Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty with Family Practice in the Invited Lectures/Workshops/Presentations section of their CV

Gary P. Barnas MDCVAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Diane S. Book MDCVProfessorNeurologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Diane W. Braza MDCVProfessorPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationMedical College of Wisconsin
Carlyle H. Chan MDCVProfessorPsychiatry and Behavioral MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Evelyn C.Y. Chan MD, MSCVAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Asriani M. Chiu MDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Deborah M. Costakos MDCVChair, ProfessorOphthalmology and Visual SciencesMedical College of Wisconsin
Mary Ellen Csuka MDCVProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Aaron Dall MDCVAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Sabina Diehr MDCVProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Raymond T. Fedderly MDCVAssociate ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Shayne Fehr MDCVAssociate ProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Jose Franco MDCVSr Associate Dean, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Michael O. Frank MDCVChief, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Kimberly Gecsi MDCVChief Medical Officer, Vice Chair, ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Salil Ginde MD, MPHCVAssociate ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Jon Gould MDCVChief, ProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Travis Groth MDCVAssociate ProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Michael Guralnick MDCVProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Stephen W. Hargarten MD, MPHCVProfessorEmergency MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Kelly J. Henrickson MDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert A. Hieb MD, RVT, FSIRCVProfessorRadiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Kristen E. Holland MDCVAssociate ProfessorDermatologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Octavian C. Ioachimescu MD, PhDCVVice Chair, Director, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Paul Knudson MDCVAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Michael Kron MDCVDirector, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Beth M. Lalande MDCVAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Peter Langenstroer MDCVProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Paul Lemen MDCVProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
David S. Marks MDCVVice Chair, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Marlene D. Melzer-Lange MDCVAdjunct ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
John R. Meurer MD, MBACVProfessorInstitute for Health and EquityMedical College of Wisconsin
Linda N. Meurer MD, MPHCVProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Raj Narayan MDCVAssociate Dean, ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Joan Neuner MD, MPHCVProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert Corey O'Connor MDCVProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Andrew Petroll MDCVProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Julie W. Raaum DNPCVInterim Chief, Assistant ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Philip N. Redlich MD, PhDCVProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Jay I. Sandlow MDCVChair, ProfessorUrologic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Kenneth G. Schellhase MD, MPHCVAdjunct ProfessorFamily MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Reza Shaker MDCVAssoc Provost, Sr Assoc Dean, Ctr Dir, Chief, ProfMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Joshua A. Steinberg MDCVAssociate ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Cecille Sulman MDCVChief, ProfessorOtolaryngologyMedical College of Wisconsin
John G. Thometz MDCVProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Steven J. Weisman MDCVProfessorAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Craig C. Young MDCVProfessorOrthopaedic SurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin