Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty who have authored publications indexed to the term Rats, Long-Evans

Matthew Budde PhDAssociate ProfessorNeurosurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Allen W. Cowley Jr PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Carley Davis MDProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Janis Eells PhDProfessorBiomedical SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Eva M. Fekete PhDResearch Scientist IPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Karyn Frick BA,MA,PhD ProfessorPsychologyUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Constanza Garcia Keller PhDAssistant ProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Nakia Gordon BS,MA,PhDAssistant ProfessorPsychologyMarquette University
Keri Hainsworth PhDDirector, Associate ProfessorAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Fred Helmstetter PhDProfessorPsychology / NeuroscienceUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Cecilia J. Hillard PhDAssociate Dean, Center Director, ProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Reinhold J. HutzBiological SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Tammy Lyn Kindel MD, PhDAssociate ProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Juna A. Lee ODAssistant ProfessorOphthalmology and Visual SciencesMedical College of Wisconsin
Bidyut K. Medda PhDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Adrian Miranda MDAdjunct ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Hershel Raff PhDProfessorAcademic AffairsMedical College of Wisconsin
Reza Shaker MDAssoc Provost, Sr Assoc Dean, Ctr Dir, Chief, ProfMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Axel Shum MDAssistant ProfessorOtolaryngologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Pippa M. Simpson PhDAdjunct ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Jennifer J. Tuscher PhDAssistant ProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Jordan J. Williams MD, PhDAssistant ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringMarquette University