Pancreatic Cancer (McKinney M, Griffin MO, Tolat PP) Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America October 2021;30(4):621-637 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85111014021 10/01/2021       6 Citations
  • Multimodality Imaging for the Staging of Pancreatic Cancer. (McKinney M, Griffin MO, Tolat PP) Surg Oncol Clin N Am 2021 Oct;30(4):621-637 PMID: 34511186 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85111014021 09/14/2021       6 Citations
  • Comparison of Conventional Gadoxetate Disodium-Enhanced MRI Features and Radiomics Signatures With Machine Learning for Diagnosing Microvascular Invasion. (Chen Y, Xia Y, Tolat PP, Long L, Jiang Z, Huang Z, Tang Q) AJR Am J Roentgenol 2021 Jun;216(6):1510-1520 PMID: 33826360 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85106590563 04/08/2021       30 Citations
  • Value of Pretreatment 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in Patients With Localized Pancreatic Cancer Treated With Neoadjuvant Therapy. (Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, Christians KK, Bucklan D, Holt M, Tolat P, Ritch PS, George B, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S) Front Oncol 2020;10:500 PMID: 32363161 PMCID: PMC7180175 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85084152103 05/05/2020       12 Citations
  • White paper on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma from society of abdominal radiology's disease-focused panel for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Part II, update on imaging techniques and screening of pancreatic cancer in high-risk individuals. (Kulkarni NM, Mannelli L, Zins M, Bhosale PR, Arif-Tiwari H, Brook OR, Hecht EM, Kastrinos F, Wang ZJ, Soloff EV, Tolat PP, Sangster G, Fleming J, Tamm EP, Kambadakone AR) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2020 Mar;45(3):729-742 PMID: 31768594 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85076204261 11/27/2019       23 Citations
  • White paper on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma from society of abdominal radiology's disease-focused panel for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Part I, AJCC staging system, NCCN guidelines, and borderline resectable disease. (Kulkarni NM, Soloff EV, Tolat PP, Sangster GP, Fleming JB, Brook OR, Wang ZJ, Hecht EM, Zins M, Bhosale PR, Arif-Tiwari H, Mannelli L, Kambadakone AR, Tamm EP) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2020 Mar;45(3):716-728 PMID: 31748823 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85075391594 11/22/2019       43 Citations
  • Skype as a Tool for Resident Education on Call. (Vagvala SH, Tolat PP, Hohenwalter MD, Duvnjak P) J Am Coll Radiol 2020 Jan;17(1 Pt A):75-77 PMID: 31499024 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85076683800 09/10/2019       2 Citations
  • Survival of patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy and surgery. (Barnes CA, Chavez MI, Tsai S, Aldakkak M, George B, Ritch PS, Dua K, Clarke CN, Tolat P, Hagen C, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Christians KK) Surgery 2019 Sep;166(3):277-285 PMID: 31272811 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85068174272 07/06/2019       49 Citations
  • Structured Reporting in Ultrasound. (O'Connor SD, Kulkarni NM, Griffin MO Jr, Baruah D, Sudakoff GS, Tolat PP) Ultrasound Q 2020 Mar;36(1):1-5 PMID: 31107426 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85081139751 05/21/2019       9 Citations
  • A Phase II Clinical Trial of Molecular Profiled Neoadjuvant Therapy for Localized Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. (Tsai S, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Dua K, Khan A, Mackinnon AC, Tolat P, Ahmad SA, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB) Ann Surg 2018 Oct;268(4):610-619 PMID: 30080723 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85067054610 08/07/2018       63 Citations
  • Locally advanced pancreas cancer: Staging and goals of therapy. (Chatzizacharias NA, Tsai S, Griffin M, Tolat P, Ritch P, George B, Barnes C, Aldakkak M, Khan AH, Hall W, Erickson B, Evans DB, Christians KK) Surgery 2018 May;163(5):1053-1062 PMID: 29331400 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85040254084 01/15/2018       48 Citations
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy and total pancreatectomy for cancer (Evans DB, Tolat PP, Christians KK) Fischer's Mastery of Surgery, Seventh Edition 1 January 2018;2:1552-1572 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85046583465 01/01/2018       8 Citations
  • Characterizing indeterminate liver lesions in patients with localized pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis. (Bhalla M, Aldakkak M, Kulkarni NM, O'Connor SD, Griffin MO Jr, Christians KK, Evans DB, Tsai S, Tolat PP) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2018 Feb;43(2):351-363 PMID: 29185014 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85035138788 12/01/2017       12 Citations
  • Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: cross-sectional imaging techniques. (Kulkarni NM, Hough DM, Tolat PP, Soloff EV, Kambadakone AR) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2018 Feb;43(2):253-263 PMID: 29128993 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85033490263 11/13/2017       19 Citations
  • Development of a high risk pancreatic screening clinic using 3.0 T MRI. (Barnes CA, Krzywda E, Lahiff S, McDowell D, Christians KK, Knechtges P, Tolat P, Hohenwalter M, Dua K, Khan AH, Evans DB, Geurts J, Tsai S) Fam Cancer 2018 Jan;17(1):101-111 PMID: 29101607 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85032808589 11/05/2017       23 Citations
  • Immune Check Point Inhibition in Sarcomatoid Renal Cell Carcinoma: A New Treatment Paradigm. (Raychaudhuri R, Riese MJ, Bylow K, Burfeind J, Mackinnon AC, Tolat PP, Iczkowski KA, Kilari D) Clin Genitourin Cancer 2017 Oct;15(5):e897-e901 PMID: 28645484 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85020921698 06/25/2017       15 Citations
  • Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during neoadjuvant therapy for resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer-Is it indicated? (Krepline AN, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Tolat P, Evans DB, Tsai S) J Surg Oncol 2016 Oct;114(5):581-586 PMID: 27760280 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84992111849 10/22/2016       23 Citations
  • Evolution of the Management of Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. (Tsai S, Erickson BA, Dua K, Ritch PS, Tolat P, Evans DB) J Oncol Pract 2016 Sep;12(9):772-8 PMID: 27621326 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84987615728 09/14/2016       24 Citations
  • Neoadjuvant treatment sequencing adds value to the care of patients with operable pancreatic cancer. (Asare EA, Evans DB, Erickson BA, Aburajab M, Tolat P, Tsai S) J Surg Oncol 2016 Sep;114(3):291-5 PMID: 27264017 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84983364793 06/07/2016       17 Citations
  • Survival of patients with resectable pancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy. (Christians KK, Heimler JW, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Johnston F, Tolat PP, Foley WD, Evans DB, Tsai S) Surgery 2016 Mar;159(3):893-900 PMID: 26602840 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84950987094 11/26/2015       104 Citations
  • Neoadjuvant therapy for localized pancreatic cancer: guiding principles. (Fathi A, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Tolat P, Johnston FM, Evans DB, Tsai S) J Gastrointest Oncol 2015 Aug;6(4):418-29 PMID: 26261728 PMCID: PMC4502155 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84995784225 08/12/2015       51 Citations
  • Pancreas transplant imaging: how I do it. (Tolat PP, Foley WD, Johnson C, Hohenwalter MD, Quiroz FA) Radiology 2015 Apr;275(1):14-27 PMID: 25799333 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84926429543 03/24/2015       39 Citations
  • Arterial resection at the time of pancreatectomy for cancer. (Christians KK, Pilgrim CH, Tsai S, Ritch P, George B, Erickson B, Tolat P, Evans DB) Surgery 2014 May;155(5):919-26 PMID: 24787115 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84899659181 05/03/2014       82 Citations
  • Optimal management of the splenic vein at the time of venous resection for pancreatic cancer: importance of the inferior mesenteric vein. (Pilgrim CH, Tsai S, Tolat P, Patel P, Rilling W, Evans DB, Christians KK) J Gastrointest Surg 2014 May;18(5):917-21 PMID: 24347313 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84900297449 12/19/2013       35 Citations
  • Clinical utility of flat inferior vena cava by axial tomography in severely injured elderly patients. (Milia DJ, Dua A, Paul JS, Tolat P, Brasel KJ) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013 Dec;75(6):1002-5; discussion 1005 PMID: 24256673 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84890103586 11/22/2013       15 Citations
  • Staging chest computed tomography and positron emission tomography in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma: utility or futility? (Pappas SG, Christians KK, Tolat PP, Mautz AP, Lal A, McElroy L, Gamblin TC, Turaga KK, Tsai S, Erickson B, Ritch P, Evans DB) HPB (Oxford) 2014 Jan;16(1):70-4 PMID: 23496023 PMCID: PMC3892317 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84890557827 03/19/2013       23 Citations
  • Current staging systems for pancreatic cancer. (Appel BL, Tolat P, Evans DB, Tsai S) Cancer J 2012;18(6):539-49 PMID: 23187840 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84871198714 11/29/2012       66 Citations
  • Critical steps for pancreaticoduodenectomy in the setting of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. (Christians KK, Tsai S, Tolat PP, Evans DB) J Surg Oncol 2013 Jan;107(1):33-8 PMID: 22711619 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84871286476 06/20/2012       38 Citations
  • Minimal aortic injury after blunt trauma: selective nonoperative management is safe. (Paul JS, Neideen T, Tutton S, Milia D, Tolat P, Foley D, Brasel K) J Trauma 2011 Dec;71(6):1519-23 PMID: 22182862 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84255170212 12/21/2011       49 Citations
  • Last update: 01/13/2025