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Publications indexed to the term Granulocytes

1World human neutrophil antigens investigation survey. (Bayat B, Lowack J, Audrain M, Croisille L, Curtis B, Dangerfield R, Esmaeili B, Grabowski C, Keller M, Kim H, Kroll H, Kvanka MM, Kwok J, Moritz E, Nathalang O, Nelson D, Nielsen KR, Pahn G, Poles A, Porcelijn L, Sachs UJ, Schönbacher M, Körmöczi GF, Kupatawintu P, Takahashi D, Uhrynowska M, Flesch B, Fung YL) Vox Sang 2023 Sep;118(9):763-774       1 Citation
1B cells suppress medullary granulopoiesis by an extracellular glycosylation-dependent mechanism. (Irons EE, Lee-Sundlov MM, Zhu Y, Neelamegham S, Hoffmeister KM, Lau JT) Elife 2019 Aug 13;8       22 Citations
1TP53 Haploinsufficiency Rescues Emergency Granulopoiesis in FANCC-/- Mice. (Hu L, Huang W, Bei L, Broglie L, Eklund EA) J Immunol 2018 Mar 15;200(6):2129-2139       6 Citations
1Stat3 and CCAAT enhancer-binding protein β (C/ebpβ) activate Fanconi C gene transcription during emergency granulopoiesis. (Shah CA, Broglie L, Hu L, Bei L, Huang W, Dressler DB, Eklund EA) J Biol Chem 2018 Mar 16;293(11):3937-3948       8 Citations
3Successful Treatment of Invasive Conidiobolus Infection During Therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. (Erker C, Huppler AR, Walsh TJ, McCormick ME, Suchi M, Bhatt NS, Kehl SC, Southwood J, Harker-Murray P) J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2018 Oct;40(7):e446-e449       8 Citations
1Tempering the Clinical Effects of Early Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cell Expansion in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. (Patel JJ, Rosenthal MD, McClave SA, Martindale RG) Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018 Mar 01;197(5):677-678       8 Citations
1Granulocyte transfusions in fulminant invasive fungal sinusitis. (Carter KB Jr, Loehrl TA, Poetker DM) Am J Otolaryngol 2012;33(6):663-6       3 Citations
2Immunophenotypic signatures of benign and dysplastic granulopoiesis by cytomic profiling. (Finn WG, Harrington AM, Carter KM, Raich R, Kroft SH, Hero AO 3rd) Cytometry B Clin Cytom 2011 Sep;80(5):282-90       9 Citations
1C/EBPα regulated microRNA-34a targets E2F3 during granulopoiesis and is down-regulated in AML with CEBPA mutations. (Pulikkan JA, Peramangalam PS, Dengler V, Ho PA, Preudhomme C, Meshinchi S, Christopeit M, Nibourel O, Müller-Tidow C, Bohlander SK, Tenen DG, Behre G) Blood 2010 Dec 16;116(25):5638-49       124 Citations
1Elevated PIN1 expression by C/EBPalpha-p30 blocks C/EBPalpha-induced granulocytic differentiation through c-Jun in AML. (Pulikkan JA, Dengler V, Peer Zada AA, Kawasaki A, Geletu M, Pasalic Z, Bohlander SK, Ryo A, Tenen DG, Behre G) Leukemia 2010 May;24(5):914-23       47 Citations
1C-C chemokine receptor 1 expression in human hematolymphoid neoplasia. (Anderson MW, Zhao S, Ai WZ, Tibshirani R, Levy R, Lossos IS, Natkunam Y) Am J Clin Pathol 2010 Mar;133(3):473-83       25 Citations
1Hexaminolevulinate-mediated photodynamic purging of leukemia cells from BM. (Čunderlíková B, Vasovič V, Sieber F, Furre T, Nesland JM, Peng Q) Bone Marrow Transplant 2010 Oct;45(10):1553-61       5 Citations
1Cell-cycle regulator E2F1 and microRNA-223 comprise an autoregulatory negative feedback loop in acute myeloid leukemia. (Pulikkan JA, Dengler V, Peramangalam PS, Peer Zada AA, Müller-Tidow C, Bohlander SK, Tenen DG, Behre G) Blood 2010 Mar 04;115(9):1768-78       257 Citations
1Target proteins of C/EBPalphap30 in AML: C/EBPalphap30 enhances sumoylation of C/EBPalphap42 via up-regulation of Ubc9. (Geletu M, Balkhi MY, Peer Zada AA, Christopeit M, Pulikkan JA, Trivedi AK, Tenen DG, Behre G) Blood 2007 Nov 01;110(9):3301-9       66 Citations
1Cellular immune response to an engineered cell-based tumor vaccine at the vaccination site. (Zhou Q, Johnson BD, Orentas RJ) Cell Immunol 2007 Feb;245(2):91-102       6 Citations
1Epstein-Barr virus in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a pilot study. (Tsimberidou AM, Keating MJ, Bueso-Ramos CE, Kurzrock R) Leuk Lymphoma 2006 May;47(5):827-36       39 Citations
1Granulocyte transfusion. (Atallah E, Schiffer CA) Curr Opin Hematol 2006 Jan;13(1):45-9       39 Citations
1Low blast count myeloid disorders with Auer rods: a clinicopathologic analysis of 9 cases. (Willis MS, McKenna RW, Peterson LC, Coad JE, Kroft SH) Am J Clin Pathol 2005 Aug;124(2):191-8       16 Citations
1Recurrent retroviral vector integration at the Mds1/Evi1 locus in nonhuman primate hematopoietic cells. (Calmels B, Ferguson C, Laukkanen MO, Adler R, Faulhaber M, Kim HJ, Sellers S, Hematti P, Schmidt M, von Kalle C, Akagi K, Donahue RE, Dunbar CE) Blood 2005 Oct 01;106(7):2530-3       136 Citations
1Emergent autoimmunity in graft-versus-host disease. (Tivol E, Komorowski R, Drobyski WR) Blood 2005 Jun 15;105(12):4885-91       109 Citations
1Comparison of retroviral transduction efficiency in CD34+ cells derived from bone marrow versus G-CSF-mobilized or G-CSF plus stem cell factor-mobilized peripheral blood in nonhuman primates. (Hematti P, Tuchman S, Larochelle A, Metzger ME, Donahue RE, Tisdale JF) Stem Cells 2004;22(6):1062-9       18 Citations
1The impact of low-dose busulfan on clonal dynamics in nonhuman primates. (Kuramoto K, Follman D, Hematti P, Sellers S, Laukkanen MO, Seggewiss R, Metzger ME, Krouse A, Donahue RE, von Kalle C, Dunbar CE) Blood 2004 Sep 01;104(5):1273-80       34 Citations
1Effect of chronic cytokine therapy on clonal dynamics in nonhuman primates. (Kuramoto K, Follmann DA, Hematti P, Sellers S, Agricola BA, Metzger ME, Donahue RE, von Kalle C, Dunbar CE) Blood 2004 Jun 01;103(11):4070-7       14 Citations
1TRALI due to granulocyte-agglutinating human neutrophil antigen-3a (5b) alloantibodies in donor plasma: a report of 2 fatalities. (Davoren A, Curtis BR, Shulman IA, Mohrbacher AF, Bux J, Kwiatkowska BJ, McFarland JG, Aster RH) Transfusion 2003 May;43(5):641-5       150 Citations
1A model to study antioxidant regulation of endotoxemia-modulated neonatal granulopoiesis and granulocyte apoptosis. (Yang KD, Chen MZ, Teng RJ, Yang MY, Liu HC, Chen RF, Hsu TY, Shaio MF) Pediatr Res 2000 Dec;48(6):829-34       16 Citations
1MDS1/EVI1 enhances TGF-beta1 signaling and strengthens its growth-inhibitory effect but the leukemia-associated fusion protein AML1/MDS1/EVI1, product of the t(3;21), abrogates growth-inhibition in response to TGF-beta1. (Sood R, Talwar-Trikha A, Chakrabarti SR, Nucifora G) Leukemia 1999 Mar;13(3):348-57       108 Citations
1Thrombopoietin stimulates myelodysplastic syndrome granulocyte-macrophage and erythroid progenitor proliferation. (Ferrajoli A, Talpaz M, Kurzrock R, Harris D, Van Q, Estey EH, Estrov Z) Leuk Lymphoma 1998 Jul;30(3-4):279-92       8 Citations
1Induction of porcine granulocyte-mediated tumor cytotoxicity by two distinct monoclonal antibodies against lytic trigger molecules (PNK-E/G7). (Wierda WG, Johnson BD, Dato ME, Kim YB) J Immunol 1993 Dec 15;151(12):7117-27       16 Citations
1Cell adherence to microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus: a comparative study. (Williams JF, Ghalib HW, Mackenzie CD, Elkhalifa MY, Ayuya JM, Kron MA) Ciba Found Symp 1987;127:146-63       15 Citations
1Development of a simplified counterflow centrifugation elutriation procedure for depletion of lymphocytes from human bone marrow. (Noga SJ, Donnenberg AD, Schwartz CL, Strauss LC, Civin CI, Santos GW) Transplantation 1986 Feb;41(2):220-9       36 Citations
1Vitamin E attenuates the effects of FMLP on rabbit circulating granulocytes. (Lafuze JE, Weisman SJ, Alpert LA, Baehner RL) Pediatr Res 1984 Jun;18(6):536-40       9 Citations
1Susceptibility to merocyanine 540-mediated photosensitization: a differentiation marker on murine hematopoietic progenitor cells. (Meagher RC, Sieber F, Spivak JL) J Cell Physiol 1983 Jul;116(1):118-24       51 Citations
1Suppression of hematopoietic-progenitor-cell proliferation by ethanol and acetaldehyde. (Meagher RC, Sieber F, Spivak JL) N Engl J Med 1982 Sep 30;307(14):845-9       82 Citations
1Susceptibility to merocyanine 540-mediated photosensitization as a differentiation marker in murine hematopoietic stem cells. (Sieber F, Meagher RC, Spivak JL) Prog Clin Biol Res 1982;85 Pt B:135-44