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Publications indexed to the term Connective Tissue

2Stromal p53 Regulates Breast Cancer Development, the Immune Landscape, and Survival in an Oncogene-Specific Manner. (Wu J, Liu X, Reeser JAW, Trimboli AJ, Pécot T, Sizemore GM, Naidu SK, Fernandez SA, Yu L, Hallett M, Park M, Leone GW, Hildreth BE, Ostrowski MC) Mol Cancer Res 2022 Aug 05;20(8):1233-1246       5 Citations
1Sprayable and injectable visible-light Kappa-carrageenan hydrogel for in-situ soft tissue engineering. (Tavakoli S, Kharaziha M, Kermanpur A, Mokhtari H) Int J Biol Macromol 2019 Oct 01;138:590-601       72 Citations
1A Technique to Rapidly Generate Synthetic Computed Tomography for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Online Adaptive Replanning: An Exploratory Study. (Ahunbay EE, Thapa R, Chen X, Paulson E, Li XA) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2019 Apr 01;103(5):1261-1270       16 Citations
1Impact of computed tomography image quality on image-guided radiation therapy based on soft tissue registration. (Morrow NV, Lawton CA, Qi XS, Li XA) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012 Apr 01;82(5):e733-8       44 Citations
2Repeated exposure to severely limited sleep results in distinctive and persistent physiological imbalances in rats. (Everson CA, Szabo A) PLoS One 2011;6(8):e22987       46 Citations
1Differential impairment of vascularization and angiogenesis in bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw-related mucoperiosteal tissue. (Wehrhan F, Stockmann P, Nkenke E, Schlegel KA, Guentsch A, Wehrhan T, Neukam FW, Amann K) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011 Aug;112(2):216-21       49 Citations
1Theoretical and phantom based investigation of the impact of sound speed and backscatter variations on attenuation slope estimation. (Omari E, Lee H, Varghese T) Ultrasonics 2011 Aug;51(6):758-67       12 Citations
1Treatment of gingival recession. (Kassab MM, Badawi H, Dentino AR) Dent Clin North Am 2010 Jan;54(1):129-40       26 Citations
2Diabetes and rheumatic diseases. (Burner TW, Rosenthal AK) Curr Opin Rheumatol 2009 Jan;21(1):50-4       85 Citations
1The effect of EDTA in attachment gain and root coverage. (Kassab MM, Cohen RE, Andreana S, Dentino AR) Compend Contin Educ Dent 2006 Jun;27(6):353-60; quiz 361       17 Citations
1A comparison of simulator-tested and -retrieved cervical disc prostheses. Invited submission from the Joint Section Meeting on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, March 2004. (Anderson PA, Rouleau JP, Toth JM, Riew KD) J Neurosurg Spine 2004 Sep;1(2):202-10       59 Citations
1A 1-year study of osteoinduction in hydroxyapatite-derived biomaterials in an adult sheep model: part I. (Gosain AK, Song L, Riordan P, Amarante MT, Nagy PG, Wilson CR, Toth JM, Ricci JL) Plast Reconstr Surg 2002 Feb;109(2):619-30       155 Citations
2Subtenon's depot corticosteroid injections in patients with a history of corticosteroid-induced intraocular pressure elevation. (Levin DS, Han DP, Dev S, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, Connor TB, George V, Eastwood D) Am J Ophthalmol 2002 Feb;133(2):196-202       47 Citations
1Selective mitochondrial KATP channel opening controls human myocardial preconditioning: too much of a good thing? (Pomerantz BJ, Robinson TN, Heimbach JK, Calkins CM, Miller SA, Banerjee A, Harken AH) Surgery 2000 Aug;128(2):368-73       17 Citations
1In-flight and postflight changes in skeletal muscles of SLS-1 and SLS-2 spaceflown rats. (Riley DA, Ellis S, Slocum GR, Sedlak FR, Bain JL, Krippendorf BB, Lehman CT, Macias MY, Thompson JL, Vijayan K, De Bruin JA) J Appl Physiol (1985) 1996 Jul;81(1):133-44       82 Citations
1Benign rheumatoid nodules in a woman with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and borderline lepromatous leprosy. (Cohen PR, Kurzrock R) Ann Rheum Dis 1993 Sep;52(9):685-8       8 Citations
1Expression of murine renin genes in subcutaneous connective tissue. (Sigmund CD, Jones CA, Mullins JJ, Kim U, Gross KW) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990 Oct;87(20):7993-7       26 Citations