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1 | A simple technique for determining relative toxicities of Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis formulations against larval blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). (Barton WE, Noblet R, Kurtak DC) J Am Mosq Control Assoc 1991 Jun;7(2):313-5 7 Citations |
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1 | The reaction of pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) with radiolytically generated reactive oxygen intermediates results in a stable genotoxic compound as assessed by the SOS chromotest. (Janz S, Brede O, Müller J) Carcinogenesis 1991 Jul;12(7):1241-6 2 Citations |
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1 | Sites in the third intracellular loop of the alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor confer short term agonist-promoted desensitization. Evidence for a receptor kinase-mediated mechanism. (Liggett SB, Ostrowski J, Chesnut LC, Kurose H, Raymond JR, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ) J Biol Chem 1992 Mar 05;267(7):4740-6 128 Citations |
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1 | Magnetic circular dichroism study of cytochrome ba3 from Thermus thermophilus: spectral contributions from cytochromes b and a3 and nanosecond spectroscopy of CO photodissociation intermediates. (Goldbeck RA, Einarsdóttir O, Dawes TD, O'Connor DB, Surerus KK, Fee JA, Kliger DS) Biochemistry 1992 Oct 06;31(39):9376-87 38 Citations |
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1 | Vitamin K1 metabolism and the production of des-carboxy prothrombin and protein C in the term and premature neonate. (Bovill EG, Soll RF, Lynch M, Bhushan F, Landesman M, Freije M, Church W, McAuliffe T, Davidson K, Sadowski J) Blood 1993 Jan 01;81(1):77-83 54 Citations |
1 | Central lymphatic irradiation for stage III nodular malignant lymphoma: long-term results. (Jacobs JP, Murray KJ, Schultz CJ, Wilson JF, Goswitz MS, Stevens CW, Cox JD) J Clin Oncol 1993 Feb;11(2):233-8 68 Citations |
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1 | Prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 variant A and B infections in bone marrow transplant recipients as determined by polymerase chain reaction and sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization. (Drobyski WR, Eberle M, Majewski D, Baxter-Lowe LA) J Clin Microbiol 1993 Jun;31(6):1515-20 65 Citations |
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1 | Heterogeneity in lineage derivation of Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia expressing p190BCR-ABL or p210BCR-ABL: determination by analysis of individual colonies with the polymerase chain reaction. (Estrov Z, Talpaz M, Kantarjian HM, Zipf TF, McClain KL, Kurzrock R) Cancer Res 1993 Jul 15;53(14):3289-93 14 Citations |
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1 | Determination of interfacial roughness correlation in W/C multilayer films: Comparison using soft and hard x-ray diffraction (Savage DE, Phang YH, Rownd JJ, MacKay JF, Lagally MG) Journal of Applied Physics 1993;74(10):6158-6164 40 Citations |
1 | Determinants of catecholamine and cortisol responses to lower extremity revascularization. The PIRAT Study Group. (Breslow MJ, Parker SD, Frank SM, Norris EJ, Yates H, Raff H, Rock P, Christopherson R, Rosenfeld BA, Beattie C) Anesthesiology 1993 Dec;79(6):1202-9 136 Citations |
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1 | Monoclonal, antigen-specific, T cell contrasuppressor factor expresses determinants of TCR alpha-chain (not necessarily TCR beta-chain), having a molecular mass of about 40 kDa. (Paliwal V, Friedman AM, Ptak W, Askenase PW) J Immunol 1994 Mar 15;152(6):2811-20 19 Citations |
1 | Spectroscopic characterization of cytochrome ba3, a terminal oxidase from Thermus thermophilus: comparison of the a3/CuB site to that of bovine cytochrome aa3. (Oertling WA, Surerus KK, Einarsdóttir O, Fee JA, Dyer RB, Woodruff WH) Biochemistry 1994 Mar 15;33(10):3128-41 49 Citations |
1 | Nitrone spin trap lipophilicity as a determinant for inhibition of low density lipoprotein oxidation and activation of interleukin-1 beta release from human monocytes. (Thomas CE, Ku G, Kalyanaraman B) J Lipid Res 1994 Apr;35(4):610-9 20 Citations |
1 | Leukemia inhibitory factor in long-term adherent layer cultures: increased levels of bioactive protein in leukemia and modulation by IL-4, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha. (Wetzler M, Estrov Z, Talpaz M, Kim KJ, Alphonso M, Srinivasan R, Kurzrock R) Cancer Res 1994 Apr 01;54(7):1837-42 39 Citations |
1 | A comprehensive Guyton model analysis of physiologic responses to preadapting the blood volume as a countermeasure to fluid shifts. (Simanonok KE, Srinivasan RS, Myrick EE, Blomkalns AL, Charles JB) J Clin Pharmacol 1994 May;34(5):440-53 9 Citations |
1 | Assignment of functional domains involved in ADP-ribosylation and B-oligomer binding within the carboxyl terminus of the S1 subunit of pertussis toxin. (Krueger KM, Barbieri JT) Infect Immun 1994 May;62(5):2071-8 16 Citations |
1 | A carboxyl terminal truncation mutant of CD36 is secreted and binds thrombospondin: evidence for a single transmembrane domain. (Pearce SF, Wu J, Silverstein RL) Blood 1994 Jul 15;84(2):384-9 57 Citations |
1 | Involvement of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in tonic regulation of paraventricular hypothalamic CRH and AVP mRNA expression. (Herman JP, Cullinan WE, Watson SJ) J Neuroendocrinol 1994 Aug;6(4):433-42 206 Citations |
1 | Negative regulation of Sp1 trans-activation is correlated with the binding of cellular proteins to the amino terminus of the Sp1 trans-activation domain. (Murata Y, Kim HG, Rogers KT, Udvadia AJ, Horowitz JM) J Biol Chem 1994 Aug 12;269(32):20674-81 115 Citations |
1 | Quantitative increases in DNA binding affinity and positional effects determine 9-cis retinoic acid induced activation of the retinoid X receptor beta homodimer. (Medin JA, Minucci S, Driggers PH, Lee IJ, Ozato K) Mol Cell Endocrinol 1994 Oct;105(1):27-35 17 Citations |
1 | Rapid determination of platelet alloantigen genotypes by polymerase chain reaction using allele-specific primers. (Skogen B, Bellissimo DB, Hessner MJ, Santoso S, Aster RH, Newman PJ, McFarland JG) Transfusion 1994;34(11):955-60 143 Citations |
1 | Accuracy of electronic axillary temperature measurement in term and preterm neonates. (Weiss ME, Richards MT) Neonatal Netw 1994 Dec;13(8):35-40 15 Citations |
1 | Indeterminate fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid: identification of subgroups at high risk for invasive carcinoma. (Tyler DS, Winchester DJ, Caraway NP, Hickey RC, Evans DB) Surgery 1994 Dec;116(6):1054-60 127 Citations |
1 | Telephonic nursing: empowering patients at risk for preterm birth. (Weiss ME, Adams AK) Adv Pract Nurs Q 1995;1(3):58-64 1 Citation |
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1 | Determinants of successful balloon valvotomy in infants with critical pulmonary stenosis or membranous pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. (Fedderly RT, Lloyd TR, Mendelsohn AM, Beekman RH) J Am Coll Cardiol 1995 Feb;25(2):460-5 86 Citations |
1 | Glanzmann thrombasthenia resulting from a single amino acid substitution between the second and third calcium-binding domains of GPIIb. Role of the GPIIb amino terminus in integrin subunit association. (Wilcox DA, Paddock CM, Lyman S, Gill JC, Newman PJ) J Clin Invest 1995 Apr;95(4):1553-60 66 Citations |
1 | Gamma delta T cells in normal spleen assist immunized alpha beta T cells in the adoptive cell transfer of contact sensitivity. Effect of Bordetella pertussis, cyclophosphamide, and antibodies to determinants on suppressor cells. (Askenase PW, Szczepanik M, Ptak M, Paliwal V, Ptak W) J Immunol 1995 Apr 15;154(8):3644-53 40 Citations |
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1 | Comparison of long-term outcomes of patients treated with nonthoracotomy and thoracotomy implantable defibrillators. (Kim SG, Pathapati R, Fisher JD, Rameneni A, Nagabhairu R, Ferrick KJ, Roth JA, Ben-Zur U, Gross J, Brodman R, Furman S) Am J Cardiol 1996 Nov 15;78(10):1109-12 8 Citations |
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1 | Establishment of long-term in vitro cultures of human ovarian cystadenomas and LMP tumors and examination of their spectrum of expression of matrix-degrading proteinases. (Luo MP, Gomperts B, Imren S, DeClerck YA, Ito M, Velicescu M, Felix JC, Dubeau L) Gynecol Oncol 1997 Dec;67(3):277-84 25 Citations |
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1 | Conversion of interferon-induced, long-term cytogenetic remissions in chronic myelogenous leukemia to polymerase chain reaction negativity. (Kurzrock R, Estrov Z, Kantarjian H, Talpaz M) J Clin Oncol 1998 Apr;16(4):1526-31 52 Citations |
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1 | The Mr 140,000 intermediate chain of Chlamydomonas flagellar inner arm dynein is a WD-repeat protein implicated in dynein arm anchoring. (Yang P, Sale WS) Mol Biol Cell 1998 Dec;9(12):3335-49 89 Citations |
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1 | Novel aspects of tetramer assembly and N-terminal domain structure and function are revealed by recombinant expression of human AMP deaminase isoforms. (Mahnke-Zizelman DK, Tullson PC, Sabina RL) J Biol Chem 1998 Dec 25;273(52):35118-25 31 Citations |
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1 | Long-term outcome of a prospective trial of steroid withdrawal after kidney transplantation. (Dunn TB, Asolati M, Holman DM, Raofi V, Jovanovic B, Pollak R, Benedetti E) Surgery 1999 Feb;125(2):155-9 30 Citations |
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1 | Long-term survival and late deaths after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Late Effects Working Committee of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. (Socié G, Stone JV, Wingard JR, Weisdorf D, Henslee-Downey PJ, Bredeson C, Cahn JY, Passweg JR, Rowlings PA, Schouten HC, Kolb HJ, Klein JP) N Engl J Med 1999 Jul 01;341(1):14-21 637 Citations |
1 | Enzymatic and functional correction along with long-term enzyme secretion from transduced bone marrow hematopoietic stem/progenitor and stromal cells derived from patients with Fabry disease. (Takenaka T, Hendrickson CS, Tworek DM, Tudor M, Schiffmann R, Brady RO, Medin JA) Exp Hematol 1999 Jul;27(7):1149-59 39 Citations |
1 | Remission of nephrotic syndrome in type 1 diabetes: long-term follow-up of patients in the Captopril Study. (Wilmer WA, Hebert LA, Lewis EJ, Rohde RD, Whittier F, Cattran D, Levey AS, Lewis JB, Spitalewitz S, Blumenthal S, Bain RP) Am J Kidney Dis 1999 Aug;34(2):308-14 92 Citations |
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1 | Effect of short-term interferon therapy on the outcome of subsequent HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia: an analysis from the international bone marrow transplant registry. (Giralt S, Szydlo R, Goldman JM, Veum-Stone J, Biggs JC, Herzig RH, Klein JP, McGlave PB, Schiller G, Gale RP, Rowlings PA, Horowitz MM) Blood 2000 Jan 15;95(2):410-5 28 Citations |
1 | NOX 100, a nitric oxide scavenger, enhances cardiac allograft survival and promotes long-term graft acceptance. (Roza AM, Cooper M, Pieper G, Hilton G, Dembny K, Lai CS, Lindholm P, Komorowski R, Felix C, Johnson C, Adams M) Transplantation 2000 Jan 27;69(2):227-31 43 Citations |
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1 | Clinical significance of the qualification of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance: An analysis on the basis of histologic diagnoses. (Vlahos NP, Dragisic KG, Wallach EE, Burroughs FH, Fluck S, Rosenthal DL) Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000 Apr;182(4):885-90 6 Citations |
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1 | Long-term enzyme correction and lipid reduction in multiple organs of primary and secondary transplanted Fabry mice receiving transduced bone marrow cells. (Takenaka T, Murray GJ, Qin G, Quirk JM, Ohshima T, Qasba P, Clark K, Kulkarni AB, Brady RO, Medin JA) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000 Jun 20;97(13):7515-20 92 Citations |
1 | Determinants of left ventricular structure and mass in young subjects with sympathetic over-activity. The Tecumseh Offspring Study. (Palatini P, Majahalme S, Amerena J, Nesbitt S, Vriz O, Michieletto M, Krause L, Julius S) J Hypertens 2000 Jun;18(6):769-75 26 Citations |
1 | Secondary structure and calcium-induced folding of the Clostridium thermocellum dockerin domain determined by NMR spectroscopy. (Lytle BL, Volkman BF, Westler WM, Wu JH) Arch Biochem Biophys 2000 Jul 15;379(2):237-44 58 Citations |
1 | The C terminus of component C2II of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin is essential for receptor binding. (Blöcker D, Barth H, Maier E, Benz R, Barbieri JT, Aktories K) Infect Immun 2000 Aug;68(8):4566-73 63 Citations |
1 | Genetic determinants of hypertension: identification of candidate phenotypes. (Kotchen TA, Kotchen JM, Grim CE, George V, Kaldunski ML, Cowley AW, Hamet P, Chelius TH) Hypertension 2000 Jul;36(1):7-13 76 Citations |
1 | Determination of EETs using microbore liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. (Nithipatikom K, Pratt PF, Campbell WB) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2000 Aug;279(2):H857-62 46 Citations |
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1 | Determination of parthenolide in selected feverfew products by liquid chromatography. (Abourashed EA, Khan IA, Abourashed EA, Khan IA) J AOAC Int 2000;83(4):789-92 17 Citations |
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1 | Glucocorticoid modulation of cardiovascular and autonomic function in preterm lambs: role of ANG II. (Segar JL, Bedell KA, Smith OJ) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2001 Mar;280(3):R646-54 36 Citations |
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1 | "He was never quite 'himself' after that accident": exploring the long-term consequences of mild traumatic brain injury. (Sinson G) AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2001 Mar;22(3):425-6 3 Citations |
1 | Determination of cytochrome P450 metabolites of arachidonic acid in coronary venous plasma during ischemia and reperfusion in dogs. (Nithipatikom K, DiCamelli RF, Kohler S, Gumina RJ, Falck JR, Campbell WB, Gross GJ) Anal Biochem 2001 May 01;292(1):115-24 98 Citations |
1 | Host determinants in HIV infection and disease. Part 1: cellular and humoral immune responses. (Hogan CM, Hammer SM) Ann Intern Med 2001 May 01;134(9 Pt 1):761-76 105 Citations |
1 | Host determinants in HIV infection and disease. Part 2: genetic factors and implications for antiretroviral therapeutics. (Hogan CM, Hammer SM) Ann Intern Med 2001 May 15;134(10):978-96 117 Citations |
1 | Pathology forum: quiz case 2. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (intermediate grade) of the trachea. (Blumin JH, Golsorkhi AA, Feinberg GM, Berke GS) Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001 May;127(5):595, 597-8 |
1 | Sensory nerve conduction deficit in experimental monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) neuropathy. (Lawlor MW, Richards MP, Fisher MA, Stubbs EB Jr) Muscle Nerve 2001 Jun;24(6):809-16 9 Citations |
1 | The use of a verbal response mode coding system in determining patient and physician roles in medical interviews. (Shaikh A, Knobloch LM, Stiles WB) Health Commun 2001;13(1):49-60 19 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of artificial urinary sphincters in children are independent of age at implantation. (Kryger JV, Leverson G, González R) J Urol 2001 Jun;165(6 Pt 2):2377-9 36 Citations |
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1 | Fatal rebleeding following coil embolization of cerebral aneurysms: the role of long-term systemic anticoagulation. (Sinson G, Bagley LJ, Flamm ES, Hurst RW) Neuroradiology 2001 May;43(5):398-404 9 Citations |
1 | Interactions of inflammatory pain and morphine in infant rats: long-term behavioral effects. (Bhutta AT, Rovnaghi C, Simpson PM, Gossett JM, Scalzo FM, Anand KJ) Physiol Behav 2001 May;73(1-2):51-8 142 Citations |
1 | Determination of heavy metals and pesticides in ginseng products. (Khan IA, Allgood J, Walker LA, Abourashed EA, Schlenk D, Benson WH) J AOAC Int 2001;84(3):936-9 83 Citations |
1 | N-terminal residues of plasmatocyte-spreading peptide possess specific determinants required for biological activity. (Clark KD, Volkman BF, Thoetkiattikul H, Hayakawa Y, Strand MR) J Biol Chem 2001 Oct 05;276(40):37431-5 25 Citations |
1 | Localization of N-terminal sequences in human AMP deaminase isoforms that influence contractile protein binding. (Mahnke-Zizelman DK, Sabina RL) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001 Jul 13;285(2):489-95 21 Citations |
1 | High-performance liquid chromatography determination of hydrastine and berberine in dietary supplements containing goldenseal. (Abourashed EA, Khan IA) J Pharm Sci 2001 Jul;90(7):817-22 61 Citations |
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1 | Infant long-term memory for music. (Saffran JR, Loman MM, Robertson RR) Ann N Y Acad Sci 2001 Jun;930:397-400 5 Citations |
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1 | Probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis of HIV prevention. Comparing a Bayesian approach with traditional deterministic sensitivity analysis. (Johnson-Masotti AP, Laud PW, Hoffmann RG, Hayat MJ, Pinkerton SD) Eval Rev 2001 Aug;25(4):474-502 5 Citations |
1 | Angiotensin II and VEGF are involved in angiogenesis induced by short-term exercise training. (Amaral SL, Papanek PE, Greene AS) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2001 Sep;281(3):H1163-9 138 Citations |
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1 | Common medical terminology comes of age, Part Two: Current code and terminology sets--strengths and weaknesses. (Rose JS, Fisch BJ, Hogan WR, Levy B, Marshall P, Thomas DR, Kirkley D) J Healthc Inf Manag 2001;15(3):319-30 7 Citations |
1 | Common medical terminology comes of age, Part One: Standard language improves healthcare quality. (Rose JS, Fisch BJ, Hogan WR, Levy B, Marshal P, Thomas DR, Kirkley D) J Healthc Inf Manag 2001;15(3):307-18 13 Citations |
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1 | Long-term results of antegrade endoureterotomy using the holmium laser in patients with ureterointestinal strictures. (Laven BA, O'Connor RC, Steinberg GD, Gerber GS) Urology 2001 Dec;58(6):924-9 42 Citations |
1 | Natural history of claudication: long-term serial follow-up study of 1244 claudicants. (Aquino R, Johnnides C, Makaroun M, Whittle JC, Muluk VS, Kelley ME, Muluk SC) J Vasc Surg 2001 Dec;34(6):962-70 133 Citations |
1 | Genotypic and phenotypic progression in endometrial tumorigenesis: determining when defects in DNA mismatch repair and KRAS2 occur. (Cohn DE, Mutch DG, Herzog TJ, Rader JS, Dintzis SM, Gersell DJ, Todd CR, Goodfellow PJ) Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2001 Dec;32(4):295-301 17 Citations |
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1 | GC determination of parthenolide in feverfew products. (Abourashed EA, Khan IA) Pharmazie 2001 Dec;56(12):971-2 6 Citations |
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1 | Resolving the uncertainty of preterm symptoms: women's experiences with the onset of preterm labor. (Weiss ME, Saks NP, Harris S) J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2002;31(1):66-76 20 Citations |
1 | Usefulness of Doppler tissue imaging analysis of tricuspid annular motion for determination of right ventricular function in normal infants and children. (Frommelt PC, Ballweg JA, Whitstone BN, Frommelt MA) Am J Cardiol 2002 Mar 01;89(5):610-3 79 Citations |
1 | Persistent differences in sociodemographic determinants of breast conserving treatment despite overall increased adoption. (Gilligan MA, Kneusel RT, Hoffmann RG, Greer AL, Nattinger AB) Med Care 2002 Mar;40(3):181-9 91 Citations |
1 | Intermediate results with correction of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve using a new approach. (Hraska V, Kántorová A, Kunovský P, Haviar D) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002 Apr;21(4):711-4; discussion 714-5 28 Citations |
1 | Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity. (Volicer L, Cantor MD, Derse AR, Edwards DM, Prudhomme AM, Gregory DC, Reagan JE, Tulsky JA, Fox E, National Ethics Committee Of The Veterans Health Administration) J Am Geriatr Soc 2002 Apr;50(4):761-7 50 Citations |
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1 | Transgenic shuttle vector assays for determining genetic differences in oxidative B cell mutagenesis in vivo. (Felix K, Rockwood LD, Janz S) Methods Enzymol 2002;353:434-48 3 Citations |
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1 | Structure-function analysis of the inverted terminal repeats of the sleeping beauty transposon. (Cui Z, Geurts AM, Liu G, Kaufman CD, Hackett PB) J Mol Biol 2002 May 17;318(5):1221-35 202 Citations |
1 | Occupational determinants of bone and blood lead levels in middle aged and elderly men from the general community: the Normative Aging Study. (Elmarsafawy SF, Tsaih SW, Korrick S, Dickey JH, Sparrow D, Aro A, Hu H) Am J Ind Med 2002 Jul;42(1):38-49 15 Citations |
1 | N-terminal sequence and distal histidine residues are responsible for pH-regulated cytoplasmic membrane binding of human AMP deaminase isoform E. (Mahnke-Zizelman DK, Sabina RL) J Biol Chem 2002 Nov 08;277(45):42654-62 13 Citations |
1 | Structures of two kinetic intermediates reveal species specificity of penicillin-binding proteins. (McDonough MA, Anderson JW, Silvaggi NR, Pratt RF, Knox JR, Kelly JA) J Mol Biol 2002 Sep 06;322(1):111-22 80 Citations |
1 | Anatomic determinants of sleep-disordered breathing across the spectrum of clinical and nonclinical male subjects. (Dempsey JA, Skatrud JB, Jacques AJ, Ewanowski SJ, Woodson BT, Hanson PR, Goodman B) Chest 2002 Sep;122(3):840-51 143 Citations |
1 | Medicaid enrollment among elderly medicare beneficiaries: individual determinants, effects of state policy, and impact on service use. (Pezzin LE, Kasper JD) Health Serv Res 2002 Aug;37(4):827-47 54 Citations |
1 | Submitting terms to the international classification for nursing practice (ICNP). (Feringa MM, Goossen WT, Coenen A) Int Nurs Rev 2002 Sep;49(3):154-60 4 Citations |
2 | Experimental Determination of Adult and Pediatric Neck Scale Factors (Hilker CE, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA) SAE Technical Papers 11 November 2002;2002-November(November) 3 Citations |
1 | Structure determination of membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. (Opella SJ, Nevzorov A, Mesleh MF, Marassi FM) Biochem Cell Biol 2002;80(5):597-604 59 Citations |
1 | Determination of physiological cross-section area of patient-specific masticatory muscles with three-dimensional medical imaging analysis (Zhao L, Patel PK, Widera GEO, Harris GF) Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 2002;3:2538-2539 1 Citation |
1 | Effects of long-term monotherapy with eplerenone, a novel aldosterone blocker, on progression of left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling in dogs with heart failure. (Suzuki G, Morita H, Mishima T, Sharov VG, Todor A, Tanhehco EJ, Rudolph AE, McMahon EG, Goldstein S, Sabbah HN) Circulation 2002 Dec 03;106(23):2967-72 199 Citations |
2 | p38 isoforms have opposite effects on AP-1-dependent transcription through regulation of c-Jun. The determinant roles of the isoforms in the p38 MAPK signal specificity. (Pramanik R, Qi X, Borowicz S, Choubey D, Schultz RM, Han J, Chen G) J Biol Chem 2003 Feb 14;278(7):4831-9 133 Citations |
1 | Diastematomyelia with terminal lipomyelocystocele arising from one hemicord: case report. (Parmar H, Patkar D, Shah J, Maheshwari M) Clin Imaging 2003;27(1):41-3 21 Citations |
1 | Reduction of elevated arterial blood pressure in obese Zucker rats by inhibition of ganglionic long-term potentiation. (Gerges NZ, Aleisa AM, Alhaider AA, Alkadhi KA) Neuropharmacology 2002 Dec;43(7):1070-6 25 Citations |
1 | Intrauterine exposure to infection and risk of cerebral palsy in very preterm infants. (Grether JK, Nelson KB, Walsh E, Willoughby RE, Redline RW) Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Jan;157(1):26-32 90 Citations |
1 | Anti-neurofilament antibodies in neuropathy with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance produce experimental motor nerve conduction block. (Stubbs EB Jr, Lawlor MW, Richards MP, Siddiqui K, Fisher MA, Bhoopalam N, Siegel GJ) Acta Neuropathol 2003 Feb;105(2):109-16 20 Citations |
1 | Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of cyclooxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid in cultured cells. (Nithipatikom K, Laabs ND, Isbell MA, Campbell WB) J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2003 Feb 25;785(1):135-45 44 Citations |
1 | Magnetocardiographic rhythm patterns at initiation and termination of fetal supraventricular tachycardia. (Wakai RT, Strasburger JF, Li Z, Deal BJ, Gotteiner NL) Circulation 2003 Jan 21;107(2):307-12 109 Citations |
1 | Hypoglycemia and the full-term newborn: how well does birth weight for gestational age predict risk? (Johnson TS) J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2003;32(1):48-57 13 Citations |
1 | Simultaneous assignment and structure determination of a membrane protein from NMR orientational restraints. (Marassi FM, Opella SJ) Protein Sci 2003 Mar;12(3):403-11 167 Citations |
1 | The instantaneous axis of rotation (IAOR) of the foot and ankle: a self-determining system with implications for rehabilitation medicine application. (Demarais DM, Bachschmidt RA, Harris GF) IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2002 Dec;10(4):232-8 11 Citations |
1 | What are the risks of long-term NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors? (DeBisschop M) J Fam Pract 2003 Mar;52(3):199-200 2 Citations |
1 | Preoperative immune status determines anal condyloma recurrence after surgical excision. (de la Fuente SG, Ludwig KA, Mantyh CR) Dis Colon Rectum 2003 Mar;46(3):367-73 37 Citations |
1 | Triage of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance with hybrid capture II: colposcopy and histologic human papillomavirus correlation. (Lonky NM, Felix JC, Naidu YM, Wolde-Tsadik G) Obstet Gynecol 2003 Mar;101(3):481-9 58 Citations |
1 | Macromolecular structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. (Markley JL, Ulrich EL, Westler WM, Volkman BF) Methods Biochem Anal 2003;44:89-113 28 Citations |
1 | Effects of long-term monotherapy with metoprolol CR/XL on the progression of left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling in dogs with chronic heart failure. (Morita H, Suzuki G, Mishima T, Chaudhry PA, Anagnostopoulos PV, Tanhehco EJ, Sharov VG, Goldstein S, Sabbah HN) Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2002 Sep;16(5):443-9 34 Citations |
1 | Determining the relative efficacy of highly active antiretroviral therapy. (Louie M, Hogan C, Di Mascio M, Hurley A, Simon V, Rooney J, Ruiz N, Brun S, Sun E, Perelson AS, Ho DD, Markowitz M) J Infect Dis 2003 Mar 15;187(6):896-900 85 Citations |
1 | Determination of cyclooxygenase and arachidonic acid metabolites in invasive human prostate cancer cells. (Nithipatikom K, Borscheid CL, Kajdacsy-Balla A, Kaul S, Lindholm PF, Pytynia KB, Campbell WB) Adv Exp Med Biol 2002;507:269-74 4 Citations |
1 | Bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase induces covalent aggregation of protein: intermediacy of tryptophan-derived oxidation products. (Zhang H, Andrekopoulos C, Joseph J, Chandran K, Karoui H, Crow JP, Kalyanaraman B) J Biol Chem 2003 Jun 27;278(26):24078-89 105 Citations |
1 | Adenosine type 1 (A1) receptors mediate protection against myocardial infarction produced by chronic, intermittent ingestion of ethanol in dogs. (Kehl F, Krolikowski JG, LaDisa JF Jr, Kersten JR, Warltier DC, Pagel PS) Int J Cardiol 2003 Apr;88(2-3):175-82 6 Citations |
1 | Effect of acute hyperglycaemia and diabetes mellitus with and without short-term insulin treatment on myocardial ischaemic late preconditioning in the rabbit heart in vivo. (Ebel D, Müllenheim J, Frässdorf J, Heinen A, Huhn R, Bohlen T, Ferrari J, Südkamp H, Preckel B, Schlack W, Thämer V) Pflugers Arch 2003 May;446(2):175-82 54 Citations |
1 | Economic expansion is a major determinant of physician supply and utilization. (Cooper RA, Getzen TE, Laud P) Health Serv Res 2003 Apr;38(2):675-96 95 Citations |
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1 | Determining the antiviral activity of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in treatment-naive chronically HIV-1-infected individuals. (Louie M, Hogan C, Hurley A, Simon V, Chung C, Padte N, Lamy P, Flaherty J, Coakley D, Di Mascio M, Perelson AS, Markowitz M) AIDS 2003 May 23;17(8):1151-6 79 Citations |
1 | Analysis of long-term outcomes of combined modality therapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. (Duvic M, Apisarnthanarax N, Cohen DS, Smith TL, Ha CS, Kurzrock R) J Am Acad Dermatol 2003 Jul;49(1):35-49 65 Citations |
1 | Role for c-Jun N-terminal kinase in beta-cell recovery from nitric oxide-mediated damage. (Scarim AL, Nishimoto SY, Weber SM, Corbett JA) Endocrinology 2003 Aug;144(8):3415-22 22 Citations |
1 | Short- and long-term COX-2 inhibition reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with hypertension. (Widlansky ME, Price DT, Gokce N, Eberhardt RT, Duffy SJ, Holbrook M, Maxwell C, Palmisano J, Keaney JF Jr, Morrow JD, Vita JA) Hypertension 2003 Sep;42(3):310-5 148 Citations |
1 | Impaired long-term potentiation in obese zucker rats: possible involvement of presynaptic mechanism. (Gerges NZ, Aleisa AM, Alkadhi KA) Neuroscience 2003;120(2):535-9 71 Citations |
2 | High-dose whole abdominal and pelvic irradiation for treatment of ovarian carcinoma: long-term toxicity and outcomes. (Firat S, Murray K, Erickson B) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003 Sep 01;57(1):201-7 40 Citations |
1 | Esophageal body and upper esophageal sphincter motor responses to esophageal provocation during maturation in preterm newborns. (Jadcherla SR, Duong HQ, Hoffmann RG, Shaker R) J Pediatr 2003 Jul;143(1):31-8 98 Citations |
1 | Early short-term treatment with doxycycline modulates postinfarction left ventricular remodeling. (Villarreal FJ, Griffin M, Omens J, Dillmann W, Nguyen J, Covell J) Circulation 2003 Sep 23;108(12):1487-92 126 Citations |
1 | Rectus femoris transfer for children with cerebral palsy: long-term outcome. (Saw A, Smith PA, Sirirungruangsarn Y, Chen S, Hassani S, Harris G, Kuo KN) J Pediatr Orthop 2003;23(5):672-8 50 Citations |
1 | Mitral valve replacement in children: predictors of long-term outcome. (Eble BK, Fiser WP, Simpson P, Dugan J, Drummond-Webb JJ, Yetman AT) Ann Thorac Surg 2003 Sep;76(3):853-9; discussion 859-60 54 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of endoureterotomy and open surgical revision for the management of ureteroenteric strictures after urinary diversion. (Laven BA, O'Connor RC, Gerber GS, Steinberg GD) J Urol 2003 Oct;170(4 Pt 1):1226-30 78 Citations |
1 | Long-term effect of adenotonsillectomy on quality of life in pediatric patients. (Flanary VA) Laryngoscope 2003 Oct;113(10):1639-44 86 Citations |
1 | Proteolytic release of the carboxy-terminal fragment of proHB-EGF causes nuclear export of PLZF. (Nanba D, Mammoto A, Hashimoto K, Higashiyama S) J Cell Biol 2003 Nov 10;163(3):489-502 140 Citations |
1 | A phase II study to determine the efficacy and tolerability of intravenous ZD9331 in heavily pretreated patients with ovarian cancer. (Rader JS, Clarke-Pearson D, Moore M, Carson L, Holloway R, Kao MS, Wiznitzer I, Douglass EC) Gynecol Oncol 2003 Nov;91(2):318-25 14 Citations |
1 | Performance of bilirubin determinations in US laboratories--revisited. (Lo SF, Doumas BT, Ashwood ER) Clin Chem 2004 Jan;50(1):190-4 37 Citations |
1 | Sequential interleukin 3 and granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor therapy in patients with bone marrow failure with long-term follow-up of responses. (Wu HH, Talpaz M, Champlin RE, Pilat SR, Kurzrock R) Cancer 2003 Dec 01;98(11):2410-9 21 Citations |
1 | Bicarbonate enhances alpha-synuclein oligomerization and nitration: intermediacy of carbonate radical anion and nitrogen dioxide radical. (Andrekopoulos C, Zhang H, Joseph J, Kalivendi S, Kalyanaraman B) Biochem J 2004 Mar 01;378(Pt 2):435-47 36 Citations |
1 | Evaluation of the draft international standard for a reference terminology model for nursing actions. (Moss J, Coenen A, Mills ME) J Biomed Inform 2003;36(4-5):271-8 16 Citations |
1 | Yeast Oxa1 interacts with mitochondrial ribosomes: the importance of the C-terminal region of Oxa1. (Jia L, Dienhart M, Schramp M, McCauley M, Hell K, Stuart RA) EMBO J 2003 Dec 15;22(24):6438-47 186 Citations |
1 | COMPASS: an instrument for measuring the polarization of the CMB on intermediate angular scales (Farese PC, Dall'Oglio G, Gundersen JO, Keating BG, Klawikowski S, Knox L, Levy A, Lubin PM, O'Dell CW, Peel A, Piccirillo L, Ruhl J, Timbie PT.) New Astronomy Reviews Volume 47, Issue 11-12, p. 1033-1046, December, 2003. |
1 | Unintentional and undetermined firearm related deaths: a preventable death analysis for three safety devices. (Vernick JS, O'Brien M, Hepburn LM, Johnson SB, Webster DW, Hargarten SW) Inj Prev 2003 Dec;9(4):307-11 46 Citations |
1 | Application of workspace generation techniques to determine the unconstrained motion of parallel manipulators (Voglewede P, Ebert-Uphoff I) Journal of Mechanical Design March 2004;126(2):283-290 32 Citations |
1 | Psychological functioning in long-term survivors of childhood cancer [Abstract]. (Bingen, K., Schmidt, D., Anderson, L., Maloney, K., Warwick, A., Margolis, D., and Kupst, M. ) Psycho-Oncology 13 (Suppl.1), 56 |
1 | A novel preparative regimen for autologous transplant in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: long-term experience with etoposide and thiotepa. (McCoy AG, Smith EP, Atkinson ME, Baranski B, Kahl BS, Juckett M, Mitchell T, Gangnon R, Longo WL) Bone Marrow Transplant 2004 Jan;33(1):19-24 6 Citations |
2 | Alpha-synuclein up-regulation and aggregation during MPP+-induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells: intermediacy of transferrin receptor iron and hydrogen peroxide. (Kalivendi SV, Cunningham S, Kotamraju S, Joseph J, Hillard CJ, Kalyanaraman B) J Biol Chem 2004 Apr 09;279(15):15240-7 123 Citations |
1 | Genetic determinants of obesity-related lipid traits. (Sonnenberg GE, Krakower GR, Martin LJ, Olivier M, Kwitek AE, Comuzzie AG, Blangero J, Kissebah AH) J Lipid Res 2004 Apr;45(4):610-5 32 Citations |
1 | Reduced reactive O2 species formation and preserved mitochondrial NADH and [Ca2+] levels during short-term 17 degrees C ischemia in intact hearts. (Riess ML, Camara AK, Kevin LG, An J, Stowe DF) Cardiovasc Res 2004 Feb 15;61(3):580-90 105 Citations |
1 | Host conditioning is a primary determinant in modulating the effect of IL-7 on murine graft-versus-host disease. (Gendelman M, Hecht T, Logan B, Vodanovic-Jankovic S, Komorowski R, Drobyski WR) J Immunol 2004 Mar 01;172(5):3328-36 31 Citations |
1 | Long-term effects of non-excitatory cardiac contractility modulation electric signals on the progression of heart failure in dogs. (Morita H, Suzuki G, Haddad W, Mika Y, Tanhehco EJ, Goldstein S, Ben-Haim S, Sabbah HN) Eur J Heart Fail 2004 Mar 01;6(2):145-50 27 Citations |
1 | Transgenesis and gene targeting in the mouse; tools for studying genetic determinants of hypertension. (Stec DE, Davisson RL, Sigmund CD) Trends Cardiovasc Med 1998 Aug;8(6):256-64 |
1 | Host conditioning is a primary determinant in modulating the effect of IL-7 on murine graft-versus-host disease. (Gendelman, M., Hecht, T., Logan, B., Vodanovic-Jankovic, S., Komorowski, R., and Drobyski, W.R. ) Journal of Immunology 172: 3328 – 3336 |
1 | A randomized trial of early versus standard inhaled nitric oxide therapy in term and near-term newborn infants with hypoxic respiratory failure. (Konduri GG, Solimano A, Sokol GM, Singer J, Ehrenkranz RA, Singhal N, Wright LL, Van Meurs K, Stork E, Kirpalani H, Peliowski A, Neonatal Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group) Pediatrics 2004 Mar;113(3 Pt 1):559-64 162 Citations |
1 | Long-term clinical and molecular follow-up of large animals receiving retrovirally transduced stem and progenitor cells: no progression to clonal hematopoiesis or leukemia. (Kiem HP, Sellers S, Thomasson B, Morris JC, Tisdale JF, Horn PA, Hematti P, Adler R, Kuramoto K, Calmels B, Bonifacino A, Hu J, von Kalle C, Schmidt M, Sorrentino B, Nienhuis A, Blau CA, Andrews RG, Donahue RE, Dunbar CE) Mol Ther 2004 Mar;9(3):389-95 85 Citations |
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1 | Health status of adult long-term survivors of childhood cancer:a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. (Schwartz CL) J Pediatr 2004 Mar;144(3):407-8 |
1 | Doxorubicin induces apoptosis in normal and tumor cells via distinctly different mechanisms. intermediacy of H(2)O(2)- and p53-dependent pathways. (Wang S, Konorev EA, Kotamraju S, Joseph J, Kalivendi S, Kalyanaraman B) J Biol Chem 2004 Jun 11;279(24):25535-43 520 Citations |
1 | Glycine 420 near the C-terminal transmembrane domain of SR-BI is critical for proper delivery and metabolism of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester. (Parathath S, Sahoo D, Darlington YF, Peng Y, Collins HL, Rothblat GH, Williams DL, Connelly MA) J Biol Chem 2004 Jun 11;279(24):24976-85 26 Citations |
1 | Ross and Ross-Konno procedure in children and adolescents: mid-term results. (Hraska V, Krajci M, Haun Ch, Ntalakoura K, Razek V, Lacour-Gayet F, Weil J, Reichenspurner H) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004 May;25(5):742-7 99 Citations |
