Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty with PI3K in the title of one or more publications

Musaddiq J. Awan MDAssociate ProfessorRadiation OncologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Kathleen M. Bone PhDAssociate ProfessorPathologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Sri Rahavi Boovarahan PhDPostdoctoral ResearcherBiomedical EngineeringMedical College of Wisconsin
William H. Bradley MDProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Pradeep Chaluvally-Raghavan PhDAssociate ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Shyam S. Chaurasia PhDAssociate ProfessorOphthalmology and Visual SciencesMedical College of Wisconsin
Navonil De Sarkar PhDAssistant ProfessorPathologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Sumana Devata MDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Dana R. DiTorriceAPP HybridNeurologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Anjali Geethadevi PHDResearch Scientist IObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Parameswaran Hari MDAdjunct ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Peiman Hematti MDProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Heather A. Himburg PhDAssociate ProfessorRadiation OncologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Elizabeth E. Hopp MDAssistant ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Siegfried Janz MDProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Victor X. Jin PhDProfessorData Science InstituteMedical College of Wisconsin
Bryon D. Johnson PhDAdjunct ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Christopher P. Johnson MDProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Tyce J. Kearl MD, PhDAssistant ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Razelle Kurzrock MDCenter Associate Director, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Wai-Meng Kwok PhDProfessorAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Gustavo Leone PhDSr Associate Dean, Director, ProfessorPathologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Subramaniam Malarkannan PhDProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Angela Mathison PhDAssistant ProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Lindsey A. McAlarnen MDGynecology Oncology FellowObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Laura Michaelis MDChief, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Todd W. Miller PhDProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Debra K. Newman PhDInvestigatorBlood Research InstituteBloodCenter of Wisconsin
Debra K. Newman PhDProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Deepak Parashar PhDAssistant ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Aravind ParthasarathyPostdoctoral Researcher 2MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Sunila Pradeep PhDAssociate ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
John A. Pulikkan PhDAssistant ProfessorCell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyMedical College of Wisconsin
Janet Sue Rader MDChair, ProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Sabarinath Venniyil Radhakrishnan MDAssistant ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Allison S. Remiker MDAssistant ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Nirav N. Shah MDAssociate ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Reza Shaker MDAssoc Provost, Sr Assoc Dean, Ctr Dir, Chief, ProfMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Yuri M. Sheinin MD, PhDAssociate ProfessorPathologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Curt Sigmund PhDChair, ProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Nathan A. Truchan PhDResearch Scientist IPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Denise S. Uyar MDProfessorObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Demin Wang PhDProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Joseph Zenga MDAssociate ProfessorOtolaryngologyMedical College of Wisconsin