Search results for 'otolaryngology'
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Kenneth Akakpo MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJessica M. Alles NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSarah U. Baquer APP Hybrid in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJoel H. Blumin MD Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJonathan Bock MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJennifer D. Bruening MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinBruce H. Campbell MD Emeritus Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinRobert H. Chun MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKatherine Damon APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKarl W. Doerfer MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKathleen N. Dreyer NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinLindsey Elmont Speech-Language Pathologist in the Otolaryngology department at Froedtert HospitalPelin Ergun PhD Postdoctoral Researcher in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinValerie A. Flanary MD Director, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinDavid R. Friedland MD Associate Director, Director, Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinHilary Gazeley Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael Gorelik MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinDaniel W. Hambrook MD Staff Physician in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael S. Harris MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSteven A. Harvey MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinYvonne Heller APP Hybrid in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinWenzhou Hong DVM, PhD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKathryn Hoppe MD Staff Physician in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJamie Jensen AuD Cochlear Implant Program Manager in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinNikki Johnston PhD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKristina L. Keppel NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKatie A. Kettells Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinHelen Kim NP APP Lead Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSarah Elizabeth Klajbor AuD Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKristin Kozlowski AuD Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of Wisconsin(We found 63 profiles using your search query. Showing the first 30. Scroll down for the full list.)Terms in Profiles
4 faculty with the term Otolaryngology in their profile.1 faculty with the term Neurotology in their profile.Free Text in Profiles
1 faculty with your search term in the Educational Expertise section of their profile.1 faculty with your search term in the Leadership Positions section of their profile.1 faculty with your search term in the MCW Program / Core Facilities section of their profile.1 faculty with your search term in the Research Experience section of their profile.Free Text in CVs
11 faculty with your search term in the Administrative Appointments section of their CV.23 faculty with your search term in the Awards and Honors section of their CV.42 faculty with your search term in the Bibliography section of their CV.12 faculty with your search term in the Committee Service section of their CV.14 faculty with your search term in the Editorships/Editorial Boards/Journal Reviews section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Education section of their CV.13 faculty with your search term in the Educational Administrative Appointments section of their CV.28 faculty with your search term in the Faculty Appointments section of their CV.4 faculty with your search term in the Hospital Staff Privileges section of their CV.10 faculty with your search term in the Hospital and Clinical Administrative Appointments section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the International Elected/Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.34 faculty with your search term in the Invited Lectures/Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.12 faculty with your search term in the Local/Regional Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.18 faculty with your search term in the Memberships in Honorary and Professional Societies section of their CV.16 faculty with your search term in the National Elected/Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.4 faculty with your search term in the Other section of their CV.20 faculty with your search term in the Peer Reviewed Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.21 faculty with your search term in the Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments section of their CV.4 faculty with your search term in the Programmatic Developments section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Research Administrative Appointments section of their CV.7 faculty with your search term in the Research Grants/Awards/Contracts/Projects section of their CV.16 faculty with your search term in the Specialty Boards and Certification section of their CV.2 faculty with your search term in the Students, Faculty, Residents, and Clinical/Research Fellows Mentored section of their CV.24 faculty with your search term in the Teaching Activities section of their CV.Publication Titles
22 faculty who authored publications which have your search term in the title.Publication Terms
25 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Otolaryngology.1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Neurotology.47 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Medicine.29 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Specialties, Surgical.Full List of Faculty
Kenneth Akakpo MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJessica M. Alles NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSarah U. Baquer APP Hybrid in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJoel H. Blumin MD Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJonathan Bock MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJennifer D. Bruening MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinBruce H. Campbell MD Emeritus Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinRobert H. Chun MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKatherine Damon APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKarl W. Doerfer MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKathleen N. Dreyer NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinLindsey Elmont Speech-Language Pathologist in the Otolaryngology department at Froedtert HospitalPelin Ergun PhD Postdoctoral Researcher in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinValerie A. Flanary MD Director, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinDavid R. Friedland MD Associate Director, Director, Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinHilary Gazeley Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael Gorelik MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinDaniel W. Hambrook MD Staff Physician in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael S. Harris MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSteven A. Harvey MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinYvonne Heller APP Hybrid in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinWenzhou Hong DVM, PhD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKathryn Hoppe MD Staff Physician in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJamie Jensen AuD Cochlear Implant Program Manager in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinNikki Johnston PhD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKristina L. Keppel NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKatie A. Kettells Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinHelen Kim NP APP Lead Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSarah Elizabeth Klajbor AuD Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKristin Kozlowski AuD Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinT Roxanne Link NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinChristopher M. Long MD Chief, Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinKristin Magner NP APP Hybrid in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMatthew Maksimoski MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinTimothy J. Martin MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinBecky Massey MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael E. McCormick MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinAlexander Michael MD Instructor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinLaurie Newton NP Assistant Professor Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinRebecca L. Ng MD, MPH Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinLauren North MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSachin S. Pawar MD Chief, Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinDavid M. Poetker MD Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinRyan V. Puccia MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJohn S. Rhee MD Chair, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinThomas C. Robey MD Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinAlexander A. Romashko MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMelissa Schmidt PAC APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinSophie G. Shay MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinApril A. Shera MD Staff Physician in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinAxel Shum MD Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinElizabeth A. Sisk MD Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichael Stadler MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinRachel L. Stephenson NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinCecille Sulman MD Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJennifer K. Thompson APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMichelle Trampe NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinMark Allen Vukovich NP APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinShannon Walsh Audiologist in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinB Tucker Woodson MD Chief, Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinChee Xiong APP Outpatient in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinJoseph Zenga MD Associate Professor in the Otolaryngology department at Medical College of WisconsinCaroline Ziegler BA,MS Speech-Language Pathologist in the Otolaryngology department at Froedtert Hospital