1 | A C-terminal region dictates the apical plasma membrane targeting of the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter-1 in polarized epithelia. (Subramanian VS, Marchant JS, Boulware MJ, Said HM) J Biol Chem 2004 Jun 25;279(26):27719-28 61 Citations |
1 | Jak2 and Ca2+/calmodulin are key intermediates for bradykinin B2 receptor-mediated activation of Na+/H+ exchange in KNRK and CHO cells. (Lefler D, Mukhin YV, Pettus T, Leeb-Lundberg LM, Garnovskaya MN, Raymond JR) Assay Drug Dev Technol 2003 Apr;1(2):281-9 9 Citations |
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1 | The carbonate radical anion-induced covalent aggregation of human copper, zinc superoxide dismutase, and alpha-synuclein: intermediacy of tryptophan- and tyrosine-derived oxidation products. (Zhang H, Andrekopoulos C, Joseph J, Crow J, Kalyanaraman B) Free Radic Biol Med 2004 Jun 01;36(11):1355-65 63 Citations |
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1 | The physical examination of patients with abdominal pain: the long-term effect of adding standardized patients and small-group feedback to a lecture presentation. (Fletcher KE, Stern DT, White C, Gruppen LD, Oh MS, Cimmino VM) Teach Learn Med 2004;16(2):171-4 12 Citations |
1 | Determinants of bone and blood lead levels among minorities living in the Boston area. (Lin C, Kim R, Tsaih SW, Sparrow D, Hu H) Environ Health Perspect 2004 Aug;112(11):1147-51 34 Citations |
1 | The C-terminus of botulinum neurotoxin type A light chain contributes to solubility, catalysis, and stability. (Baldwin MR, Bradshaw M, Johnson EA, Barbieri JT) Protein Expr Purif 2004 Sep;37(1):187-95 72 Citations |
1 | Local control of AMPA receptor trafficking at the postsynaptic terminal by a small GTPase of the Rab family. (Gerges NZ, Backos DS, Esteban JA) J Biol Chem 2004 Oct 15;279(42):43870-8 120 Citations |
1 | The Rac1 C-terminal polybasic region regulates the nuclear localization and protein degradation of Rac1. (Lanning CC, Daddona JL, Ruiz-Velasco R, Shafer SH, Williams CL) J Biol Chem 2004 Oct 15;279(42):44197-210 92 Citations |
1 | Structure determination of membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. (Opella SJ, Marassi FM) Chem Rev 2004 Aug;104(8):3587-606 376 Citations |
1 | Validation and application of an HPTLC method for the determination of parthenolide in feverfew herbal products (Abourashed EA) Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC September 2004;17(5):375-378 7 Citations |
1 | Dynamics of intermittent viremia during highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients who initiate therapy during chronic versus acute and early human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. (Di Mascio M, Markowitz M, Louie M, Hurley A, Hogan C, Simon V, Follmann D, Ho DD, Perelson AS) J Virol 2004 Oct;78(19):10566-73 37 Citations |
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2 | Mapping the genetic determinants of hypertension, metabolic diseases, and related phenotypes in the lyon hypertensive rat. (Bilusic M, Bataillard A, Tschannen MR, Gao L, Barreto NE, Vincent M, Wang T, Jacob HJ, Sassard J, Kwitek AE) Hypertension 2004 Nov;44(5):695-701 49 Citations |
1 | IC138 is a WD-repeat dynein intermediate chain required for light chain assembly and regulation of flagellar bending. (Hendrickson TW, Perrone CA, Griffin P, Wuichet K, Mueller J, Yang P, Porter ME, Sale WS) Mol Biol Cell 2004 Dec;15(12):5431-42 92 Citations |
1 | HPTLC determination of caffeine in stimulant herbal products and power drinks. (Abourashed EA, Mossa JS) J Pharm Biomed Anal 2004 Nov 15;36(3):617-20 52 Citations |
2 | Endothelium-derived 2-arachidonylglycerol: an intermediate in vasodilatory eicosanoid release in bovine coronary arteries. (Gauthier KM, Baewer DV, Hittner S, Hillard CJ, Nithipatikom K, Reddy DS, Falck JR, Campbell WB) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2005 Mar;288(3):H1344-51 66 Citations |
1 | Role of salivary cortisol determinations in the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome (Raff H) Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes 2004;11(5):271-275 14 Citations |
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1 | The high-affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the major determinant of cAMP levels in stationary phase: involvement of different branches of the Ras-cyclic AMP pathway in stress responses. (Park JI, Grant CM, Dawes IW) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005 Feb 04;327(1):311-9 61 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of surgically treated patients with corrected transposition of the great arteries. (Hraska V, Duncan BW, Mayer JE Jr, Freed M, del Nido PJ, Jonas RA) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005 Jan;129(1):182-91 170 Citations |
1 | Long-term treatment of plastic bronchitis with aerosolized tissue plasminogen activator in a Fontan patient. (Wakeham MK, Van Bergen AH, Torero LE, Akhter J) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Jan;6(1):76-8 48 Citations |
1 | Direct evidence that the reaction intermediate of metallo-beta-lactamase L1 is metal bound. (Garrity JD, Bennett B, Crowder MW) Biochemistry 2005 Jan 25;44(3):1078-87 73 Citations |
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2 | Long-term health-related quality of life, growth, and spiritual well-being after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. (Andrykowski MA, Bishop MM, Hahn EA, Cella DF, Beaumont JL, Brady MJ, Horowitz MM, Sobocinski KA, Rizzo JD, Wingard JR) J Clin Oncol 2005 Jan 20;23(3):599-608 265 Citations |
1 | Psychosocial effects in long-term head and neck cancer survivors. (Holloway RL, Hellewell JL, Marbella AM, Layde PM, Myers KB, Campbell BH) Head Neck 2005 Apr;27(4):281-8 45 Citations |
1 | Macromolecular Structure Determination by NMR Spectroscopy (Markley JL, Ulrich EL, Westler WM, Volkman BF) Structural Bioinformatics 28 January 2005:89-113 |
1 | Long-term BMP-2-induced bone formation in rat island and free flaps. (Cooley BC, Daley RA, Toth JM) Microsurgery 2005;25(2):167-73 5 Citations |
1 | Functional analysis of subunit e of the F1Fo-ATP synthase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: importance of the N-terminal membrane anchor region. (Everard-Gigot V, Dunn CD, Dolan BM, Brunner S, Jensen RE, Stuart RA) Eukaryot Cell 2005 Feb;4(2):346-55 54 Citations |
1 | Protein kinase C phosphorylation modulates N- and C-terminal regulatory activities of the PITX2 homeodomain protein. (Espinoza HM, Ganga M, Vadlamudi U, Martin DM, Brooks BP, Semina EV, Murray JC, Amendt BA) Biochemistry 2005 Mar 15;44(10):3942-54 26 Citations |
1 | Dental status and quality of life in long-term head and neck cancer survivors. (Duke RL, Campbell BH, Indresano AT, Eaton DJ, Marbella AM, Myers KB, Layde PM) Laryngoscope 2005 Apr;115(4):678-83 90 Citations |
1 | The long-term follow-up of patients with positive intraoperative cholangiograms during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (Wagner AJ, Sobrino MA, Traverso LW) Surg Endosc 2004 Dec;18(12):1762-5 8 Citations |
1 | Calcium activates erythrocyte AMP deaminase [isoform E (AMPD3)] through a protein-protein interaction between calmodulin and the N-terminal domain of the AMPD3 polypeptide. (Mahnke DK, Sabina RL) Biochemistry 2005 Apr 12;44(14):5551-9 17 Citations |
1 | The N-terminal Pro-BNP investigation of dyspnea in the emergency department (PRIDE) study. (Januzzi JL Jr, Camargo CA, Anwaruddin S, Baggish AL, Chen AA, Krauser DG, Tung R, Cameron R, Nagurney JT, Chae CU, Lloyd-Jones DM, Brown DF, Foran-Melanson S, Sluss PM, Lee-Lewandrowski E, Lewandrowski KB) Am J Cardiol 2005 Apr 15;95(8):948-54 1036 Citations |
1 | A human single-chain Fv intrabody preferentially targets amino-terminal Huntingtin's fragments in striatal models of Huntington's disease. (Miller TW, Zhou C, Gines S, MacDonald ME, Mazarakis ND, Bates GP, Huston JS, Messer A) Neurobiol Dis 2005;19(1-2):47-56 52 Citations |
1 | Determinants of physical activity and low-fat diet among low income African American and Hispanic middle school students. (Frenn M, Malin S, Villarruel AM, Slaikeu K, McCarthy S, Freeman J, Nee E) Public Health Nurs 2005;22(2):89-97 44 Citations |
1 | A thin layer chromatographic method for determining the enzymatic activity of peroxidases catalyzing the two-electron reduction of lipid hydroperoxides. (Kriska T, Girotti AW) J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2005 Nov 15;827(1):58-64 13 Citations |
1 | Ruthenium-catalyzed intermolecular coupling reactions of arylamines with ethylene and 1,3-dienes: mechanistic insight on hydroamination vs ortho-C-H bond activation. (Yi CS, Yun SY) Org Lett 2005 May 26;7(11):2181-3 76 Citations |
1 | The effects of ejection fraction on N-terminal ProBNP and BNP levels in patients with acute CHF: analysis from the ProBNP Investigation of Dyspnea in the Emergency Department (PRIDE) study. (O'Donoghue M, Chen A, Baggish AL, Anwaruddin S, Krauser DG, Tung R, Januzzi JL) J Card Fail 2005 Jun;11(5 Suppl):S9-14 99 Citations |
1 | Intermolecular contact between globular N-terminal fold and C-terminal domain of ApoA-I stabilizes its lipid-bound conformation: studies employing chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry. (Bhat S, Sorci-Thomas MG, Alexander ET, Samuel MP, Thomas MJ) J Biol Chem 2005 Sep 23;280(38):33015-25 88 Citations |
2 | Determinants of mortality in stroke patients with right brain damage. (Helms AK, Torbey MT, Almassi GH) Curr Atheroscler Rep 2005 Jul;7(4):289-95 2 Citations |
1 | Combined use of amino terminal-pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels and QRS duration to predict left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with dyspnea. (Sakhuja R, Chen AA, Anwaruddin S, Baggish AL, Januzzi JL Jr) Am J Cardiol 2005 Jul 15;96(2):263-6 11 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of suprapubic bladder neck closure for treatment of the devastated outlet. (O'Connor RC, Stapp EC, Donnellan SM, Hovey RM, Tse VW, Stone AR) Urology 2005 Aug;66(2):311-5 21 Citations |
1 | The NH2 terminus of RCK1 domain regulates Ca2+-dependent BK(Ca) channel gating. (Krishnamoorthy G, Shi J, Sept D, Cui J) J Gen Physiol 2005 Sep;126(3):227-41 29 Citations |
1 | HPTLC determination of sildenafil in pharmaceutical products and aphrodisiac herbal preparations (Abourashed EA, Abdel-Kader MS, Habib AAM) Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC September 2005;18(105):372-376 22 Citations |
1 | Excessive toxicity of the high dose thiotepa and etoposide regimen when combined with radiation: Long-term autologous transplantation experience in follicular and mantle cell lymphoma. (Fenske TS, Kahl BS, Eickhoff J, Mitchell TL, Smith EP, Atkinson E, McCoy AG, Eckstein L, Flynn B, McMannes J, Howard S, Longo WL) Leuk Lymphoma 2005 Oct;46(10):1441-8 6 Citations |
1 | Long-term therapy with the acorn cardiac support device normalizes gene expression of growth factors and gelatinases in dogs with heart failure. (Rastogi S, Gupta RC, Mishra S, Morita H, Tanhehco EJ, Sabbah HN) J Heart Lung Transplant 2005 Oct;24(10):1619-25 21 Citations |
1 | Long-term treatment with sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline has no antibacterial effect on intestinal flora. (Walker C, Preshaw PM, Novak J, Hefti AF, Bradshaw M, Powala C) J Clin Periodontol 2005 Nov;32(11):1163-9 56 Citations |
1 | Long-term continuous, but not daily, environmental enrichment reduces spatial memory decline in aged male mice. (Bennett JC, McRae PA, Levy LJ, Frick KM) Neurobiol Learn Mem 2006 Mar;85(2):139-52 153 Citations |
1 | CD5-positive B-cell neoplasms of indeterminate immunophenotype: a clinicopathologic analysis of 26 cases. (Asplund SL, McKenna RW, Doolittle JE, Kroft SH) Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2005 Dec;13(4):311-7 16 Citations |
1 | A phase II study of external beam radiotherapy combined with permanent source brachytherapy for intermediate-risk, clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate: preliminary results of RTOG P-0019. (Lee WR, DeSilvio M, Lawton C, Gillin M, Morton G, Firat S, Baikadi M, Kuettel M, Greven K, Sandler H) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006 Mar 01;64(3):804-9 34 Citations |
1 | NMR Structure Determination of Proteins in Bilayer Lipid Membranes: The FXYD Family Proteins (Franzin CM, Marassi FM) Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes 2005;2(C):77-93 3 Citations |
1 | Nicotine blocks stress-induced impairment of spatial memory and long-term potentiation of the hippocampal CA1 region. (Aleisa AM, Alzoubi KH, Gerges NZ, Alkadhi KA) Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2006 Aug;9(4):417-26 69 Citations |
1 | Scope and mechanistic study of the ruthenium-catalyzed ortho-C-H bond activation and cyclization reactions of arylamines with terminal alkynes. (Yi CS, Yun SY) J Am Chem Soc 2005 Dec 07;127(48):17000-6 145 Citations |
1 | Long-term and developmental outcomes of children with complex congenital heart disease. (Brown MD, Wernovsky G, Mussatto KA, Berger S) Clin Perinatol 2005 Dec;32(4):1043-57, xi 42 Citations |
1 | Applying clinical significance methodology to alcoholism treatment trials: determining recovery outcome status with individual- and population-based measures. (Cisler RA, Kowalchuk RK, Saunders SM, Zweben A, Trinh HQ) Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2005 Nov;29(11):1991-2000 22 Citations |
1 | Sleeping Beauty-mediated transposition and long-term expression in vivo: use of the LoxP/Cre recombinase system to distinguish transposition-specific expression. (Score PR, Belur LR, Frandsen JL, Geurts JL, Yamaguchi T, Somia NV, Hackett PB, Largaespada DA, McIvor RS) Mol Ther 2006 Mar;13(3):617-24 27 Citations |
3 | Comparable long-term survival after unrelated and HLA-matched sibling donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantations for acute leukemia in children younger than 18 months. (Eapen M, Rubinstein P, Zhang MJ, Camitta BM, Stevens C, Cairo MS, Davies SM, Doyle JJ, Kurtzberg J, Pulsipher MA, Ortega JJ, Scaradavou A, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE) J Clin Oncol 2006 Jan 01;24(1):145-51 77 Citations |
1 | Renal function, congestive heart failure, and amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide measurement: results from the ProBNP Investigation of Dyspnea in the Emergency Department (PRIDE) Study. (Anwaruddin S, Lloyd-Jones DM, Baggish A, Chen A, Krauser D, Tung R, Chae C, Januzzi JL Jr) J Am Coll Cardiol 2006 Jan 03;47(1):91-7 366 Citations |
1 | Sir2 protein deacetylases: evidence for chemical intermediates and functions of a conserved histidine. (Smith BC, Denu JM) Biochemistry 2006 Jan 10;45(1):272-82 93 Citations |
1 | Fetal growth curves: does classification of weight-for-gestational age predict risk of hypoglycemia in the term newborn? (Johnson TS, Hillery JM, Engstrom JL) J Midwifery Womens Health 2006;51(1):39-44 1 Citation |
1 | Intermediate outcomes after the Fontan procedure in the current era. (Mitchell ME, Ittenbach RF, Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Nicolson S, Spray TL) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006 Jan;131(1):172-80 105 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of women who undergo panniculectomy at the time of gynecologic surgery. (Wright JD, Rosenbush EJ, Powell MA, Rader JS, Mutch DG, Gao F, Gibb RK) Gynecol Oncol 2006 Jul;102(1):86-91 17 Citations |
2 | Recommendations from gynaecological (GYN) GEC ESTRO working group (II): concepts and terms in 3D image-based treatment planning in cervix cancer brachytherapy-3D dose volume parameters and aspects of 3D image-based anatomy, radiation physics, radiobiology. (Pötter R, Haie-Meder C, Van Limbergen E, Barillot I, De Brabandere M, Dimopoulos J, Dumas I, Erickson B, Lang S, Nulens A, Petrow P, Rownd J, Kirisits C, GEC ESTRO Working Group) Radiother Oncol 2006 Jan;78(1):67-77 1461 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up after thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: thoracoscopic vs open. (Wagner AJ, Cortes RA, Strober J, Grethel EJ, Clifton MS, Harrison MR, Farmer DL, Nobuhara KK, Lee H) J Pediatr Surg 2006 Jan;41(1):50-4; discussion 50-4 45 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation: joint recommendations of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, and the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT/CIBMTR/ASBMT). (Rizzo JD, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Lee SJ, Van Lint MT, Burns LJ, Davies SM, Ferrara JL, Socié G) Bone Marrow Transplant 2006 Feb;37(3):249-61 103 Citations |
1 | AMD3100 mobilizes hematopoietic stem cells with long-term repopulating capacity in nonhuman primates. (Larochelle A, Krouse A, Metzger M, Orlic D, Donahue RE, Fricker S, Bridger G, Dunbar CE, Hematti P) Blood 2006 May 01;107(9):3772-8 175 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation: joint recommendations of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, and the American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. (Rizzo JD, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Lee SJ, Van Lint MT, Burns LJ, Davies SM, Ferrara JL, Socié G) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2006 Feb;12(2):138-51 239 Citations |
1 | Utility of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide testing for prediction of 1-year mortality in patients with dyspnea treated in the emergency department. (Januzzi JL Jr, Sakhuja R, O'donoghue M, Baggish AL, Anwaruddin S, Chae CU, Cameron R, Krauser DG, Tung R, Camargo CA Jr, Lloyd-Jones DM) Arch Intern Med 2006 Feb 13;166(3):315-20 223 Citations |
2 | Central retinal vein occlusion in patients treated with long-term warfarin sodium (Coumadin) for anticoagulation. (Mruthyunjaya P, Wirostko WJ, Chandrashekhar R, Stinnett S, Lai JC, Deramo V, Tang J, Dev S, Postel EA, Connor TB, Fekrat S) Retina 2006 Mar;26(3):285-91 25 Citations |
1 | Cumulative incidence of radiation-induced cavernomas in long-term survivors of medulloblastoma. (Lew SM, Morgan JN, Psaty E, Lefton DR, Allen JC, Abbott R) J Neurosurg 2006 Feb;104(2 Suppl):103-7 98 Citations |
1 | Alloantigen affinity and CD4 help determine severity of graft-versus-host disease mediated by CD8 donor T cells. (Yu XZ, Albert MH, Anasetti C) J Immunol 2006 Mar 15;176(6):3383-90 23 Citations |
1 | Intermediate results of laparoscopic cryoablation in 59 patients at the Medical College of Wisconsin. (Lawatsch EJ, Langenstroer P, Byrd GF, See WA, Quiroz FA, Begun FP) J Urol 2006 Apr;175(4):1225-9; discussion 1229 54 Citations |
1 | Primary sclerosing cholangitis treated by endoscopic biliary dilation: review and long-term follow-up evaluation. (Johnson GK, Saeian K, Geenen JE) Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2006 Apr;8(2):147-55 26 Citations |
1 | Graft-versus-leukemia and graft-versus-host reactions after donor lymphocyte infusion are initiated by host-type antigen-presenting cells and regulated by regulatory T cells in early and long-term chimeras. (Xia G, Truitt RL, Johnson BD) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2006 Apr;12(4):397-407 57 Citations |
1 | Extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1-dependent metabotropic glutamate receptor 5-induced long-term depression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is disrupted by cocaine administration. (Grueter BA, Gosnell HB, Olsen CM, Schramm-Sapyta NL, Nekrasova T, Landreth GE, Winder DG) J Neurosci 2006 Mar 22;26(12):3210-9 100 Citations |
1 | Human papillomavirus triage for young women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. (Wright JD, Rader JS, Davila R, Powell MA, Mutch DG, Gao F, Gibb RK) Obstet Gynecol 2006 Apr;107(4):822-9 23 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up results of selective laryngeal adductor denervation-reinnervation surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. (Chhetri DK, Mendelsohn AH, Blumin JH, Berke GS) Laryngoscope 2006 Apr;116(4):635-42 65 Citations |
1 | Long-term stability of fear memory depends on the synthesis of protein but not mRNA in the amygdala. (Parsons RG, Gafford GM, Baruch DE, Riedner BA, Helmstetter FJ) Eur J Neurosci 2006 Apr;23(7):1853-9 79 Citations |
1 | The use of the Dhcr7 knockout mouse to accurately determine the origin of fetal sterols. (Tint GS, Yu H, Shang Q, Xu G, Patel SB) J Lipid Res 2006 Jul;47(7):1535-41 86 Citations |
1 | Intracranial administration of deglycosylated C-terminal-specific anti-Abeta antibody efficiently clears amyloid plaques without activating microglia in amyloid-depositing transgenic mice. (Carty NC, Wilcock DM, Rosenthal A, Grimm J, Pons J, Ronan V, Gottschall PE, Gordon MN, Morgan D) J Neuroinflammation 2006 May 10;3:11 48 Citations |
1 | Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the ability of long-term tricyclic antidepressant treatment to suppress stress-induced activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. (Hill MN, Ho WS, Sinopoli KJ, Viau V, Hillard CJ, Gorzalka BB) Neuropsychopharmacology 2006 Dec;31(12):2591-9 109 Citations |
1 | Oxidation and cytotoxicity of 6-OHDA are mediated by reactive intermediates of COX-2 overexpressed in PC12 cells. (Tyurina YY, Kapralov AA, Jiang J, Borisenko GG, Potapovich AI, Sorokin A, Kochanek PM, Graham SH, Schor NF, Kagan VE) Brain Res 2006 Jun 06;1093(1):71-82 24 Citations |
1 | Microdissection-based allelotyping: a novel technique to determine the temporal sequence and biological aggressiveness of colorectal cancer. (Gamblin TC, Finkelstein SD, Upsal N, Kaye JD, Blumberg D) Am Surg 2006 May;72(5):445-53 6 Citations |
1 | T-cell tolerance or function is determined by combinatorial costimulatory signals. (Nurieva R, Thomas S, Nguyen T, Martin-Orozco N, Wang Y, Kaja MK, Yu XZ, Dong C) EMBO J 2006 Jun 07;25(11):2623-33 206 Citations |
1 | Long-term safety and efficacy of etanercept in children with polyarticular-course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. (Lovell DJ, Reiff A, Jones OY, Schneider R, Nocton J, Stein LD, Gedalia A, Ilowite NT, Wallace CA, Whitmore JB, White B, Giannini EH, Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group) Arthritis Rheum 2006 Jun;54(6):1987-94 174 Citations |
1 | Amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide for the diagnosis of acute heart failure in patients with previous obstructive airway disease. (Tung RH, Camargo CA Jr, Krauser D, Anwaruddin S, Baggish A, Chen A, Januzzi JL Jr) Ann Emerg Med 2006 Jul;48(1):66-74 33 Citations |
1 | Erratum to "Sleeping Beauty-Mediated Transposition and Long-Term Expression in Vivo: Use of the LoxP/Cre Recombinase System to Distinguish Transposition-Specific Expression" (DOI:10.1016/j.ymthe.2005.10.015) (Score PR, Belur LR, Frandsen JL, Geurts JL, Yamaguchi T, Somia NV, Hackett PB, Largaespada DA, McIvor RS) Molecular Therapy July 2006;14(1):149 |
1 | Light chain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype A: structural resolution of a catalytic intermediate. (Fu Z, Chen S, Baldwin MR, Boldt GE, Crawford A, Janda KD, Barbieri JT, Kim JJ) Biochemistry 2006 Jul 25;45(29):8903-11 52 Citations |
1 | The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-Term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial: outcomes in patients receiving monotherapy. (Julius S, Weber MA, Kjeldsen SE, McInnes GT, Zanchetti A, Brunner HR, Laragh J, Schork MA, Hua TA, Amerena J, Balazovjech I, Cassel G, Herczeg B, Koylan N, Magometschnigg D, Majahalme S, Martinez F, Oigman W, Seabra Gomes R, Zhu JR) Hypertension 2006 Sep;48(3):385-91 133 Citations |
1 | Ceruloplasmin is a NO oxidase and nitrite synthase that determines endocrine NO homeostasis. (Shiva S, Wang X, Ringwood LA, Xu X, Yuditskaya S, Annavajjhala V, Miyajima H, Hogg N, Harris ZL, Gladwin MT) Nat Chem Biol 2006 Sep;2(9):486-93 319 Citations |
1 | Neither race nor gender influences the usefulness of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide testing in dyspneic subjects: a ProBNP Investigation of Dyspnea in the Emergency Department (PRIDE) substudy. (Krauser DG, Chen AA, Tung R, Anwaruddin S, Baggish AL, Januzzi JL Jr) J Card Fail 2006 Aug;12(6):452-7 40 Citations |
1 | Effects of continuous and intermittent estrogen treatments on memory in aging female mice. (Gresack JE, Frick KM) Brain Res 2006 Oct 18;1115(1):135-47 53 Citations |
1 | Continued inhibition of atherosclerotic lesion development in long term Western diet fed CD36o /apoEo mice . (Guy E, Kuchibhotla S, Silverstein R, Febbraio M) Atherosclerosis 2007 May;192(1):123-30 65 Citations |
1 | Multilineage transcriptional priming and determination of alternate hematopoietic cell fates. (Laslo P, Spooner CJ, Warmflash A, Lancki DW, Lee HJ, Sciammas R, Gantner BN, Dinner AR, Singh H) Cell 2006 Aug 25;126(4):755-66 527 Citations |
4 | Long-term outcome of patients given transplants of mobilized blood or bone marrow: A report from the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. (Schmitz N, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Zhang MJ, Klein JP, Rizzo JD, Loberiza FR, Gratwohl A, Champlin RE, International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation) Blood 2006 Dec 15;108(13):4288-90 146 Citations |
1 | Combination of D-dimer and amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic Peptide testing for the evaluation of dyspneic patients with and without acute pulmonary embolism. (Melanson SE, Laposata M, Camargo CA Jr, Chen AA, Tung R, Krauser D, Anwaruddin S, Baggish A, Cameron R, Sluss P, Lewandrowski KB, Lee-Lewandrowski E, Januzzi JL) Arch Pathol Lab Med 2006 Sep;130(9):1326-9 16 Citations |
1 | Periodontal therapy and preterm birth. (Hefti AF) Int J Dent Hyg 2006 Sep;4 Suppl 1:39-42; discussion 50-2 |
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1 | Translational control via the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway is critical for the formation and stability of long-term fear memory in amygdala neurons. (Parsons RG, Gafford GM, Helmstetter FJ) J Neurosci 2006 Dec 13;26(50):12977-83 221 Citations |
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1 | Serotonin 5-HT1A receptor stimulates c-Jun N-terminal kinase and induces apoptosis in Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts. (Turner JH, Garnovskaya MN, Raymond JR) Biochim Biophys Acta 2007 Mar;1773(3):391-9 25 Citations |
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1 | A multicenter phase 2 study of the farnesyltransferase inhibitor tipifarnib in intermediate- to high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome. (Fenaux P, Raza A, Mufti GJ, Aul C, Germing U, Kantarjian H, Cripe L, Kerstens R, De Porre P, Kurzrock R) Blood 2007 May 15;109(10):4158-63 104 Citations |
1 | Molecular determinants for the interaction between AMPA receptors and the clathrin adaptor complex AP-2. (Kastning K, Kukhtina V, Kittler JT, Chen G, Pechstein A, Enders S, Lee SH, Sheng M, Yan Z, Haucke V) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Feb 20;104(8):2991-6 77 Citations |
1 | Long-term pharmacological activation of PPARgamma does not prevent left ventricular remodeling in dogs with advanced heart failure. (Suzuki G, Khanal S, Rastogi S, Morita H, Mishima T, Anagnostopoulos PV, Nass O, Sharov VG, Tanhehco EJ, Goldstein S, Sabbah HN) Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 2007 Feb;21(1):29-36 7 Citations |
1 | Early inhaled nitric oxide therapy for term and near-term newborn infants with hypoxic respiratory failure: neurodevelopmental follow-up. (Konduri GG, Vohr B, Robertson C, Sokol GM, Solimano A, Singer J, Ehrenkranz RA, Singhal N, Wright LL, Van Meurs K, Stork E, Kirpalani H, Peliowski A, Johnson Y, Neonatal Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group) J Pediatr 2007 Mar;150(3):235-40, 240.e1 93 Citations |
1 | In vitro function and phagocytosis of galactosylated platelet concentrates after long-term refrigeration. (Babic AM, Josefsson EC, Bergmeier W, Wagner DD, Kaufman RM, Silberstein LE, Stossel TP, Hartwig JH, Hoffmeister KM) Transfusion 2007 Mar;47(3):442-51 52 Citations |
1 | Short-term hormone release from adult female rat hypothalamic and pituitary explants is not altered by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. (Trewin AL, Woller MJ, Wimpee BA, Conley LK, Baldridge MG, Hutz RJ) J Reprod Dev 2007 Aug;53(4):765-75 7 Citations |
1 | Long-term opioid contract use for chronic pain management in primary care practice. A five year experience. (Hariharan J, Lamb GC, Neuner JM) J Gen Intern Med 2007 Apr;22(4):485-90 106 Citations |
2 | Monitoring the brain before, during, and after cardiac surgery to improve long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. (Ghanayem NS, Mitchell ME, Tweddell JS, Hoffman GM) Cardiol Young 2006 Sep;16 Suppl 3:103-9 30 Citations |
1 | A mechanism intrinsic to the vesicle fusion machinery determines fast and slow transmitter release at a large CNS synapse. (Wölfel M, Lou X, Schneggenburger R) J Neurosci 2007 Mar 21;27(12):3198-210 95 Citations |
1 | Clinical significance of terminal syringomyelia in association with pediatric tethered cord syndrome. (Beaumont A, Muszynski CA, Kaufman BA) Pediatr Neurosurg 2007;43(3):216-21 24 Citations |
1 | The effect of short-term changes in the body mass on anticipatory postural adjustments. (Li X, Aruin AS) Exp Brain Res 2007 Aug;181(2):333-46 35 Citations |
1 | Results from a phase II multicenter, double-blind placebo-controlled study of Del-1 (VLTS-589) for intermittent claudication in subjects with peripheral arterial disease. (Grossman PM, Mendelsohn F, Henry TD, Hermiller JB, Litt M, Saucedo JF, Weiss RJ, Kandzari DE, Kleiman N, Anderson RD, Gottlieb D, Karlsberg R, Snell J, Rocha-Singh K) Am Heart J 2007 May;153(5):874-80 82 Citations |
1 | Resonance Raman detection of the hydroperoxo intermediate in the cytochrome P450 enzymatic cycle. (Mak PJ, Denisov IG, Victoria D, Makris TM, Deng T, Sligar SG, Kincaid JR) J Am Chem Soc 2007 May 23;129(20):6382-3 51 Citations |
1 | Positive and negative sources of emotional arousal enhance long-term word-list retention when induced as long as 30 min after learning. (Nielson KA, Powless M) Neurobiol Learn Mem 2007 Jul;88(1):40-7 99 Citations |
1 | Persistently high levels of periodontal pathogens associated with preterm pregnancy outcome. (Lin D, Moss K, Beck JD, Hefti A, Offenbacher S) J Periodontol 2007 May;78(5):833-41 85 Citations |
1 | External radiotherapy versus vaginal brachytherapy for patients with intermediate risk endometrial cancer. (Lin LL, Mutch DG, Rader JS, Powell MA, Grigsby PW) Gynecol Oncol 2007 Jul;106(1):215-20 45 Citations |
1 | Determining pediatric intensive care unit quality indicators for measuring pediatric intensive care unit safety. (Scanlon MC, Mistry KP, Jeffries HE) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007 Mar;8(2 Suppl):S3-10 36 Citations |
1 | Double-lanthanide-binding tags for macromolecular crystallographic structure determination. (Silvaggi NR, Martin LJ, Schwalbe H, Imperiali B, Allen KN) J Am Chem Soc 2007 Jun 06;129(22):7114-20 75 Citations |
1 | Analyzing the short-term effect of placebo therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension: potential implications for the design of future clinical trials. (Helman DL Jr, Brown AW, Jackson JL, Shorr AF) Chest 2007 Sep;132(3):764-72 15 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of unrelated donor transplantation for AML using myeloablative conditioning incorporating pretransplant Alemtuzumab. (Das-Gupta EP, Russell NH, Shaw BE, Pearce RM, Byrne JL) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007 Jun;13(6):724-33 11 Citations |
1 | Scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI) homo-dimerizes via its C-terminal region: fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis. (Sahoo D, Peng Y, Smith JR, Darlington YF, Connelly MA) Biochim Biophys Acta 2007 Jul;1771(7):818-29 36 Citations |
1 | Comment on "Sublingual capnometry for rapid determination of the severity of hemorrhagic shock". (de Moya MA, Cohn SM) J Trauma 2007 Jun;62(6):1536-7; author reply 1537 1 Citation |
1 | Short-term environmental enrichment decreases the mnemonic response to estrogen in young, but not aged, female mice. (Gresack JE, Kerr KM, Frick KM) Brain Res 2007 Jul 30;1160:91-101 42 Citations |
1 | Long-term safety and efficacy of 50 mg of etanercept twice weekly in patients with psoriasis. (Tyring S, Gordon KB, Poulin Y, Langley RG, Gottlieb AB, Dunn M, Jahreis A) Arch Dermatol 2007 Jun;143(6):719-26 317 Citations |
3 | Reduced-intensity conditioning for unrelated donor progenitor cell transplantation: long-term follow-up of the first 285 reported to the national marrow donor program. (Giralt S, Logan B, Rizzo D, Zhang MJ, Ballen K, Emmanouilides C, Nath R, Parker P, Porter D, Sandmaier B, Waller EK, Barker J, Pavletic S, Weisdorf D) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007 Jul;13(7):844-52 64 Citations |
1 | Immunology: Short-term memory. (Gantner BN, Singh H) Nature 2007 Jun 21;447(7147):916-7 9 Citations |
1 | Interpretation of an international terminology standard in the development of a logic-based compositional terminology. (Hardiker NR, Coenen A) Int J Med Inform 2007 Oct;76 Suppl 2:S274-80 17 Citations |
1 | Mapping MHC-resident transplantation determinants. (Malkki M, Gooley TA, Horowitz MM, Absi L, Christiansen FT, Cornelissen JJ, Dormoy A, Dubois V, Gagne K, Gluckman E, Haagenson MD, Oudshoorn M, Spellman S, Petersdorf EW, International Histocompatibility Working Group in Transplantation) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007 Aug;13(8):986-95 16 Citations |
1 | Apoptosis in the initiation, modulation and termination of the corneal wound healing response. (Wilson SE, Chaurasia SS, Medeiros FW) Exp Eye Res 2007 Sep;85(3):305-11 141 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up after treatment of rabies by induction of coma. (Hu WT, Willoughby RE Jr, Dhonau H, Mack KJ) N Engl J Med 2007 Aug 30;357(9):945-6 56 Citations |
1 | Resuscitation in the "gray zone" of viability: determining physician preferences and predicting infant outcomes. (Singh J, Fanaroff J, Andrews B, Caldarelli L, Lagatta J, Plesha-Troyke S, Lantos J, Meadow W) Pediatrics 2007 Sep;120(3):519-26 162 Citations |
1 | Partnerships to address social determinants of health. (Lucey P, Maurana CA) Nurs Econ 2007;25(3):179-82 4 Citations |
1 | Microarray analysis reveals distinctive signaling between the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, nucleus accumbens, and dorsal striatum. (Olsen CM, Huang Y, Goodwin S, Ciobanu DC, Lu L, Sutter TR, Winder DG) Physiol Genomics 2008 Feb 19;32(3):283-98 18 Citations |
1 | COOH-terminal association of human smooth muscle calcium channel Ca(v)1.2b with Src kinase protein binding domains: effect of nitrotyrosylation. (Kang M, Ross GR, Akbarali HI) Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2007 Dec;293(6):C1983-90 18 Citations |
1 | Usefulness of aminoterminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide testing for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of dyspneic patients with diabetes mellitus seen in the emergency department (from the PRIDE Study). (O'Donoghue M, Kenney P, Oestreicher E, Anwaruddin S, Baggish AL, Krauser DG, Chen A, Tung R, Cameron R, Januzzi JL Jr) Am J Cardiol 2007 Nov 01;100(9):1336-40 23 Citations |
1 | Impact of routine and long-term follow-up on weight loss after laparoscopic gastric bypass. (Gould JC, Beverstein G, Reinhardt S, Garren MJ) Surg Obes Relat Dis 2007;3(6):627-30; discussion 630 110 Citations |
1 | Intermediate follow-up after endovascular aneurysm repair: can we forgo CT scanning in certain patients? (Tomlinson J, McNamara J, Matloubieh J, Hart J, Singh MJ, Davies MG, Rhodes JM, Illig KA) Ann Vasc Surg 2007 Nov;21(6):663-70 21 Citations |
1 | Developing long-term physical activity participation: a grounded theory study with African American women. (Harley AE, Buckworth J, Katz ML, Willis SK, Odoms-Young A, Heaney CA) Health Educ Behav 2009 Feb;36(1):97-112 27 Citations |
1 | Mechanical behavior and failure analysis of prosthetic retaining screws after long-term use in vivo. Part 1: Characterization of adhesive wear and structure of retaining screws. (Al Jabbari YS, Fournelle R, Ziebert G, Toth J, Iacopino AM) J Prosthodont 2008 Apr;17(3):168-80 32 Citations |
1 | CD3+ cell dose and disease status are important factors determining clinical outcomes in patients undergoing unmanipulated haploidentical blood and marrow transplantation after conditioning including antithymocyte globulin. (Dong L, Wu T, Zhang MJ, Gao ZY, Lu DP) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007 Dec;13(12):1515-24 33 Citations |
1 | Mechanical behavior and failure analysis of prosthetic retaining screws after long-term use in vivo. Part 2: Metallurgical and microhardness analysis. (Al Jabbari Y, Fournelle R, Ziebert G, Toth J, Iacopino A) J Prosthodont 2008 Apr;17(3):181-91 12 Citations |
1 | Transcatheter therapy for hepatic malignancy: standardization of terminology and reporting criteria. (Brown DB, Gould JE, Gervais DA, Goldberg SN, Murthy R, Millward SF, Rilling WS, Geschwind JF, Salem R, Vedantham S, Cardella JF, Soulen MC) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2007 Dec;18(12):1469-78 61 Citations |
2 | Long-term outcomes of adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after autologous or unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation: a comparative analysis by the National Marrow Donor Program and Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. (Bishop MR, Logan BR, Gandham S, Bolwell BJ, Cahn JY, Lazarus HM, Litzow MR, Marks DI, Wiernik PH, McCarthy PL, Russell JA, Miller CB, Sierra J, Milone G, Keating A, Loberiza FR Jr, Giralt S, Horowitz MM, Weisdorf DJ) Bone Marrow Transplant 2008 Apr;41(7):635-42 46 Citations |
