Medical College of Wisconsin
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Search results for 'DNA-Binding Proteins'

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Terms in Profiles

  • 1 faculty with the term DNA-Binding Proteins in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Liver X Receptors in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-fos in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Heterogeneous-Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Group A-B in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Interferon Regulatory Factor-1 in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1 in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-alpha in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-beta in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Kruppel-Like Transcription Factors in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins in their profile.
  • 3 faculty with the term Proteins in their profile.
  • Free Text in CVs

  • 1 faculty with your search term in the Bibliography section of their CV.
  • Publication Titles

  • 1 faculty who authored publications which have your search term in the title.
  • Publication Terms

  • 157 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term DNA-Binding Proteins.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term MutL Proteins.
  • 6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term MutL Protein Homolog 1.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Mismatch Repair Endonuclease PMS2.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Transcriptional Regulator ERG.
  • 4 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Nanog Homeobox Protein.
  • 8 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver X Receptors.
  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Zinc Finger Protein GLI1.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Regulatory Factor X Transcription Factors.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term X-Box Binding Protein 1.
  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term SMARCB1 Protein.
  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term PAX6 Transcription Factor.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Tumor Suppressor p53-Binding Protein 1.
  • 8 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term NF-KappaB Inhibitor alpha.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term PAX3 Transcription Factor.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Transcription Factor HES-1.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Tumor Protein p73.
  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Ku Autoantigen.
  • 6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Homeobox Protein Nkx-2.5.
  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term PAX8 Transcription Factor.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term T-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Protein 1.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term MDS1 and EVI1 Complex Locus Protein.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term MutS Homolog 3 Protein.
  • 4 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Zinc Finger Protein Gli3.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Positive Regulatory Domain I-Binding Factor 1.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Thyroid Nuclear Factor 1.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Myeloid Ecotropic Viral Integration Site 1 Protein.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Elongin.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Protein.