Medical College of Wisconsin
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T1-/T2-weighted ratio reveals no alterations to gray matter myelination in temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2023 Nov;10(11):2149-2154



Pubmed ID


Pubmed Central ID




Scopus ID

2-s2.0-85174616650 (requires institutional sign-in at Scopus site)


Short-range functional connectivity in the limbic network is increased in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and recent studies have shown that cortical myelin content correlates with fMRI connectivity. We thus hypothesized that myelin may increase progressively in the epileptic network. We compared T1w/T2w gray matter myelin maps between TLE patients and age-matched controls and assessed relationships between myelin and aging. While both TLE patients and healthy controls exhibited increased T1w/T2w intensity with age, we found no evidence for significant group-level aberrations in overall myelin content or myelin changes through time in TLE.

Author List

Denis C, Dabbs K, Nair VA, Mathis J, Almane DN, Lakshmanan A, Nencka A, Birn RM, Conant L, Humphries C, Felton E, Raghavan M, DeYoe EA, Binder JR, Hermann B, Prabhakaran V, Bendlin BB, Meyerand ME, Boly M, Struck AF


Jeffrey R. Binder MD Professor in the Neurology department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Andrew S. Nencka PhD Director, Associate Professor in the Radiology department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Manoj Raghavan MD, PhD Professor in the Neurology department at Medical College of Wisconsin

MESH terms used to index this publication - Major topics in bold

Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe
Gray Matter
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Myelin Sheath