2 | The carotid chemoreceptors are a major determinant of ventilatory CO2 sensitivity and of PaCO2 during eupneic breathing. (Forster HV, Martino P, Hodges M, Krause K, Bonis J, Davis S, Pan L) Adv Exp Med Biol 2008;605:322-6 38 Citations |
1 | Membrane orientation of the Na,K-ATPase regulatory membrane protein CHIF determined by solid-state NMR. (Franzin CM, Teriete P, Marassi FM) Magn Reson Chem 2007 Dec;45 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S192-7 3 Citations |
1 | Galactosylation does not prevent the rapid clearance of long-term, 4 degrees C-stored platelets. (Wandall HH, Hoffmeister KM, Sørensen AL, Rumjantseva V, Clausen H, Hartwig JH, Slichter SJ) Blood 2008 Mar 15;111(6):3249-56 81 Citations |
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1 | SU‐GG‐J‐155: Quantifying Interfractional Prostate Motion and Deformation Based On Daily KVCT to Determine Selection Criteria for Adaptive Correction Schemes (Peng C, Ahunbay E, li X) Medical Physics June 2008;35(6):2715 |
1 | Assessing the need for decision-making capacity education in hospitals and long term care (LTC) settings (Shreve-Neiger, A., Houston, C.M., Christensen, K.A., & Kier, F. J. ) Educational Gerontology 34, 359 - 371 |
1 | Mechanical behavior and failure analysis of prosthetic retaining screws after long-term use in vivo. Part 3: Preload and tensile fracture load testing. (Al Jabbari YS, Fournelle R, Ziebert G, Toth J, Iacopino AM) J Prosthodont 2008 Apr;17(3):192-200 12 Citations |
1 | Mechanical behavior and failure analysis of prosthetic retaining screws after long-term use in vivo. Part 4: Failure analysis of 10 fractured retaining screws retrieved from three patients. (Al Jabbari YS, Fournelle R, Ziebert G, Toth J, Iacopino AM) J Prosthodont 2008 Apr;17(3):201-10 22 Citations |
1 | Intermitted pharmacologic pretreatment by xenon, isoflurane, nitrous oxide, and the opioid morphine prevents tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced adhesion molecule expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. (Weber NC, Kandler J, Schlack W, Grueber Y, Frädorf J, Preckel B) Anesthesiology 2008 Feb;108(2):199-207 32 Citations |
1 | Emergency subtotal hepatectomy: a new concept for acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: temporary hepatic support by auxiliary orthotopic liver transplantation enables long-term success. (Lodge JP, Dasgupta D, Prasad KR, Attia M, Toogood GJ, Davies M, Millson C, Breslin N, Wyatt J, Robinson PJ, Bellamy MC, Snook N, Pollard SG) Ann Surg 2008 Feb;247(2):238-49 37 Citations |
2 | Long-term follow-up of single versus double cuff artificial urinary sphincter insertion for the treatment of severe postprostatectomy stress urinary incontinence. (O'Connor RC, Lyon MB, Guralnick ML, Bales GT) Urology 2008 Jan;71(1):90-3 98 Citations |
1 | Carcinoid of the extra-hepatic bile duct: a case report with long-term follow-up and review of literature. (Gusani NJ, Marsh JW, Nalesnik MA, Tublin ME, Gamblin TC) Am Surg 2008 Jan;74(1):87-90 16 Citations |
1 | Effects of shear rate on propagation of blood clotting determined using microfluidics and numerical simulations. (Runyon MK, Kastrup CJ, Johnson-Kerner BL, Ha TG, Ismagilov RF) J Am Chem Soc 2008 Mar 19;130(11):3458-64 58 Citations |
3 | Long-term remission with imatinib mesylate in Philadelphia chromosome-positive AML presenting as primary extramedullary myeloid sarcoma. (Ahmed MS, Kroft SH, Davis NB, King DM, Cheng YC) Leuk Res 2008 Sep;32(9):1476-9 5 Citations |
1 | Indication for treatment and long-term outcome of focal nodular hyperplasia. (Bonney GK, Gomez D, Al-Mukhtar A, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad R) HPB (Oxford) 2007;9(5):368-72 36 Citations |
2 | Use of cost-effectiveness analysis to determine inventory size for a national cord blood bank. (Howard DH, Meltzer D, Kollman C, Maiers M, Logan B, Gragert L, Setterholm M, Horowitz MM) Med Decis Making 2008;28(2):243-53 36 Citations |
2 | An alternatively spliced isoform of PECAM-1 is expressed at high levels in human and murine tissues, and suggests a novel role for the C-terminus of PECAM-1 in cytoprotective signaling. (Bergom C, Paddock C, Gao C, Holyst T, Newman DK, Newman PJ) J Cell Sci 2008 Apr 15;121(Pt 8):1235-42 14 Citations |
1 | Effects of mutagenic and chain-terminating nucleotide analogs on enzymes isolated from hepatitis C virus strains of various genotypes. (Heck JA, Lam AM, Narayanan N, Frick DN) Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2008 Jun;52(6):1901-11 24 Citations |
1 | Development and use of an efficient system for random mariner transposon mutagenesis to identify novel genetic determinants of biofilm formation in the core Enterococcus faecalis genome. (Kristich CJ, Nguyen VT, Le T, Barnes AM, Grindle S, Dunny GM) Appl Environ Microbiol 2008 Jun;74(11):3377-86 82 Citations |
1 | Long-term clinical outcomes of real-world experience using sirolimus-eluting stents in saphenous vein graft disease. (Ramana RK, Ronan A, Cohoon K, Homan D, Sutherland J, Steen L, Liu J, Loeb H, Lewis BE) Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2008 Jun 01;71(7):886-93 38 Citations |
1 | Nurse opinions and pulse oximeter saturation target limits for preterm infants. (Nghiem TH, Hagadorn JI, Terrin N, Syke S, MacKinnon B, Cole CH) Pediatrics 2008 May;121(5):e1039-46 37 Citations |
1 | A comparative analysis of Medicaid long-term care policies and their effects on elderly dual enrollees. (Rice JB, Kasper JD, Pezzin LE) Health Econ 2009 Mar;18(3):275-90 15 Citations |
1 | Formation of bicyclic pyrroles from the catalytic coupling reaction of 2,5-disubstituted pyrroles with terminal alkynes, involving the activation of multiple C-H bonds. (Yi CS, Zhang J) Chem Commun (Camb) 2008 May 28(20):2349-51 12 Citations |
1 | A single center comparison of long-term outcomes of renal allografts procured laparoscopically versus historic controls procured by the open approach. (Nogueira JM, Jacobs SC, Haririan A, Phelan MW, Weir MR, Seliger SL, Hurley HA, Cooper M) Transpl Int 2008 Sep;21(9):908-14 8 Citations |
1 | Orientation of the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein OmpX in phospholipid bilayer membranes determined by solid-State NMR. (Mahalakshmi R, Marassi FM) Biochemistry 2008 Jun 24;47(25):6531-8 48 Citations |
2 | Deletion of PI3K-p85alpha gene impairs lineage commitment, terminal maturation, cytokine generation and cytotoxicity of NK cells. (Awasthi A, Samarakoon A, Dai X, Wen R, Wang D, Malarkannan S) Genes Immun 2008 Sep;9(6):522-35 29 Citations |
1 | Metal content of metallo-beta-lactamase L1 is determined by the bioavailability of metal ions. (Hu Z, Gunasekera TS, Spadafora L, Bennett B, Crowder MW) Biochemistry 2008 Jul 29;47(30):7947-53 36 Citations |
1 | The effect of short-term changes in body mass distribution on feed-forward postural control. (Li X, Aruin AS) J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2009 Oct;19(5):931-41 23 Citations |
1 | Short-term response to adalimumab in childhood inflammatory bowel disease. (Noe JD, Pfefferkorn M) Inflamm Bowel Dis 2008 Dec;14(12):1683-7 37 Citations |
1 | Surgical technique and systemic inflammation influences long-term disease-free survival following hepatic resection for colorectal metastasis. (Gomez D, Morris-Stiff G, Wyatt J, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) J Surg Oncol 2008 Oct 01;98(5):371-6 57 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of acellular dermal matrix when used for large traumatic open abdomen. (de Moya MA, Dunham M, Inaba K, Bahouth H, Alam HB, Sultan B, Namias N) J Trauma 2008 Aug;65(2):349-53 78 Citations |
1 | Efficacy of RAD001 (everolimus) and octreotide LAR in advanced low- to intermediate-grade neuroendocrine tumors: results of a phase II study. (Yao JC, Phan AT, Chang DZ, Wolff RA, Hess K, Gupta S, Jacobs C, Mares JE, Landgraf AN, Rashid A, Meric-Bernstam F) J Clin Oncol 2008 Sep 10;26(26):4311-8 555 Citations |
6 | The extent of lower extremity occlusive disease predicts short- and long-term patency following endovascular infrainguinal arterial intervention. (Hasanadka R, Brown KR, Rilling WS, Rossi PJ, Hieb RA, Hohenwalter EJ, Seabrook GR, Lewis BD, Towne JB) Am J Surg 2008 Nov;196(5):629-33 10 Citations |
1 | The p110 delta of PI3K plays a critical role in NK cell terminal maturation and cytokine/chemokine generation. (Guo H, Samarakoon A, Vanhaesebroeck B, Malarkannan S) J Exp Med 2008 Sep 29;205(10):2419-35 90 Citations |
2 | A 2-day history of shortness of breath and intermittent dull substernal chest pain in a 42-year-old man: a case of acute insecticide toxicity or something more ominous? (Pagel PS, Gandhi SD, Shah JR, Butler EG, Almassi GH) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2009 Oct;23(5):732-4 1 Citation |
1 | Long-term progression and therapeutic response of visceral metastatic disease non-invasively monitored in mouse urine using beta-human choriogonadotropin secreting tumor cell lines. (Francia G, Emmenegger U, Lee CR, Shaked Y, Folkins C, Mossoba M, Medin JA, Man S, Zhu Z, Witte L, Kerbel RS) Mol Cancer Ther 2008 Oct;7(10):3452-9 24 Citations |
1 | Genetically hypertensive Brown Norway congenic rat strains suggest intermediate traits underlying genetic hypertension. (Bilusić M, Moreno C, Barreto NE, Tschannen MR, Harris EL, Porteous WK, Thompson CM, Grigor MR, Weder A, Boerwinkle E, Hunt SC, Curb JD, Jacob HJ, Kwitek AE) Croat Med J 2008 Oct;49(5):586-99 8 Citations |
1 | Genetic determinants of hypertension: an update. (Harrison M, Maresso K, Broeckel U) Curr Hypertens Rep 2008 Dec;10(6):488-95 31 Citations |
2 | Ex vivo diffusion tensor imaging and quantitative tractography of the rat spinal cord during long-term recovery from moderate spinal contusion. (Ellingson BM, Kurpad SN, Schmit BD) J Magn Reson Imaging 2008 Nov;28(5):1068-79 47 Citations |
1 | Trapping and characterization of a reaction intermediate in carbapenem hydrolysis by B. cereus metallo-beta-lactamase. (Tioni MF, Llarrull LI, Poeylaut-Palena AA, Martí MA, Saggu M, Periyannan GR, Mata EG, Bennett B, Murgida DH, Vila AJ) J Am Chem Soc 2008 Nov 26;130(47):15852-63 71 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of patients with multiple myeloma after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation and nonmyeloablative allografting. (Rotta M, Storer BE, Sahebi F, Shizuru JA, Bruno B, Lange T, Agura ED, McSweeney PA, Pulsipher MA, Hari P, Maziarz RT, Chauncey TR, Appelbaum FR, Sorror ML, Bensinger W, Sandmaier BM, Storb RF, Maloney DG) Blood 2009 Apr 02;113(14):3383-91 97 Citations |
1 | Arc determination equals injury identification: Trauma mantra applied to electrocution (Weinberger LN, Holena DN, Powell EK, Gracias V) Injury Extra December 2008;39(12):389-391 |
1 | Effects of short-term finasteride on apoptotic factors and androgen receptors in prostate cancer cells. (Bass R, Perry B, Langenstroer P, Thrasher JB, Dennis KL, Tawfik O, Holzbeierlein J) J Urol 2009 Feb;181(2):615-9; discussion 619-20 24 Citations |
2 | D2 dopamine receptor activation facilitates endocannabinoid-mediated long-term synaptic depression of GABAergic synaptic transmission in midbrain dopamine neurons via cAMP-protein kinase A signaling. (Pan B, Hillard CJ, Liu QS) J Neurosci 2008 Dec 24;28(52):14018-30 112 Citations |
1 | Short Term Exposure to a Violent Video Game Induces Changes in Frontolimbic Circuitry in Adolescents (Yang Wang, Vincent P. Mathews, Andrew J. Kalnin, Kristine M. Mosier, David W. Dunn, Andrew J. Saykin, William G. Kronenberger) |
1 | Maternal prepregnancy body mass index and delivery of a preterm infant in missouri 1998-2000. (Johnson TS, Rottier KJ, Luellwitz A, Kirby RS) Public Health Nurs 2009;26(1):3-13 31 Citations |
1 | Inhaled nitric oxide for preterm neonates. (Arul N, Konduri GG) Clin Perinatol 2009 Mar;36(1):43-61 19 Citations |
1 | Substrate binding preferences and pka determinations of a nitrile hydratase model complex: variable solvent coordination to [(bmmp-TASN)Fe]OTf. (O'Toole MG, Bennett B, Mashuta MS, Grapperhaus CA) Inorg Chem 2009 Mar 02;48(5):2300-8 11 Citations |
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1 | Effect of postnatal maturation on the mechanisms of esophageal propulsion in preterm human neonates: primary and secondary peristalsis. (Gupta A, Gulati P, Kim W, Fernandez S, Shaker R, Jadcherla SR) Am J Gastroenterol 2009 Feb;104(2):411-9 59 Citations |
1 | A randomized placebo-controlled comparison of 2 prebiotic/probiotic combinations in preterm infants: impact on weight gain, intestinal microbiota, and fecal short-chain fatty acids. (Underwood MA, Salzman NH, Bennett SH, Barman M, Mills DA, Marcobal A, Tancredi DJ, Bevins CL, Sherman MP) J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009 Feb;48(2):216-25 147 Citations |
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1 | Long-term survival after multidisciplinary management of resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma. (Katz MH, Wang H, Fleming JB, Sun CC, Hwang RF, Wolff RA, Varadhachary G, Abbruzzese JL, Crane CH, Krishnan S, Vauthey JN, Abdalla EK, Lee JE, Pisters PW, Evans DB) Ann Surg Oncol 2009 Apr;16(4):836-47 427 Citations |
1 | Effect of nitrous oxide use on long-term neurologic and neuropsychological outcome in patients who received temporary proximal artery occlusion during cerebral aneurysm clipping surgery. (Pasternak JJ, McGregor DG, Lanier WL, Schroeder DR, Rusy DA, Hindman B, Clarke W, Torner J, Todd MM, IHAST Investigators) Anesthesiology 2009 Mar;110(3):563-73 49 Citations |
1 | Functional genomics of Enterococcus faecalis: multiple novel genetic determinants for biofilm formation in the core genome. (Ballering KS, Kristich CJ, Grindle SM, Oromendia A, Beattie DT, Dunny GM) J Bacteriol 2009 Apr;191(8):2806-14 51 Citations |
1 | Short-term osteoclastic activity induced by locally high concentrations of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 in a cancellous bone environment. (Toth JM, Boden SD, Burkus JK, Badura JM, Peckham SM, McKay WF) Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2009 Mar 15;34(6):539-50 93 Citations |
1 | Short term exposure to a violent video game induces changes in frontolimbic circuitry in adolescents (Wang Y, Mathews VP, Kalnin AJ, Mosier KM, Dunn DW, Saykin AJ, Kronenberger WG) Brain Imaging and Behavior March 2009;3(1):38-50 45 Citations |
1 | IBD-associated TL1A gene (TNFSF15) haplotypes determine increased expression of TL1A protein. (Michelsen KS, Thomas LS, Taylor KD, Yu QT, Mei L, Landers CJ, Derkowski C, McGovern DP, Rotter JI, Targan SR) PLoS One 2009;4(3):e4719 82 Citations |
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1 | The dynamics of income and neighborhood context for population health: do long-term measures of socioeconomic status explain more of the black/white health disparity than single-point-in-time measures? (Do DP) Soc Sci Med 2009 Apr;68(8):1368-75 53 Citations |
1 | Dynamics of the expression of intermediate filaments vimentin and desmin during myofibroblast differentiation after corneal injury. (Chaurasia SS, Kaur H, de Medeiros FW, Smith SD, Wilson SE) Exp Eye Res 2009 Aug;89(2):133-9 95 Citations |
1 | Pediatric Atorvastatin in Diabetes Trial (PADIT): a pilot study to determine the effect of atorvastatin on arterial stiffness and endothelial function in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. (Haller MJ, Stein JM, Shuster JJ, Theriaque D, Samyn MM, Pepine C, Silverstein JH) J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2009 Jan;22(1):65-8 37 Citations |
1 | TLR2 and its co-receptors determine responses of macrophages and dendritic cells to lipoproteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (Drage MG, Pecora ND, Hise AG, Febbraio M, Silverstein RL, Golenbock DT, Boom WH, Harding CV) Cell Immunol 2009;258(1):29-37 131 Citations |
2 | Unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for non-hodgkin lymphoma: long-term outcomes. (van Besien K, Carreras J, Bierman PJ, Logan BR, Molina A, King R, Nelson G, Fay JW, Champlin RE, Lazarus HM, Vose JM, Hari PN) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2009 May;15(5):554-63 28 Citations |
1 | Inhibition of stored Ca2+ release disrupts convergence-related cell movements in the lateral intermediate mesoderm resulting in abnormal positioning and morphology of the pronephric anlagen in intact zebrafish embryos. (Lam PY, Webb SE, Leclerc C, Moreau M, Miller AL) Dev Growth Differ 2009 May;51(4):429-42 10 Citations |
1 | To explant or not to explant: an invasive and noninvasive monitoring protocol to determine the need of continued ventricular assist device support. (Osaki S, Sweitzer NK, Rahko PS, Murray MA, Hoffmann JA, Johnson MR, Edwards NM, Kohmoto T) Congest Heart Fail 2009;15(2):58-62 4 Citations |
1 | Determination of low-pass filter cutoff frequencies for high-rate biomechanical signals obtained using videographic analysis. (Fijalkowski RJ, Ropella KM, Stemper BD) J Biomech Eng 2009 May;131(5):054502 3 Citations |
1 | Long-term assessment of bladder and bowel dysfunction after radical hysterectomy. (Brooks RA, Wright JD, Powell MA, Rader JS, Gao F, Mutch DG, Wall LL) Gynecol Oncol 2009 Jul;114(1):75-9 43 Citations |
2 | Prognostic implication of late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac MRI in light chain (AL) amyloidosis on long term follow up. (Migrino RQ, Christenson R, Szabo A, Bright M, Truran S, Hari P) BMC Med Phys 2009 May 05;9:5 35 Citations |
1 | Abundant c-Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1-converting enzyme inhibitory protein expression determines resistance of T helper 17 cells to activation-induced cell death. (Yu Y, Iclozan C, Yamazaki T, Yang X, Anasetti C, Dong C, Yu XZ) Blood 2009 Jul 30;114(5):1026-8 32 Citations |
2 | Terminating motor events for TLESR are influenced by the presence and distribution of refluxate. (Kuribayashi S, Massey BT, Hafeezullah M, Perera L, Hussaini SQ, Tatro L, Darling RJ, Franco R, Shaker R) Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2009 Jul;297(1):G71-5 21 Citations |
1 | Long-term consequences of kidney donation. (Davis CL, Cooper M) N Engl J Med 2009 May 28;360(22):2370; author reply 2372 4 Citations |
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1 | Second births to teenage mothers: risk factors for low birth weight and preterm birth. (Partington SN, Steber DL, Blair KA, Cisler RA) Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2009 Jun;41(2):101-9 46 Citations |
1 | The C-terminal Src inhibitory kinase (Csk)-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation is a novel molecular mechanism to limit P2X3 receptor function in mouse sensory neurons. (D'Arco M, Giniatullin R, Leone V, Carloni P, Birsa N, Nair A, Nistri A, Fabbretti E) J Biol Chem 2009 Aug 07;284(32):21393-401 40 Citations |
1 | Determination of minimum effective dose and optimal dosing schedule for liposomal curcumin in a xenograft human pancreatic cancer model. (Mach CM, Mathew L, Mosley SA, Kurzrock R, Smith JA) Anticancer Res 2009 Jun;29(6):1895-9 56 Citations |
1 | Donor risk index and MELD interactions in predicting long-term graft survival: a single-centre experience. (Bonney GK, Aldersley MA, Asthana S, Toogood GJ, Pollard SG, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Transplantation 2009 Jun 27;87(12):1858-63 68 Citations |
3 | Long-term survival and late relapse in 2-year survivors of autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation for Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (Majhail NS, Bajorunaite R, Lazarus HM, Wang Z, Klein JP, Zhang MJ, Rizzo JD) Br J Haematol 2009 Oct;147(1):129-39 53 Citations |
1 | Modulation of long-term memory by arousal in alexithymia: the role of interpretation. (Nielson KA, Meltzer MA) Conscious Cogn 2009 Sep;18(3):786-93 28 Citations |
1 | Thiolutin inhibits endothelial cell adhesion by perturbing Hsp27 interactions with components of the actin and intermediate filament cytoskeleton. (Jia Y, Wu SL, Isenberg JS, Dai S, Sipes JM, Field L, Zeng B, Bandle RW, Ridnour LA, Wink DA, Ramchandran R, Karger BL, Roberts DD) Cell Stress Chaperones 2010 Mar;15(2):165-81 41 Citations |
1 | A risk-adapted, response-based approach using ABVE-PC for children and adolescents with intermediate- and high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma: the results of P9425. (Schwartz CL, Constine LS, Villaluna D, London WB, Hutchison RE, Sposto R, Lipshultz SE, Turner CS, deAlarcon PA, Chauvenet A) Blood 2009 Sep 03;114(10):2051-9 192 Citations |
1 | Transcatheter therapy for hepatic malignancy: standardization of terminology and reporting criteria. (Brown DB, Gould JE, Gervais DA, Goldberg SN, Murthy R, Millward SF, Rilling WS, Geschwind JF, Salem R, Vedantham S, Cardella JF, Soulen MC, Society of Interventional Radiology Technology Assessment Committee and the International Working Group on Image-Guided Tumor Ablation) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2009 Jul;20(7 Suppl):S425-34 104 Citations |
1 | The Norwood procedure - does the type of shunt determine outcome? (Rüffer A, Danch A, Gottschalk U, Mir T, Lacour-Gayet F, Haun C, Hraska V, Reichenspurner HC, Cesnjevar RA) Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009 Aug;57(5):270-5 19 Citations |
2 | A long-term follow-up of surgical impact on clubfoot using 7-segment foot model (Liu XC, Thometz J, Lyon R, Tassone C, McKillip J) Foot and Ankle International August 2009;30(8):797 |
1 | Chronic epilepsy associated with temporal tumors: long-term surgical outcome. (Ruban D, Byrne RW, Kanner A, Smith M, Cochran EJ, Roh D, Whisler WW) Neurosurg Focus 2009 Aug;27(2):E6 29 Citations |
1 | Reprint of "Dynamics of the expression of intermediate filaments vimentin and desmin during myofibroblast differentiation after corneal injury". (Chaurasia SS, Kaur H, de Medeiros FW, Smith SD, Wilson SE) Exp Eye Res 2009 Oct;89(4):590-6 20 Citations |
1 | Chest compression fraction determines survival in patients with out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation. (Christenson J, Andrusiek D, Everson-Stewart S, Kudenchuk P, Hostler D, Powell J, Callaway CW, Bishop D, Vaillancourt C, Davis D, Aufderheide TP, Idris A, Stouffer JA, Stiell I, Berg R, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators) Circulation 2009 Sep 29;120(13):1241-7 647 Citations |
1 | Introgression of Brown Norway chromosome 1 onto the fawn hooded hypertensive background rescues long-term fear memory deficits. (Jarome TJ, Kwapis JL, Nye SH, Helmstetter FJ) Behav Genet 2010 Jan;40(1):85-92 6 Citations |
1 | The preventive health behaviors of long-term survivors of cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation compared with matched controls. (Bishop MM, Lee SJ, Beaumont JL, Andrykowski MA, Rizzo JD, Sobocinski KA, Wingard JR) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2010 Feb;16(2):207-14 60 Citations |
1 | 11q terminal deletion disorder and common variable immunodeficiency. (Puglisi G, Netravali MA, MacGinnitie AJ, Bonagura VR) Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009 Sep;103(3):267-8 10 Citations |
1 | Long-term suppression of GABAergic activity by neonatal seizures in rat somatosensory cortex. (Isaeva E, Isaev D, Khazipov R, Holmes GL) Epilepsy Res 2009 Dec;87(2-3):286-9 26 Citations |
1 | Disease-causing mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator determine the functional responses of alveolar macrophages. (Deriy LV, Gomez EA, Zhang G, Beacham DW, Hopson JA, Gallan AJ, Shevchenko PD, Bindokas VP, Nelson DJ) J Biol Chem 2009 Dec 18;284(51):35926-38 112 Citations |
1 | Reasons why emergency department providers do not rely on the pneumonia severity index to determine the initial site of treatment for patients with pneumonia. (Aujesky D, McCausland JB, Whittle J, Obrosky DS, Yealy DM, Fine MJ) Clin Infect Dis 2009 Nov 15;49(10):e100-8 66 Citations |
1 | Long-term efficacy of biologics in the treatment of psoriasis: what do we really know? (Alwawi EA, Krulig E, Gordon KB) Dermatol Ther 2009;22(5):431-40 38 Citations |
1 | Correlation between postoperative infective complications and long-term outcomes after hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastasis. (Farid SG, Aldouri A, Morris-Stiff G, Khan AZ, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Ann Surg 2010 Jan;251(1):91-100 184 Citations |
1 | Left ventricular ejection time on echocardiography predicts long-term mortality in light chain amyloidosis. (Migrino RQ, Mareedu RK, Eastwood D, Bowers M, Harmann L, Hari P) J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009 Dec;22(12):1396-402 35 Citations |
1 | Effect of early intervention on 8-year growth status of low-birth-weight preterm infants. (Casey PH, Bradley RH, Whiteside-Mansell L, Barrett K, Gossett JM, Simpson PM) Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2009 Nov;163(11):1046-53 11 Citations |
1 | Impact of prior irregular infliximab dosing on performance of long-term infliximab maintenance therapy in Crohn's disease. (Stein DJ, Ananthakrishnan AN, Issa M, Williams JB, Beaulieu DB, Zadvornova Y, Ward A, Johnson K, Knox JF, Skaros S, Binion DG) Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010 Jul;16(7):1173-9 20 Citations |
1 | Molecular determinants dictating cell surface expression of the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter-2 in human liver cells. (Subramanian VS, Marchant JS, Said HM) Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2010 Feb;298(2):G267-74 18 Citations |
2 | Intermonomer interactions are essential for lysosomal enzyme binding by the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. (Olson LJ, Sun G, Bohnsack RN, Peterson FC, Dahms NM, Kim JJ) Biochemistry 2010 Jan 12;49(1):236-46 8 Citations |
1 | Diffusion tensor imaging at 3 hours after traumatic spinal cord injury predicts long-term locomotor recovery. (Kim JH, Loy DN, Wang Q, Budde MD, Schmidt RE, Trinkaus K, Song SK) J Neurotrauma 2010 Mar;27(3):587-98 103 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ALL Consortium protocols for children with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1985-2000). (Silverman LB, Stevenson KE, O'Brien JE, Asselin BL, Barr RD, Clavell L, Cole PD, Kelly KM, Laverdiere C, Michon B, Schorin MA, Schwartz CL, O'Holleran EW, Neuberg DS, Cohen HJ, Sallan SE) Leukemia 2010 Feb;24(2):320-34 260 Citations |
1 | Determining the potency of neuromuscular blockers (Kopman AF, Lien CA, Naguib M) British Journal of Anaesthesia October 2010;105(4):544-545 |
1 | Determination of the depth dose distribution of proton beam using PRESAGE™ dosimeter (Zhao L, Das IJ, Zhao Q, Thomas A, Adamovics J, Oldman M) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010;250:160-163 12 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up study of chronic deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus for cervical dystonia. (Pahapill PA, O'Connell B) Neuromodulation 2010 Jan;13(1):26-30 23 Citations |
1 | Use of evidence-based therapies in short-term outcomes of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in patients with chronic kidney disease: a report from the National Cardiovascular Data Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network registry. (Fox CS, Muntner P, Chen AY, Alexander KP, Roe MT, Cannon CP, Saucedo JF, Kontos MC, Wiviott SD, Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network registry) Circulation 2010 Jan 26;121(3):357-65 387 Citations |
2 | Rapid, robotic, small-scale protein production for NMR screening and structure determination. (Jensen DR, Woytovich C, Li M, Duvnjak P, Cassidy MS, Frederick RO, Bergeman LF, Peterson FC, Volkman BF) Protein Sci 2010 Mar;19(3):570-8 8 Citations |
1 | Activation of ExoU phospholipase activity requires specific C-terminal regions. (Schmalzer KM, Benson MA, Frank DW) J Bacteriol 2010 Apr;192(7):1801-12 23 Citations |
1 | Alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: the role of self-determination. (Hove MC, Parkhill MR, Neighbors C, McConchie JM, Fossos N) J Stud Alcohol Drugs 2010 Jan;71(1):78-85 41 Citations |
1 | Regioselective Intermolecular Coupling Reaction of Arylketones and Alkenes Involving C-H Bond Activation Catalyzed by an In-Situ Formed Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex. (Yi CS, Lee DW) Organometallics 2009 Aug 10;28(15):4266-4268 40 Citations |
1 | Scope and Mechanistic Investigations on the Solvent-Controlled Regio- and Stereoselective Formation of Enol Esters from the Ruthenium-Catalyzed Coupling Reaction of Terminal Alkynes and Carboxylic Acids. (Yi CS, Gao R) Organometallics 2009 Oct 30;28(22):6585-6592 46 Citations |
1 | N-terminal pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide: a biochemical surrogate of cardiac function in the potential heart donor. (Dronavalli VB, Ranasinghe AM, Venkateswaran RJ, James SR, McCabe CJ, Wilson IC, Mascaro JG, Bonser RS) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2010 Aug;38(2):181-6 17 Citations |
1 | Ross-konno procedure in children: midterm results. (Hraska V, Lilje C, Kantorová A, Photiadis J, Fink C, Asfour B, Lacour-Gayet F, Schneider MB, Haun C) World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 2010 Apr;1(1):28-33 13 Citations |
1 | Regioselective formation of alpha-vinylpyrroles from the ruthenium-catalyzed coupling reaction of pyrroles and terminal alkynes involving C-H bond activation. (Gao R, Yi CS) J Org Chem 2010 May 07;75(9):3144-6 40 Citations |
1 | Recurrent neonatal seizures result in long-term increases in neuronal network excitability in the rat neocortex. (Isaeva E, Isaev D, Savrasova A, Khazipov R, Holmes GL) Eur J Neurosci 2010 Apr;31(8):1446-55 46 Citations |
1 | Metabolic monitoring of postischemic myocardium during intermittent warm-blood cardioplegic administration. (Borowski A, Kurt M, Calvo S, Paprotny G, Godehardt E, Fraessdorf J, Ghodsizad A) Tex Heart Inst J 2010;37(2):184-8 6 Citations |
1 | Lung transplantation with donation after cardiac death donors: long-term follow-up in a single center. (De Oliveira NC, Osaki S, Maloney JD, Meyer KC, Kohmoto T, D'Alessandro AM, Love RB) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010 May;139(5):1306-15 123 Citations |
1 | Determining the potency of neuromuscular blockers: are traditional methods flawed? (Kopman AF, Lien CA, Naguib M) Br J Anaesth 2010 Jun;104(6):705-10 10 Citations |
1 | Reliability of Probing Measurements Versus Coring in Determining PCC Pavement Thickness (Haidy G Nasief) Thesis. University of Wisconsin--Madison |
1 | Development of terminology subsets using ICNP. (Coenen A, Kim TY) Int J Med Inform 2010 Jul;79(7):530-8 41 Citations |
3 | Efficacy and safety of long-term (>7 year) alemtuzumab therapy for refractory T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia. (Olteanu H, Harrington AM, Ramirez S, Kroft SH, Hari P) Br J Haematol 2010 Aug;150(4):480-1 3 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Care of the Disabled Elderly: Do Children Increase Caregiving by Spouses? (Pezzin LE, Pollak RA, Schone BS) Rev Econ Househ 2009 Sep 01;7(3):323-339 26 Citations |
3 | High probability of long-term survival in 2-year survivors of autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for AML in first or second CR. (Majhail NS, Bajorunaite R, Lazarus HM, Wang Z, Klein JP, Zhang MJ, Rizzo JD) Bone Marrow Transplant 2011 Mar;46(3):385-92 25 Citations |
1 | Interaction of tumour biology and tumour burden in determining outcome after hepatic resection for colorectal metastases. (Gomez D, Morris-Stiff G, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) HPB (Oxford) 2010 Mar;12(2):84-93 18 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome evaluation in young adults following clubfoot surgical release. (Graf A, Hassani S, Krzak J, Long J, Caudill A, Flanagan A, Eastwood D, Kuo KN, Harris G, Smith P) J Pediatr Orthop 2010 Jun;30(4):379-85 42 Citations |
1 | Evaluation and management of hypothyroxinemia and hypocortisolemia in preterm neonates: Current concepts and contentious issues (Iyer P, Root AW) Pediatric Health June 2010;4(3):329-341 1 Citation |
1 | Short-Term Violent Video Game Play by Adolescents Alters Prefrontal Activity During Cognitive Inhibition (Tom A. Hummer , Yang Wang , William G. Kronenberger , Kristine M. Mosier , Andrew J. Kalnin , David W. Dunn, Vincent P. Mathews ) Media Psychology |
1 | Intermolecular Dehydrative Coupling Reaction of Arylketones with Cyclic Alkenes Catalyzed by a Well-Defined Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex: A Novel Ketone Olefination Method via Vinyl C-H Bond Activation. (Yi CS, Lee DW) Organometallics 2010 Mar 19;29(8):1883-1885 29 Citations |
1 | Short-term violent video game play by adolescents alters prefrontal activity during cognitive inhibition (Hummer TA, Wang Y, Kronenberger WG, Mosier KM, Kalnin AJ, Dunn DW, Mathews VP) Media Psychology 2010;13(2):136-154 58 Citations |
1 | Long term follow-up of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes using busulfan, cytosine arabinoside, and cyclophosphamide. (Atallah E, Abrams J, Ayash L, Bentley G, Abidi M, Ratanatharathorn V, Uberti J) Am J Hematol 2010 Aug;85(8):579-83 7 Citations |
1 | Surgical treatment of transposition of great arteries with ventricular septal defect and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction: midterm results. (Weyand K, Haun C, Blaschczok H, Goetz-Toussaint N, Photiadis J, Sinzobahamvya N, Asfour B, Hraska V) World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 2010 Jul;1(2):163-9 11 Citations |
1 | Novel, selective sample stacking microemulsion electrokinetic capillary chromatography induced by reverse migrating pseudostationary phase for the determination of the new ultra-short acting hypnotic "HIE-124" in mice serum. (Hefnawy M, Al-Omar M, Julkhuf S, Attia S, Abourashed E, El-Subbagh H) Anal Chim Acta 2010 Jul 19;673(2):194-9 14 Citations |
1 | Endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease-a multicenter, long-term comparison of results: transanal vs transabdominal approach. (Kim AC, Langer JC, Pastor AC, Zhang L, Sloots CE, Hamilton NA, Neal MD, Craig BT, Tkach EK, Hackam DJ, Bax NM, Dillon PA, Chamberlain JN, Teitelbaum DH) J Pediatr Surg 2010 Jun;45(6):1213-20 83 Citations |
1 | The Childhood Asthma Control Test: retrospective determination and clinical validation of a cut point to identify children with very poorly controlled asthma. (Liu AH, Zeiger RS, Sorkness CA, Ostrom NK, Chipps BE, Rosa K, Watson ME, Kaplan MS, Meurer JR, Mahr TA, Blaiss MS, Piault-Louis E, McDonald J) J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010 Aug;126(2):267-73, 273.e1 97 Citations |
1 | NADPH oxidase 2 mediates intermittent hypoxia-induced mitochondrial complex I inhibition: relevance to blood pressure changes in rats. (Khan SA, Nanduri J, Yuan G, Kinsman B, Kumar GK, Joseph J, Kalyanaraman B, Prabhakar NR) Antioxid Redox Signal 2011 Feb 15;14(4):533-42 70 Citations |
1 | Reactive oxygen species control senescence-associated matrix metalloproteinase-1 through c-Jun-N-terminal kinase. (Dasgupta J, Kar S, Liu R, Joseph J, Kalyanaraman B, Remington SJ, Chen C, Melendez JA) J Cell Physiol 2010 Oct;225(1):52-62 66 Citations |
1 | Postoperative delirium and short-term cognitive dysfunction occur more frequently in patients undergoing valve surgery with or without coronary artery bypass graft surgery compared with coronary artery bypass graft surgery alone: results of a pilot study. (Hudetz JA, Iqbal Z, Gandhi SD, Patterson KM, Byrne AJ, Pagel PS) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2011 Oct;25(5):811-6 66 Citations |
1 | A quality improvement model for healthcare terminologies. (Kim TY, Coenen A, Hardiker N) J Biomed Inform 2010 Dec;43(6):1036-43 15 Citations |
1 | Metabolic syndrome exacerbates short-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: results of a pilot study. (Hudetz JA, Patterson KM, Iqbal Z, Gandhi SD, Pagel PS) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2011 Apr;25(2):282-7 34 Citations |
1 | DNA methylation of the Trip10 promoter accelerates mesenchymal stem cell lineage determination. (Hsiao SH, Lee KD, Hsu CC, Tseng MJ, Jin VX, Sun WS, Hung YC, Yeh KT, Yan PS, Lai YY, Sun HS, Lu YJ, Chang YS, Tsai SJ, Huang TH, Leu YW) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2010 Sep 24;400(3):305-12 46 Citations |
1 | Tracking long-term survival of intramyocardially delivered human adipose tissue-derived stem cells using bioluminescence imaging. (Bai X, Yan Y, Coleman M, Wu G, Rabinovich B, Seidensticker M, Alt E) Mol Imaging Biol 2011 Aug;13(4):633-45 56 Citations |
1 | Long-term administration of endothelin receptor antagonist improves coronary endothelial function in patients with early atherosclerosis. (Reriani M, Raichlin E, Prasad A, Mathew V, Pumper GM, Nelson RE, Lennon R, Rihal C, Lerman LO, Lerman A) Circulation 2010 Sep 07;122(10):958-66 134 Citations |
1 | Identification of genetic determinants of IGF-1 levels and longevity among mouse inbred strains. (Leduc MS, Hageman RS, Meng Q, Verdugo RA, Tsaih SW, Churchill GA, Paigen B, Yuan R) Aging Cell 2010 Oct;9(5):823-36 32 Citations |
3 | Determination of normative neck muscle morphometry using upright MRI with comparison to supine data. (Stemper BD, Baisden JL, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Paskoff GR, Shender BS) Aviat Space Environ Med 2010 Sep;81(9):878-82 20 Citations |
1 | Promoter-specific lentivectors for long-term, cardiac-directed therapy of Fabry disease. (Lee CJ, Fan X, Guo X, Medin JA) J Cardiol 2011 Jan;57(1):115-22 33 Citations |
1 | Determining the potency of neuromuscular blockers (Kopman AF, Lien CA, Naguib M) British Journal of Anaesthesia October 2010;105(4):544-545 |
1 | Adverse events in the long-term follow-up of patients treated with samarium Sm 153 lexidronam for osseous metastases. (Paravati AJ, Russo AL, Aitken C) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011 Oct 01;81(2):506-10 6 Citations |
1 | Therapeutic targeting of C-terminal binding protein in human cancer. (Straza MW, Paliwal S, Kovi RC, Rajeshkumar B, Trenh P, Parker D, Whalen GF, Lyle S, Schiffer CA, Grossman SR) Cell Cycle 2010 Sep 15;9(18):3740-50 56 Citations |
1 | SIRT3 substrate specificity determined by peptide arrays and machine learning. (Smith BC, Settles B, Hallows WC, Craven MW, Denu JM) ACS Chem Biol 2011 Feb 18;6(2):146-57 66 Citations |
2 | The value of postoperative parathyroid hormone levels in predicting the need for long-term vitamin D supplementation after total thyroidectomy. (Wang TS, Cayo AK, Wilson SD, Yen TW) Ann Surg Oncol 2011 Mar;18(3):777-81 21 Citations |
1 | Immunoglobulin functional motions and their effects on the complementarity determining regions (Zimmermann MT, Skliros A, Saraswathi S, Kloczkowski A, Jernigan RL) 2010 ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, ACM-BCB 2010 2010:621-626 |
1 | Using the force-time curve to determine sincerity of effort in people with upper extremity injuries. (Sindhu BS, Shechtman O) J Hand Ther 2011;24(1):22-9; quiz 30 11 Citations |
1 | Elevated postoperative inflammatory biomarkers are associated with short- and medium-term cognitive dysfunction after coronary artery surgery. (Hudetz JA, Gandhi SD, Iqbal Z, Patterson KM, Pagel PS) J Anesth 2011 Feb;25(1):1-9 106 Citations |
1 | Neuromuscular dose-response studies: determining sample size. (Kopman AF, Lien CA, Naguib M) Br J Anaesth 2011 Feb;106(2):194-8 14 Citations |
1 | Tyrosine-lipid peroxide adducts from radical termination: para coupling and intramolecular Diels-Alder cyclization. (Shchepin R, Möller MN, Kim HY, Hatch DM, Bartesaghi S, Kalyanaraman B, Radi R, Porter NA) J Am Chem Soc 2010 Dec 15;132(49):17490-500 33 Citations |
1 | Evaluation of probing versus coring for determination of portland cement concrete pavement thickness (Allison GW, Whited GC, Hanna AS, Nasief HG) Transportation Research Record 1 December 2010(2152):3-10 4 Citations |
2 | A new noninvasive method for determination of laryngeal sensory function. (Bock JM, Blumin JH, Toohill RJ, Merati AL, Prieto TE, Jaradeh SS) Laryngoscope 2011 Jan;121(1):158-63 13 Citations |
1 | Vagus nerve stimulation in 436 consecutive patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy: long-term outcomes and predictors of response. (Elliott RE, Morsi A, Kalhorn SP, Marcus J, Sellin J, Kang M, Silverberg A, Rivera E, Geller E, Carlson C, Devinsky O, Doyle WK) Epilepsy Behav 2011 Jan;20(1):57-63 274 Citations |
1 | Challenges in the diagnosis of 2009 H1N1 in a lung transplant patient and the long-term implications for prevention and treatment: a case report. (Davis CS, Deburghgraeve CR, Yong S, Parada JP, Palladino-Davis AG, Lowery E, Gagermeier J, Fisichella PM) Transplant Proc 2010 Dec;42(10):4295-9 2 Citations |
1 | The impact of postoperative infection on long-term outcomes in liver transplantation. (Cockbain AJ, Goldsmith PJ, Gouda M, Attia M, Pollard SG, Lodge JP, Prasad KR, Toogood GJ) Transplant Proc 2010 Dec;42(10):4181-3 14 Citations |
1 | Impact of gastrojejunostomy diameter on long-term weight loss following laparoscopic gastric bypass: a follow-up study. (Smith C, Garren M, Gould J) Surg Endosc 2011 Jul;25(7):2164-7 20 Citations |
1 | Activity Preferences and Satisfaction among Older Adults in a VA Long Term Care Facility (Kracker, J., Kearns, K., Kier, F.J., & Christensen, K.A. ) Clinical Gerontologist 34, 103 – 116. |
1 | Neurogranin phosphorylation fine-tunes long-term potentiation. (Zhong L, Kaleka KS, Gerges NZ) Eur J Neurosci 2011 Jan;33(2):244-50 22 Citations |
2 | Survival of neurally induced mesenchymal cells may determine degree of motor recovery in injured spinal cord rats. (Alexanian AR, Kwok WM, Pravdic D, Maiman DJ, Fehlings MG) Restor Neurol Neurosci 2010;28(6):761-7 22 Citations |
3 | Utility of a combined current procedural terminology and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification code algorithm in classifying cervical spine surgery for degenerative changes. (Wang MC, Laud PW, Macias M, Nattinger AB) Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2011 Oct 15;36(22):1843-8 25 Citations |
1 | Immune trigeminal sensory neuropathy with esophageal achalasia: improvement with long-term immunotherapy. (Figueroa JJ, Engelstad JK, Spinner RJ, Dyck PJ) Muscle Nerve 2011 Feb;43(2):289-93 |
1 | Optimal sampling intervals to assess long-term glycemic control using continuous glucose monitoring. (Xing D, Kollman C, Beck RW, Tamborlane WV, Laffel L, Buckingham BA, Wilson DM, Weinzimer S, Fiallo-Scharer R, Ruedy KJ, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Continuous Glucose Monitoring Study Group) Diabetes Technol Ther 2011 Mar;13(3):351-8 112 Citations |
1 | Tetrasubstituted olefins through the stereoselective catalytic intermolecular conjugate addition of simple alkenes to α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. (Kwon KH, Lee DW, Yi CS) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2011 Feb 11;50(7):1692-5 23 Citations |
1 | Staged abdominal repairs reduce long-term quality of life. (Codner PA, Brasel KJ, Deroon-Cassini TA) Injury 2012 Sep;43(9):1513-6 10 Citations |
1 | Genome-wide analysis of transcription factor E2F1 mutant proteins reveals that N- and C-terminal protein interaction domains do not participate in targeting E2F1 to the human genome. (Cao AR, Rabinovich R, Xu M, Xu X, Jin VX, Farnham PJ) J Biol Chem 2011 Apr 08;286(14):11985-96 43 Citations |
1 | Long-term therapy with bevacizumab in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. (Brinkerhoff BT, Poetker DM, Choong NW) N Engl J Med 2011 Feb 17;364(7):688-9 33 Citations |
1 | The evolution and long-term results of laparoscopic antireflux surgery for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. (Davis CS, Baldea A, Johns JR, Joehl RJ, Fisichella PM) JSLS 2010;14(3):332-41 61 Citations |
1 | Continued benefit from paclitaxel-eluting compared with bare-metal stent implantation in saphenous vein graft lesions during long-term follow-up of the SOS (Stenting of Saphenous Vein Grafts) trial. (Brilakis ES, Lichtenwalter C, Abdel-karim AR, de Lemos JA, Obel O, Addo T, Roesle M, Haagen D, Rangan BV, Saeed B, Bissett JK, Sachdeva R, Voudris VV, Karyofillis P, Kar B, Rossen J, Fasseas P, Berger P, Banerjee S) JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011 Feb;4(2):176-82 99 Citations |
2 | Binding site identification and structure determination of protein-ligand complexes by NMR a semiautomated approach. (Ziarek JJ, Peterson FC, Lytle BL, Volkman BF) Methods Enzymol 2011;493:241-75 61 Citations |
1 | Trauma in the neighborhood: a geospatial analysis and assessment of social determinants of major injury in North America. (Newgard CD, Schmicker RH, Sopko G, Andrusiek D, Bialkowski W, Minei JP, Brasel K, Bulger E, Fleischman RJ, Kerby JD, Bigham BL, Warden CR, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators) Am J Public Health 2011 Apr;101(4):669-77 35 Citations |
1 | Downward migration of carotid stent on 8 months follow-up imaging: possible stent "watermelon- seeding" effect. (Badruddin A, Lazzaro MA, Taqi MA, Zaidat OO) J Neuroimaging 2011 Oct;21(4):395-8 10 Citations |
1 | [Iatrogenic pleuropneumonia as a complication of nutritional treatment of preterm-delivery newborn]. (Jakubczyk M, Chrzanowska M, Szkulmowski Z, Apanasiewicz M, Chrupek M, Kaźmirczuk R, Reszczyńska M, Prokurat AI, Kusza K) Med Wieku Rozwoj 2010;14(4):365-9 1 Citation |
1 | Role of c-Cbl carboxyl terminus in serotonin 5-HT2A receptor recycling and resensitization. (Baldys A, Raymond JR) J Biol Chem 2011 Jul 15;286(28):24656-65 5 Citations |
3 | Long-term survival and late deaths after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Wingard JR, Majhail NS, Brazauskas R, Wang Z, Sobocinski KA, Jacobsohn D, Sorror ML, Horowitz MM, Bolwell B, Rizzo JD, Socié G) J Clin Oncol 2011 Jun 01;29(16):2230-9 536 Citations |
1 | Few residues within an extensive binding interface drive receptor interaction and determine the specificity of arrestin proteins. (Vishnivetskiy SA, Gimenez LE, Francis DJ, Hanson SM, Hubbell WL, Klug CS, Gurevich VV) J Biol Chem 2011 Jul 08;286(27):24288-99 103 Citations |
1 | Determination of language dominance using functional MRI: A comparison with the Wada test. (Binder JR et al.) Neurology 2011 Apr 12;76(15):1337 |
1 | Determinants of postacute care discharge destination after dysvascular lower limb amputation. (Dillingham TR, Yacub JN, Pezzin LE) PM R 2011 Apr;3(4):336-44 33 Citations |
1 | Using Evidence to Recommend Interventions for Long-term Weight Control in Overweight Children. (Seal N, Broome M) J Nurse Pract 2011 Apr 01;7(4):293-302 3 Citations |
1 | Hand appearance as a patient motivation for surgery and a determinant of satisfaction with metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis. (Bogoch ER, Escott BG, Ronald K) J Hand Surg Am 2011 Jun;36(6):1007-1014.e1-4 33 Citations |
1 | Phase I/II trial of a COX-2 inhibitor with limited field radiation for intermediate prognosis patients who have locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: radiation therapy oncology group 0213. (Gore E, Bae K, Langer C, Extermann M, Movsas B, Okunieff P, Videtic G, Choy H) Clin Lung Cancer 2011 Mar;12(2):125-30 25 Citations |
1 | Local long-term expression of lentivirally delivered IL-10 in the lung attenuates obliteration of intrapulmonary allograft airways. (Hirayama S, Sato M, Liu M, Loisel-Meyer S, Yeung JC, Wagnetz D, Cypel M, Zehong G, Medin JA, Keshavjee S) Hum Gene Ther 2011 Nov;22(11):1453-60 23 Citations |
1 | Legacy effects overwhelm the short-term effects of exotic plant invasion and restoration on soil microbial community structure, enzyme activities, and nitrogen cycling. (Elgersma KJ, Ehrenfeld JG, Yu S, Vor T) Oecologia 2011 Nov;167(3):733-45 112 Citations |
1 | [High level of lipoprotein (a) as a predictor of poor long-term prognosis after coronary artery bypass surgery]. (Ezhov MV, Safarova MC, Afanas'eva OI, Il'ina LN, Liakishev AA, Pokrovskiĭ SN) Kardiologiia 2011;51(1):18-22 5 Citations |
1 | Difficulties in establishing routine amniocentesis for preterm labor evaluation. (McIntosh JJ, McHugh K, Haas DM) J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012 Mar;25(3):313-4 6 Citations |
1 | Major determinants of photoinduced cell death: Subcellular localization versus photosensitization efficiency. (Oliveira CS, Turchiello R, Kowaltowski AJ, Indig GL, Baptista MS) Free Radic Biol Med 2011 Aug 15;51(4):824-33 158 Citations |
2 | A novel postoperative seizure classification for long-term mortality of patients with intractable epilepsy: Comparison with the engel system: Commentary (Lew SM, Mueller WM) Neurosurgery July 2011;69(1):70-71 |
1 | Temporal lobe pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma and chronic epilepsy: long-term surgical outcomes. (Wallace DJ, Byrne RW, Ruban D, Cochran EJ, Roh D, Whisler WW) Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2011 Dec;113(10):918-22 14 Citations |
1 | Long-term efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis treated continuously over 3 years: results from an open-label extension study for patients from REVEAL. (Gordon K, Papp K, Poulin Y, Gu Y, Rozzo S, Sasso EH) J Am Acad Dermatol 2012 Feb;66(2):241-51 152 Citations |
3 | Recruitment of prefrontal cortical endocannabinoid signaling by glucocorticoids contributes to termination of the stress response. (Hill MN, McLaughlin RJ, Pan B, Fitzgerald ML, Roberts CJ, Lee TT, Karatsoreos IN, Mackie K, Viau V, Pickel VM, McEwen BS, Liu QS, Gorzalka BB, Hillard CJ) J Neurosci 2011 Jul 20;31(29):10506-15 302 Citations |
1 | Short-term exposure to tobacco toxins alters expression of multiple proliferation gene markers in primary human bronchial epithelial cell cultures. (Chaudhry IS, El-Meanawy A, Khiyami A, Tomashefski JF Jr, Machekano RN, Kass L) J Oncol 2011;2011:208563 3 Citations |
1 | Thrombomodulin is a determinant of metastasis through a mechanism linked to the thrombin binding domain but not the lectin-like domain. (Horowitz NA, Blevins EA, Miller WM, Perry AR, Talmage KE, Mullins ES, Flick MJ, Queiroz KC, Shi K, Spek CA, Conway EM, Monia BP, Weiler H, Degen JL, Palumbo JS) Blood 2011 Sep 08;118(10):2889-95 76 Citations |
1 | Mapping evidence-based guidelines to standardized nursing terminologies. (Dontje K, Coenen A) Comput Inform Nurs 2011 Dec;29(12):698-705 8 Citations |
1 | Patterns of hypermetria and terminal cocontraction during point-to-point movements demonstrate independent action of trajectory and postural controllers. (Scheidt RA, Ghez C, Asnani S) J Neurophysiol 2011 Nov;106(5):2368-82 21 Citations |
1 | Maintenance rituximab following induction chemo-immunotherapy for mantle cell lymphoma: long-term follow-up of a pilot study from the Wisconsin Oncology Network. (Kenkre VP, Long WL, Eickhoff JC, Blank JH, McFarland TA, Bottner W, Rezazedeh H, Werndli JE, Bailey HH, Kahl BS) Leuk Lymphoma 2011 Sep;52(9):1675-80 37 Citations |
1 | Molecular detection of resistance determinants (Ledeboer NA, Hodinka RL) Journal of Clinical Microbiology September 2011;49(9 SUPPL.) 26 Citations |
1 | Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. (Stöckel T, Wang J) Brain Cogn 2011 Nov;77(2):271-9 26 Citations |
1 | Primary vascularization of the graft determines the immunodominance of murine minor H antigens during organ transplantation. (Kwun J, Malarkannan S, Burlingham WJ, Knechtle SJ) J Immunol 2011 Oct 15;187(8):3997-4006 15 Citations |
1 | Postoperative dysphagia is not predictive of long-term failure after laparoscopic antireflux surgery. (Makris KI, Cassera MA, Kastenmeier AS, Dunst CM, Swanström LL) Surg Endosc 2012 Feb;26(2):451-7 20 Citations |
1 | Synchronization of circadian Per2 rhythms and HSF1-BMAL1:CLOCK interaction in mouse fibroblasts after short-term heat shock pulse. (Tamaru T, Hattori M, Honda K, Benjamin I, Ozawa T, Takamatsu K) PLoS One 2011;6(9):e24521 96 Citations |
1 | Structure determination of membrane proteins in five easy pieces. (Marassi FM, Das BB, Lu GJ, Nothnagel HJ, Park SH, Son WS, Tian Y, Opella SJ) Methods 2011 Dec;55(4):363-9 26 Citations |
1 | Clinical predictors and institutional variation in home oxygen use in preterm infants. (Lagatta J, Clark R, Spitzer A) J Pediatr 2012 Feb;160(2):232-8 42 Citations |
1 | Long-term safety experience of ustekinumab in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis (Part II of II): results from analyses of infections and malignancy from pooled phase II and III clinical trials. (Gordon KB, Papp KA, Langley RG, Ho V, Kimball AB, Guzzo C, Yeilding N, Szapary PO, Fakharzadeh S, Li S, Hsu MC, Reich K) J Am Acad Dermatol 2012 May;66(5):742-51 129 Citations |
3 | Percussion hemoglobinuria - a novel term for hand trauma-induced mechanical hemolysis: a case report. (Vasudev M, Bresnahan BA, Cohen EP, Hari PN, Hariharan S, Vasudev BS) J Med Case Rep 2011 Oct 07;5:508 9 Citations |
1 | Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates long-term changes in brain structure in children born preterm and exposed to chorioamnionitis. (Hatfield T, Wing DA, Buss C, Head K, Muftuler LT, Davis EP) Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011 Oct;205(4):384.e1-8 33 Citations |
1 | Can utilization review criteria be used to determine appropriate pediatric patient placement for a critical care bed expansion? (Jamieson D, Mikhailov TA, Maletta K, Kuhn EM, Giuliani L, Musolf J, Fischer K, Collins M) J Healthc Manag 2011;56(5):305-17; discussion 317-8 1 Citation |
1 | Physically associated synthetic hydrogels with long-term covalent stabilization for cell culture and stem cell transplantation. (Zhang J, Tokatlian T, Zhong J, Ng QK, Patterson M, Lowry WE, Carmichael ST, Segura T) Adv Mater 2011 Nov 16;23(43):5098-103 54 Citations |
1 | Integrated safety analysis: short- and long-term safety profiles of etanercept in patients with psoriasis. (Pariser DM, Leonardi CL, Gordon K, Gottlieb AB, Tyring S, Papp KA, Li J, Baumgartner SW) J Am Acad Dermatol 2012 Aug;67(2):245-56 69 Citations |
1 | Prenatal and postnatal expression of glutathione transferase ζ 1 in human liver and the roles of haplotype and subject age in determining activity with dichloroacetate. (Li W, Gu Y, James MO, Hines RN, Simpson P, Langaee T, Stacpoole PW) Drug Metab Dispos 2012 Feb;40(2):232-9 31 Citations |
1 | Structural determinants of ubiquitin-CXC chemokine receptor 4 interaction. (Saini V, Marchese A, Tang WJ, Majetschak M) J Biol Chem 2011 Dec 23;286(51):44145-44152 38 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes among older patients following nonmyeloablative conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for advanced hematologic malignancies. (Sorror ML, Sandmaier BM, Storer BE, Franke GN, Laport GG, Chauncey TR, Agura E, Maziarz RT, Langston A, Hari P, Pulsipher MA, Bethge W, Sahebi F, Bruno B, Maris MB, Yeager A, Petersen FB, Vindeløv L, McSweeney PA, Hübel K, Mielcarek M, Georges GE, Niederwieser D, Blume KG, Maloney DG, Storb R) JAMA 2011 Nov 02;306(17):1874-83 260 Citations |
4 | A coupled experimental and computational approach to quantify deleterious hemodynamics, vascular alterations, and mechanisms of long-term morbidity in response to aortic coarctation. (Menon A, Wendell DC, Wang H, Eddinger TJ, Toth JM, Dholakia RJ, Larsen PM, Jensen ES, Ladisa JF Jr) J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 2012 Jan;65(1):18-28 39 Citations |
1 | Oxidation of CaMKII determines the cardiotoxic effects of aldosterone. (He BJ, Joiner ML, Singh MV, Luczak ED, Swaminathan PD, Koval OM, Kutschke W, Allamargot C, Yang J, Guan X, Zimmerman K, Grumbach IM, Weiss RM, Spitz DR, Sigmund CD, Blankesteijn WM, Heymans S, Mohler PJ, Anderson ME) Nat Med 2011 Nov 13;17(12):1610-8 205 Citations |
1 | Membrane binding of the N-terminal ubiquitin-like domain of kindlin-2 is crucial for its regulation of integrin activation. (Perera HD, Ma YQ, Yang J, Hirbawi J, Plow EF, Qin J) Structure 2011 Nov 09;19(11):1664-71 47 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Aljurf M, Atsuta Y, Bonfim C, Burns LJ, Chaudhri N, Davies S, Okamoto S, Seber A, Socie G, Szer J, Van Lint MT, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT), European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (APBMT), Bone Marrow Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand (BMTSANZ), East Mediterranean Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (EMBMT),, Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Ossea (SBTMO)) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2012 Mar;18(3):348-71 300 Citations |
1 | Representation of nursing terminologies in UMLS. (Kim TY, Coenen A, Hardiker N, Bartz CC) AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2011;2011:709-14 7 Citations |
1 | Long-term care facilities: important participants of the acute care facility social network? (Lee BY, Song Y, Bartsch SM, Kim DS, Singh A, Avery TR, Brown ST, Yilmaz SL, Wong KF, Potter MA, Burke DS, Platt R, Huang SS) PLoS One 2011;6(12):e29342 39 Citations |
1 | Structure determination of a membrane protein in proteoliposomes. (Das BB, Nothnagel HJ, Lu GJ, Son WS, Tian Y, Marassi FM, Opella SJ) J Am Chem Soc 2012 Feb 01;134(4):2047-56 79 Citations |
