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Publications indexed to the term Papaverine

1Papaverine and its derivatives radiosensitize solid tumors by inhibiting mitochondrial metabolism. (Benej M, Hong X, Vibhute S, Scott S, Wu J, Graves E, Le QT, Koong AC, Giaccia AJ, Yu B, Chen CS, Papandreou I, Denko NC) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Oct 16;115(42):10756-10761       128 Citations
1PEGylated-nanoliposomal clusterin for amyloidogenic light chain-induced endothelial dysfunction. (Guzman-Villanueva D, Migrino RQ, Truran S, Karamanova N, Franco DA, Burciu C, Senapati S, Nedelkov D, Hari P, Weissig V) J Liposome Res 2018 Jun;28(2):97-105       4 Citations
1Monosialoganglioside-Containing Nanoliposomes Restore Endothelial Function Impaired by AL Amyloidosis Light Chain Proteins. (Franco DA, Truran S, Weissig V, Guzman-Villanueva D, Karamanova N, Senapati S, Burciu C, Ramirez-Alvarado M, Blancas-Mejia LM, Lindsay S, Hari P, Migrino RQ) J Am Heart Assoc 2016 Jun 13;5(6)       9 Citations
1Arteriolar function in visceral adipose tissue is impaired in human obesity. (Farb MG, Ganley-Leal L, Mott M, Liang Y, Ercan B, Widlansky ME, Bigornia SJ, Fiscale AJ, Apovian CM, Carmine B, Hess DT, Vita JA, Gokce N) Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012 Feb;32(2):467-73       80 Citations
1Noninvasive assessment of vascular structure and function in conscious rats based on in vivo imaging of the albino iris. (Stauss HM, Rarick KR, Leick KM, Burkle JW, Rotella DL, Anderson MG) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2011 Jun;300(6):R1333-43       5 Citations
1Angiotensin II-induced vascular dysfunction is mediated by the AT1A receptor in mice. (Ryan MJ, Didion SP, Mathur S, Faraci FM, Sigmund CD) Hypertension 2004 May;43(5):1074-9       74 Citations
1Superoxide contributes to vascular dysfunction in mice that express human renin and angiotensinogen. (Didion SP, Ryan MJ, Baumbach GL, Sigmund CD, Faraci FM) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2002 Oct;283(4):H1569-76       60 Citations
1The effect of topical vasodilating agents on microvascular vessel diameter in the rat model. (Kerschner JE, Futran ND) Laryngoscope 1996 Nov;106(11):1429-33       31 Citations
1Sustained release of papaverine for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm: in vitro evaluation of release kinetics and biological activity. (Heffez DS, Leong KW) J Neurosurg 1992 Nov;77(5):783-7       15 Citations
1An angiographic method for in vivo study of arteries of the circle of Willis in small animals. (Harder DR, Schulte ML, Clough AV, Dawson CA) Am J Physiol 1992 Nov;263(5 Pt 2):H1616-22       9 Citations
1Color Doppler sonography in the evaluation of erectile dysfunction: patterns of temporal response to papaverine. (Fitzgerald SW, Erickson SJ, Foley WD, Lipchik EO, Lawson TL) AJR Am J Roentgenol 1991 Aug;157(2):331-6       46 Citations