Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty who have authored publications indexed to the term Citric Acid Cycle

Kwang Woo Ahn PhDDirector, ProfessorData Science InstituteMedical College of Wisconsin
Gang Cheng PhDAssistant ProfessorBiophysicsMedical College of Wisconsin
Allen W. Cowley Jr PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Ranjan K. Dash PhDProfessorBiomedical EngineeringMedical College of Wisconsin
Lezi E PhDAssistant ProfessorCell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyMedical College of Wisconsin
Hubert V. Forster PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Micael Joel Hardy PhDVisiting Assistant ProfessorBiophysicsMedical College of Wisconsin
Neil Hogg PhDAssociate Dean, ProfessorBiophysicsMedical College of Wisconsin
Balaraman Kalyanaraman PhDProfessorBiophysicsMedical College of Wisconsin
John Kirby PhDChair, Center Associate Director, ProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Purushottam W. Laud PhDAdjunct ProfessorData Science InstituteMedical College of Wisconsin
Sunila Pradeep PhDAssociate ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Scott Terhune PhDProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Test W. Usertest user titleAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Xue-Zhong Yu MDProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin