Cheryl A. Maurana PhD

Leadership Positions
Interim Provost
Stephen & Shelagh Roell Endowed Chair
Professor, Bioethics & Medical Humanities
Founding Dir., Kern National Network
Sr VP, Strategic Academic PartnershipsPublications (53)
Advancing flourishing as the north star of medical education: A call for personal and professional development as key to becoming physicians. (Maurana CA, Fritz JD, Witten AA, Williams SE, Ellefson KA) Med Teach 2024 Dec;46(12):1539-1543 PMID: 39481004 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85209061042 11/03/2024 3 CitationsWe Need to Talk: Advancing Open Inquiry. (Cassel CK, Maurana CA) Acad Med 2024 Mar 01;99(3):251-254 PMID: 38011038 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85186503079 11/27/2023 2 CitationsLeading With Shared Values: Developing a Charter of Principles for Philanthropic Partnerships (Maurana CA, Raymond JR, Stawski C, Kerschner JE, Rahn JC) Foundation Review 2023;15(4):40-49 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85190375640 01/01/2023 In Reply to Marshall. (Maurana CA, Raymond JR Sr, Kerschner JE, Ellinas EH) Acad Med 2022 Jul 01;97(7):938 PMID: 35767397 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85133214241 06/30/2022 Advancing Salary Equity in Schools of Medicine in the United States. (Travis EL, Ellinas EH, Maurana CA, Kerschner JE) Acad Med 2023 Jan 01;98(1):12-16 PMID: 35675150 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85145022807 06/09/2022 6 CitationsThe IWill MCW Campaign: Individual Actions to Advance Gender Equity. (Maurana CA, Raymond JR Sr, Kerschner JE, Ellinas EH) Acad Med 2021 Jun 01;96(6):817-821 PMID: 33637663 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85107012613 02/28/2021 6 CitationsCommunity and Research Perspectives on Cancer Disparities in Wisconsin. (Olson J, Cawthra T, Beyer K, Frazer D, Ignace L, Maurana C, Millon-Underwood S, Pinsoneault L, Salazar J, Walker A, Williams C, Stolley M) Prev Chronic Dis 2020 Oct 08;17:E122 PMID: 33034557 PMCID: PMC7553208 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85092803110 10/10/2020 5 CitationsTurning Changemaking Inward: How One Health Philanthropy Transformed Its Gr ansformed Its Grantmaking Appr antmaking Approach to Drive Deeper Impact e Deeper Impact (Ellis C, Pinsoneault L, Deering S, Ehrenfeld J, Fabian E, Maurana C) Foundation Review 2020;12(2):27-37 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85117885102 01/01/2020 More than a Conversation: the Power of Bringing Scientists and the Community Together to Change Perceptions About Cancer. (Olson J, Svoboda-Newman S, Gardner-Volle K, McNally M, Fabian E, Maurana C) J Cancer Educ 2019 Jun;34(3):571-576 PMID: 29508231 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85045135507 03/07/2018 1 CitationExpanding the Health-care Pipeline through Innovation: The MCW model. (Raymond JR Sr, Maurana CA PhD, Kerschner JE) Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc 2017;128:90-107 PMID: 28790490 PMCID: PMC5525389 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85046879489 08/10/2017 2 CitationsScience of health care delivery as a first step to advance undergraduate medical education: A multi-institutional collaboration. (Starr SR, Reed DA, Essary A, Hueston W, Johnson CD, Landman N, Meurer J, Miller B, Ogrinc G, Petty EM, Raymond J, Riley W, Gabriel S, Maurana C) Healthc (Amst) 2017 Sep;5(3):98-104 PMID: 28342917 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85016087285 03/28/2017 13 CitationsOpening the Black Box: Conceptualizing Community Engagement From 109 Community-Academic Partnership Programs. (Ahmed SM, Maurana C, Nelson D, Meister T, Young SN, Lucey P) Prog Community Health Partnersh 2016;10(1):51-61 PMID: 27018354 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84961675249 03/29/2016 25 CitationsOpening the black box: Conceptualizing community engagement from 109 community–academic partnership programs (Ahmed SM, Maurana C, Nelson D, Meister T, Young SN, Lucey P) Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action Spring 2016;10(1):7-8 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84961657912 03/01/2016 4 CitationsThe Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment: How a Health Care Conversion Foundation Is Transforming a Medical School. (Maurana CA, Lucey PA, Ahmed SM, Kerschner JE, Bolton GA Jr, Raymond JR Sr) Acad Med 2016 Jan;91(1):42-7 PMID: 26445084 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84952975667 10/08/2015 3 CitationsThe Merits and Challenges of Three-Year Medical School Curricula: Time for an Evidence-Based Discussion. (Raymond JR Sr, Kerschner JE, Hueston WJ, Maurana CA) Acad Med 2015 Oct;90(10):1318-23 PMID: 26266464 PMCID: PMC4585483 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84957577972 08/13/2015 46 CitationsA Social Network Analysis of 140 Community-Academic Partnerships for Health: Examining the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program. (Franco ZE, Ahmed SM, Maurana CA, DeFino MC, Brewer DD) Clin Transl Sci 2015 Aug;8(4):311-9 PMID: 25974413 PMCID: PMC4977991 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84940452748 05/15/2015 10 CitationsEndowment transitions from grantmaker to changemaker. (Maurana CA, Kerschner JE) WMJ 2014 Jun;113(3):122-3 PMID: 25118442 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84903272180 08/15/2014 Endowment Transitions from Grantmaker to Changemaker (Maurana C and Kerschner J) The Wisconsin Medical Journal 06/01/2014 Development underway for new community medical education campuses. (Raymond JR Sr, Maurana CA, Kerschner JE) WMJ 2012 Oct;111(5):240-1 PMID: 23189459 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84868384430 11/30/2012 A model to translate evidence-based interventions into community practice. (Layde PM, Christiansen AL, Peterson DJ, Guse CE, Maurana CA, Brandenburg T) Am J Public Health 2012 Apr;102(4):617-24 PMID: 22397341 PMCID: PMC3489378 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84859064784 03/09/2012 27 CitationsPartnerships to address social determinants of health. (Lucey P, Maurana CA) Nurs Econ 2007;25(3):179-82 PMID: 17803004 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-34447102684 09/07/2007 4 CitationsOvercoming barriers to effective community-based participatory research in US medical schools. (Ahmed SM, Beck B, Maurana CA, Newton G) Educ Health (Abingdon) 2004 Jul;17(2):141-51 PMID: 15763757 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-4043164181 03/15/2005 111 CitationsThe Milwaukee General Assistance Medical Program: patient perspectives on primary care in an urban safety net. (Young S, Wolff M, Lucey P, Maurana CA) WMJ 2004;103(7):56-60 PMID: 15696835 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-14544274224 02/09/2005 Leadership in a public housing community. (Wolff M, Young S, Beck B, Maurana CA, Murphy M, Holifield J, Aitch C) J Health Commun 2004;9(2):119-26 PMID: 15204823 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-1942535856 06/19/2004 11 CitationsWorking with our communities: moving from service to scholarship in the health professions. (Maurana CA, Wolff M, Beck BJ, Simpson DE, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health) Educ Health (Abingdon) 2001;14(2):207-20 PMID: 14742019 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034840744 01/27/2004 19 CitationsService-learning in healthy aging for medical students and family medicine residents. (Young S, Bates T, Wolff M, Maurana CA) Educ Health (Abingdon) 2002;15(3):353-61 PMID: 14741943 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-18744399256 01/27/2004 7 CitationsCancer prevention in underserved African American communities: barriers and effective strategies--a review of the literature. (Wolff M, Bates T, Beck B, Young S, Ahmed SM, Maurana C) WMJ 2003;102(5):36-40 PMID: 14621929 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0142058269 11/19/2003 82 CitationsPatient empowerment strategies for a safety net. (Wolff M, Spens R, Young S, Lucey P, Cooper J, Ahmed S, Maurana C) Nurs Econ 2003;21(5):219-25, 207 PMID: 14618971 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0642336123 11/19/2003 4 CitationsLessons learned: developing a volunteer health care program for the underserved. (Ahmed SM, Maurana CA, Wymyslo TE) J Health Care Poor Underserved 2002 May;13(2):164-70 PMID: 12017907 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0036580714 05/23/2002 5 CitationsInvolvement of family and community medicine professionals in community projects. (Beck B, Wolff M, Guse CE, Maurana CA) J Fam Pract 2002 Apr;51(4):369 PMID: 11978261 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0036550701 04/30/2002 4 CitationsForces affecting community involvement of AHCs: perspectives of institutional and faculty leaders. (Calleson DC, Seifer SD, Maurana C) Acad Med 2002 Jan;77(1):72-81 PMID: 11788329 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0036137913 01/15/2002 26 CitationsA senior elective: promoting health in underserved communities. (Wolff M, Young S, Maurana C) Fam Med 2001;33(10):732-3 PMID: 11730286 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0035169463 12/04/2001 7 CitationsCommunity advocates in public housing. (Wolff M, Young S, Maurana CA) Am J Public Health 2001 Dec;91(12):1972-3 PMID: 11726377 PMCID: PMC1446916 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0035198208 12/01/2001 4 CitationsThe Health Action Fund: a community-based approach to enhancing health. (Maurana CA, Clark MA) J Health Commun 2000;5(3):243-54 PMID: 11185024 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034222383 02/24/2001 6 CitationsMoving from medical student placement to a community-academic partnership with a rural community. (Maurana CA, Beck B, Beversdorf SJ, Newton GL) J Rural Health 2000;16(4):371-9 PMID: 11218323 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034467444 02/24/2001 7 CitationsBuilding effective community-academic partnerships to improve health: a qualitative study of perspectives from communities. (Wolff M, Maurana CA) Acad Med 2001 Feb;76(2):166-72 PMID: 11158838 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0035121665 02/13/2001 77 CitationsBuilding effective partnerships with Wisconsin communities. (Maurana CA) WMJ 2000;99(1):31-2 PMID: 10752380 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034117520 02/07/2001 3 CitationsErratum: Building effective community-academic partnerships to improve health: A qualitative study of perspective from communities (Academic Medicine (2001) 76 (166-172)) (Wolf M, Maurana CA) Academic Medicine 2001;76(12):1231 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0035702514 01/01/2001 1 CitationErratum: Facilitators of and barriers to academic health center-community involvement: Perspectives of institutional and faculty leaders (Academic Medicine (2002) 77)) (Calleson DC, Seifer SD, Maurana C) Academic Medicine 2001;76(12):1231 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0035702440 01/01/2001 Medical students as ambassadors to Wisconsin communities. (Maurana CA, Young SA, Basarich JR) Acad Med 2000 May;75(5):534 PMID: 10824811 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034184110 05/29/2000 Reaching out to the underserved: a successful volunteer program. (Ahmed SM, Maurana CA) Am J Public Health 2000 Mar;90(3):439-40 PMID: 10705868 PMCID: PMC1446182 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0034054594 03/08/2000 10 CitationsForeword (Maurana CA, Seifer SD) Family and Community Health April 2000;23(1):vii-ix SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85026133077 01/01/2000 Strategies for developing a successful community health advocate program (Maurana CA, Rodney MM) Family and Community Health April 2000;23(1):40-49 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0000144997 01/01/2000 10 CitationsReaching out to the underserved: a collaborative partnership to provide health care. (Ahmed SM, Maurana CA) J Health Care Poor Underserved 1999 May;10(2):157-68 PMID: 10224822 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0033129071 05/04/1999 10 CitationsDeveloping a community-academic health center: Strategies and lessons learned (Langley AE, Maurana CA, Le Roy GL, Ahmed SM, Harmon CM) Journal of Interprofessional Care 1998;12(3):273-277 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031690259 01/01/1998 4 CitationsHealth professions education, civic responsibility and the overall health of communities: Realizing the promise of community-campus partnerships (Seifer SD, Maurana CA) Journal of Interprofessional Care 1998;12(3):253-256 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031687719 01/01/1998 11 CitationsHow a community-academic partnership serves as a force for change in health care and health professions education. (Maurana CA, Goldenberg K, Swart JC, Glaus KD, Goldman G, Langley AE) J Health Care Poor Underserved 1997 Feb;8(1):5-17 PMID: 9019022 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031066625 02/01/1997 3 CitationsA method for assigning authorship in multiauthored publications. (Ahmed SM, Maurana CA, Engle JA, Uddin DE, Glaus KD) Fam Med 1997 Jan;29(1):42-4 PMID: 9007560 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031016726 01/01/1997 38 CitationsA successful academic-community partnership to improve the public's health. (Maurana CA, Goldenberg K) Acad Med 1996 May;71(5):425-31 PMID: 9114857 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0029976909 05/01/1996 47 CitationsAdolescent health care: perceptions and needs of the practicing physician. (Orr DP, Weiser SP, Dian DA, Maurana CA) J Adolesc Health Care 1987 May;8(3):239-45 PMID: 3583874 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0023179736 05/01/1987 26 CitationsPeer review in health services research: issues and problems. (Eichhorn RL, Maurana CA) Health Serv Res 1981;16(3):267-75 PMID: 7298338 PMCID: PMC1072244 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0019839836 01/01/1981 1 CitationHealth care resources and the use of needed physician services: Final report and executive summary (Maurana CA, Eichhorn RL, Whitson WI) 1979 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85040277178 01/01/1979 An analysis of missing data in household health surveys (Maurana CA) Abstracts of Hospital Management Studies 1978;14(3) SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-17544386877 01/01/1978 Last update: 01/15/2025