1 | Assessing the quality of evidence for preterm labor tocolytic trials. (Haas DM, Kirkpatrick P, McIntosh JJ, Caldwell DM) J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012 Sep;25(9):1646-52 4 Citations |
3 | Management of plastic bronchitis in a child with mild intermittent asthma. (Pawar SS, Chun RH, Rao AR, Kerschner JE) Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2011 Nov;120(11):697-9 10 Citations |
1 | Second solid tumors: screening and management guidelines in long-term survivors after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. (Socié G, Rizzo JD) Semin Hematol 2012 Jan;49(1):4-9 27 Citations |
2 | Intestinal microbiota determine severity of myocardial infarction in rats. (Lam V, Su J, Koprowski S, Hsu A, Tweddell JS, Rafiee P, Gross GJ, Salzman NH, Baker JE) FASEB J 2012 Apr;26(4):1727-35 269 Citations |
1 | Intermediate-dose versus low-dose cyclophosphamide and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for peripheral blood stem cell mobilization in patients with multiple myeloma treated with novel induction therapies. (Hamadani M, Kochuparambil ST, Osman S, Cumpston A, Leadmon S, Bunner P, Watkins K, Morrison D, Speir E, Deremer D, Kota V, Jillella A, Craig M, Awan F) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2012 Jul;18(7):1128-35 61 Citations |
1 | Structure of mandelate racemase with bound intermediate analogues benzohydroxamate and cupferron. (Lietzan AD, Nagar M, Pellmann EA, Bourque JR, Bearne SL, St Maurice M) Biochemistry 2012 Feb 14;51(6):1160-70 28 Citations |
2 | Biomimetic mineralization: long-term observations in patients with dentin sensitivity. (Guentsch A, Seidler K, Nietzsche S, Hefti AF, Preshaw PM, Watts DC, Jandt KD, Sigusch BW) Dent Mater 2012 Apr;28(4):457-64 35 Citations |
3 | The Role of preload and leakage correction in gadolinium-based cerebral blood volume estimation determined by comparison with MION as a criterion standard. (Boxerman JL, Prah DE, Paulson ES, Machan JT, Bedekar D, Schmainda KM) AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012 Jun;33(6):1081-7 100 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of an RTOG Phase II trial (00-19) of external-beam radiation therapy combined with permanent source brachytherapy for intermediate-risk clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate. (Lawton CA, Yan Y, Lee WR, Gillin M, Firat S, Baikadi M, Crook J, Kuettel M, Morton G, Sandler H) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012 Apr 01;82(5):e795-801 51 Citations |
1 | A method to determine the necessity for global signal regression in resting-state fMRI studies. (Chen G, Chen G, Xie C, Ward BD, Li W, Antuono P, Li SJ) Magn Reson Med 2012 Dec;68(6):1828-35 78 Citations |
1 | Does the shunt type determine mid-term outcome after Norwood operation? (Photiadis J, Sinzobahamvya N, Haun C, Schneider M, Zartner P, Schindler E, Asfour B, Hraska V) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2012 Aug;42(2):209-15; discussion 215-6 21 Citations |
1 | Intermediate-term mortality and cardiac transplantation in infants with single-ventricle lesions: risk factors and their interaction with shunt type. (Tweddell JS, Sleeper LA, Ohye RG, Williams IA, Mahony L, Pizarro C, Pemberton VL, Frommelt PC, Bradley SM, Cnota JF, Hirsch J, Kirshbom PM, Li JS, Pike N, Puchalski M, Ravishankar C, Jacobs JP, Laussen PC, McCrindle BW, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 Jul;144(1):152-9 136 Citations |
1 | Long-term efficacy of ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from the PHOENIX 1 trial through up to 3 years. (Kimball AB, Gordon KB, Fakharzadeh S, Yeilding N, Szapary PO, Schenkel B, Guzzo C, Li S, Papp KA) Br J Dermatol 2012 Apr;166(4):861-72 123 Citations |
1 | Postoperative dysphagia does not predict higher long-term failure rates for laparoscoic antireflux surgery (Makris KI, Cassera MA, Kastenmeier AS, Dunst CM, Swanstrom LL) Surg Endosc. (2): 451-7 |
1 | An update on the long-term safety experience of ustekinumab: results from the psoriasis clinical development program with up to four years of follow-up. (Reich K, Papp KA, Griffiths CE, Szapary PO, Yeilding N, Wasfi Y, Ott E, Hsu MC, Lebwohl M, Gordon KB, PHOENIX 1, PHOENIX 2, and ACCEPT investigators) J Drugs Dermatol 2012 Mar;11(3):300-12 75 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Aljurf M, Atsuta Y, Bonfim C, Burns LJ, Chaudhri N, Davies S, Okamoto S, Seber A, Socie G, Szer J, Van Lint MT, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group, Bone Marrow Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand, East Mediterranean Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group, Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Ossea) Bone Marrow Transplant 2012 Mar;47(3):337-41 199 Citations |
1 | Determinants of emergency response willingness in the local public health workforce by jurisdictional and scenario patterns: a cross-sectional survey. (Barnett DJ, Thompson CB, Errett NA, Semon NL, Anderson MK, Ferrell JL, Freiheit JM, Hudson R, Koch MM, McKee M, Mejia-Echeverry A, Spitzer J, Balicer RD, Links JM) BMC Public Health 2012 Mar 07;12:164 69 Citations |
1 | The effects of intermittent inflow occlusion and hepatic steatosis on postoperative liver functions in living liver donors undergoing right hepatectomy. (Shin YH, Ko JS, Kim GS, Gwak MS, Sim WS, Ryu JY, Kim JM, Kwon CH, Joh JW) Transplant Proc 2012 Mar;44(2):380-3 1 Citation |
1 | Determination of neutrophil antigen HNA-3a and HNA-3b genotype frequencies in six racial groups by high-throughput 5' exonuclease assay. (Bowens KL, Sullivan MJ, Curtis BR) Transfusion 2012 Nov;52(11):2368-74 17 Citations |
2 | Long-term survival and late deaths after hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiency diseases and inborn errors of metabolism. (Eapen M, Ahn KW, Orchard PJ, Cowan MJ, Davies SM, Fasth A, Hassebroek A, Ayas M, Bonfim C, O'Brien TA, Gross TG, Horwitz M, Horwitz E, Kapoor N, Kurtzberg J, Majhail N, Ringden O, Szabolcs P, Veys P, Baker KS) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2012 Sep;18(9):1438-45 39 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Aljurf M, Atsuta Y, Bonfim C, Burns LJ, Chaudhri N, Davies S, Okamoto S, Seber A, Socie G, Szer J, Van Lint MT, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT), European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (APBMT), Bone Marrow Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand (BMTSANZ), East Mediterranean Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (EMBMT), Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Ossea (SBTMO)) Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther 2012;5(1):1-30 68 Citations |
1 | Outcome of clinical nurse specialist-led hyperbilirubinemia screening of late preterm newborns. (Nelson L, Doering JJ, Anderson M, Kelly L) Clin Nurse Spec 2012;26(3):164-8 2 Citations |
1 | Computational fluid dynamic simulations for determination of ventricular workload in aortic arch obstructions. (Coogan JS, Chan FP, Ladisa JF Jr, Taylor CA, Hanley FL, Feinstein JA) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Feb;145(2):489-495.e1 19 Citations |
1 | Foveal avascular zone and foveal pit formation after preterm birth. (Yanni SE, Wang J, Chan M, Carroll J, Farsiu S, Leffler JN, Spencer R, Birch EE) Br J Ophthalmol 2012 Jul;96(7):961-6 117 Citations |
1 | Adalimumab: long-term safety in 23 458 patients from global clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis and Crohn's disease. (Burmester GR, Panaccione R, Gordon KB, McIlraith MJ, Lacerda AP) Ann Rheum Dis 2013 Apr;72(4):517-24 488 Citations |
1 | Long-term behavioral, electrophysiological, and neurochemical monitoring of the safety of an experimental antiepileptic implant, the muscimol-delivering Subdural Pharmacotherapy Device in monkeys. (Ludvig N, Tang HM, Baptiste SL, Medveczky G, Vaynberg JK, Vazquez-DeRose J, Stefanov DG, Devinsky O, French JA, Carlson C, Kuzniecky RI) J Neurosurg 2012 Jul;117(1):162-75 9 Citations |
1 | Midterm follow-up of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts using polytetrafluoroethylene endografts in children. (Vo NJ, Shivaram G, Andrews RT, Vaidya S, Healey PJ, Horslen SP) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2012 Jul;23(7):919-24 25 Citations |
1 | The long-term outcome of open valvotomy for critical aortic stenosis in neonates. (Hraška V, Sinzobahamvya N, Haun C, Photiadis J, Arenz C, Schneider M, Asfour B) Ann Thorac Surg 2012 Nov;94(5):1519-26 47 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes after autologous stem cell transplantation for patients with POEMS syndrome (osteosclerotic myeloma): a single-center experience. (D'Souza A, Lacy M, Gertz M, Kumar S, Buadi F, Hayman S, Dingli D, Zeldenrust S, Kyle R, Ansell S, Inwards D, Johnston P, Micallef I, Porrata L, Litzow M, Gastineau D, Hogan W, Dispenzieri A) Blood 2012 Jul 05;120(1):56-62 131 Citations |
1 | Ischaemic Preconditioning and Intermittent Clamping Does not Influence Mediators of Liver Regeneration in a Human Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell Model of Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury. (Gomez D, Burn JL, Graham A, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Prasad KR) Gastroenterology Res 2012 Jun;5(3):85-96 |
1 | Surveillance computed tomography imaging and detection of relapse in intermediate- and advanced-stage pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group. (Voss SD, Chen L, Constine LS, Chauvenet A, Fitzgerald TJ, Kaste SC, Slovis T, Schwartz CL) J Clin Oncol 2012 Jul 20;30(21):2635-40 68 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up of FIP1L1-PDGFRA-mutated patients with eosinophilia: survival and clinical outcome. (Pardanani A, D'Souza A, Knudson RA, Hanson CA, Ketterling RP, Tefferi A) Leukemia 2012 Nov;26(11):2439-41 52 Citations |
1 | Simulated overland transport of Eurasian watermilfoil: Survival of desiccated plant fragments (McAlarnen LA, Barnes MA, Jerde CL, Lodge DM) Journal of Aquatic Plant Management July 2012;50(JULY):147-149 7 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up of the RTOG 9501/intergroup phase III trial: postoperative concurrent radiation therapy and chemotherapy in high-risk squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. (Cooper JS, Zhang Q, Pajak TF, Forastiere AA, Jacobs J, Saxman SB, Kish JA, Kim HE, Cmelak AJ, Rotman M, Lustig R, Ensley JF, Thorstad W, Schultz CJ, Yom SS, Ang KK) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012 Dec 01;84(5):1198-205 424 Citations |
1 | Restoring functional status: a long-term case report of severe lung and ventilatory muscle pump dysfunction involving recurrent bacterial pneumonias. (Sobush DC, Laatsch L, Lipchik RJ) Cardiopulm Phys Ther J 2012 Jun;23(2):5-12 |
1 | Association of clinical response and long-term outcome among patients with biopsied orbital pseudotumor receiving modern radiation therapy. (Prabhu RS, Kandula S, Liebman L, Wojno TH, Hayek B, Hall WA, Shu HK, Crocker I) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2013 Mar 01;85(3):643-9 21 Citations |
1 | Neurogranin targets calmodulin and lowers the threshold for the induction of long-term potentiation. (Zhong L, Gerges NZ) PLoS One 2012;7(7):e41275 41 Citations |
1 | Medium and long-term outcomes after pneumatic dilation or laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia: a meta-analysis. (Weber CE, Davis CS, Kramer HJ, Gibbs JT, Robles L, Fisichella PM) Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2012 Aug;22(4):289-96 61 Citations |
1 | Observation of intermediate bands in Eu3+ doped YPO4 host: Li+ ion effect and blue to pink light emitter (Parchur AK, Prasad AI, Rai SB, Tewari R, Sahu RK, Okram GS, Singh RA, Ningthoujam RS) AIP Advances September 2012;2(3) 86 Citations |
1 | Reduced ventricular shunt rate in very preterm infants with severe intraventricular hemorrhage: an institutional experience. (Alan N, Manjila S, Minich N, Bass N, Cohen AR, Walsh M, Robinson S) J Neurosurg Pediatr 2012 Nov;10(5):357-64 39 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome from RTOG 9517: A phase I/II study of accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) with mulitcatheter brachytherapy (MCT) following lumpectomy for early-stage breast cancer. (Winter KA, Kuske RR, Bolton JS, Arthur DW, Scroggins T, Rabinovitch R, Kelly TR, Toonkel LM, Vicini FA, McCormick B) J Clin Oncol 2012 Sep 20;30(27_suppl):147 |
1 | Verbal short-term memory development and spoken language outcomes in deaf children with cochlear implants. (Harris MS, Kronenberger WG, Gao S, Hoen HM, Miyamoto RT, Pisoni DB) Ear Hear 2013;34(2):179-92 76 Citations |
1 | Short-term treatment with a SOD/catalase mimetic, EUK-207, mitigates pneumonitis and fibrosis after single-dose total-body or whole-thoracic irradiation. (Gao F, Fish BL, Szabo A, Doctrow SR, Kma L, Molthen RC, Moulder JE, Jacobs ER, Medhora M) Radiat Res 2012 Nov;178(5):468-80 41 Citations |
1 | Ross-Konno procedure in infants: mid-term results. (Aszyk P, Thiel C, Sinzobahamvya N, Luetter S, Photiadis J, Haun C, Asfour B, Hraska V) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2012 Oct;42(4):687-94 18 Citations |
3 | Unfolding of the C-terminal domain of the J-protein Zuo1 releases autoinhibition and activates Pdr1-dependent transcription. (Ducett JK, Peterson FC, Hoover LA, Prunuske AJ, Volkman BF, Craig EA) J Mol Biol 2013 Jan 09;425(1):19-31 32 Citations |
1 | Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in long-term care facilities in Monroe County, New York. (Pawar D, Tsay R, Nelson DS, Elumalai MK, Lessa FC, Clifford McDonald L, Dumyati G) Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012 Nov;33(11):1107-12 48 Citations |
1 | Tocolytic therapy for preterm delivery: systematic review and network meta-analysis. (Haas DM, Caldwell DM, Kirkpatrick P, McIntosh JJ, Welton NJ) BMJ 2012 Oct 09;345:e6226 289 Citations |
1 | Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Aljurf M, Atsuta Y, Bonfim C, Burns LJ, Chaudhri N, Davies S, Okamoto S, Seber A, Socie G, Szer J, Lint MT, Wingard JR, Tichelli A) Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter 2012;34(2):109-33 49 Citations |
1 | Altered short-term plasticity in the prefrontal cortex after early life seizures. (Hernan AE, Holmes GL, Isaev D, Scott RC, Isaeva E) Neurobiol Dis 2013 Feb;50:120-6 38 Citations |
1 | Early-term and mid-term histologic events during single-level posterolateral intertransverse process fusion with rhBMP-2/collagen carrier and a ceramic bulking agent in a nonhuman primate model: implications for bone graft preparation. (Khan SN, Toth JM, Gupta K, Glassman SD, Gupta MC) J Spinal Disord Tech 2014 Jun;27(4):212-9 8 Citations |
1 | Intermediate acting non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents and risk of postoperative respiratory complications: prospective propensity score matched cohort study. (Grosse-Sundrup M, Henneman JP, Sandberg WS, Bateman BT, Uribe JV, Nguyen NT, Ehrenfeld JM, Martinez EA, Kurth T, Eikermann M) BMJ 2012 Oct 15;345:e6329 220 Citations |
2 | Heparin oligosaccharides inhibit chemokine (CXC motif) ligand 12 (CXCL12) cardioprotection by binding orthogonal to the dimerization interface, promoting oligomerization, and competing with the chemokine (CXC motif) receptor 4 (CXCR4) N terminus. (Ziarek JJ, Veldkamp CT, Zhang F, Murray NJ, Kartz GA, Liang X, Su J, Baker JE, Linhardt RJ, Volkman BF) J Biol Chem 2013 Jan 04;288(1):737-46 73 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up data may help manage patient and parent expectations for pediatric patients undergoing thyroidectomy. (Morris LF, Waguespack SG, Warneke CL, Ryu H, Ying AK, Anderson BJ, Sturgis EM, Clayman GL, Lee JE, Evans DB, Grubbs EG, Perrier ND) Surgery 2012 Dec;152(6):1165-71 27 Citations |
2 | Re: Needle core vs open biopsy for diagnosis of intermediate- and high-risk neuroblastoma in children. (Jarzembowski JA, Lal DR, Shimada H) J Pediatr Surg 2012 Nov;47(11):2162-3; author reply 2163-5 2 Citations |
1 | Concomitant tricuspid valve repair or replacement during left ventricular assist device implant demonstrates comparable outcomes in the long term. (Deo SV, Hasin T, Altarabsheh SE, McKellar SH, Shah IK, Durham L 3rd, Stulak JM, Daly RC, Park SJ, Joyce LD) J Card Surg 2012 Nov;27(6):760-6 20 Citations |
1 | The hybrid solution/solid-state NMR method for membrane protein structure determination (Veglia G, Traaseth NJ, Shi L, Verardi R, Gopinath T, Gustavsson M) Comprehensive Biophysics 2012;1:182-198 8 Citations |
1 | Long-term results for living donor liver transplant recipients with hepatocellular carcinoma using intraoperative blood salvage with leukocyte depletion filter. (Kim JM, Kim GS, Joh JW, Suh KS, Park JB, Ko JS, Kwon CH, Yi NJ, Gwak MS, Lee KW, Kim SJ, Lee SK) Transpl Int 2013 Jan;26(1):84-9 40 Citations |
1 | From skin biopsy to neurons through a pluripotent intermediate under Good Manufacturing Practice protocols. (Karumbayaram S, Lee P, Azghadi SF, Cooper AR, Patterson M, Kohn DB, Pyle A, Clark A, Byrne J, Zack JA, Plath K, Lowry WE) Stem Cells Transl Med 2012 Jan;1(1):36-43 44 Citations |
1 | Decoding attended information in short-term memory: an EEG study. (LaRocque JJ, Lewis-Peacock JA, Drysdale AT, Oberauer K, Postle BR) J Cogn Neurosci 2013 Jan;25(1):127-42 189 Citations |
3 | Long-term outcomes of the neoaorta after arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries. (Co-Vu JG, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Frommelt PC, Tweddell JS, Earing MG) Ann Thorac Surg 2013 May;95(5):1654-9 65 Citations |
1 | Th17 cells confer long-term adaptive immunity to oral mucosal Candida albicans infections. (Hernández-Santos N, Huppler AR, Peterson AC, Khader SA, McKenna KC, Gaffen SL) Mucosal Immunol 2013 Sep;6(5):900-10 150 Citations |
1 | Dynamic genetic linkage of intermediate blood pressure phenotypes during postural adaptations in a founder population. (Arenas IA, Tremblay J, Deslauriers B, Sandoval J, Šeda O, Gaudet D, Merlo E, Kotchen T, Cowley AW Jr, Hamet P) Physiol Genomics 2013 Feb 15;45(4):138-50 5 Citations |
1 | Specific conserved C-terminal amino acids of Caenorhabditis elegans HMP-1/α-catenin modulate F-actin binding independently of vinculin. (Maiden SL, Harrison N, Keegan J, Cain B, Lynch AM, Pettitt J, Hardin J) J Biol Chem 2013 Feb 22;288(8):5694-706 21 Citations |
1 | TU‐C‐103‐08: Determination of CT Texture Variability Among Several CT Scanners (Christensen E, Hunter L, Stingo F, Klawikowski S, Court L) Medical Physics June 2013;40(6):438 2 Citations |
1 | Long-term efficacy of ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis treated for up to 5 years in the PHOENIX 1 study. (Kimball AB, Papp KA, Wasfi Y, Chan D, Bissonnette R, Sofen H, Yeilding N, Li S, Szapary P, Gordon KB, PHOENIX 1 Investigators) J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2013 Dec;27(12):1535-45 187 Citations |
1 | Surviving the cure: long term followup of hematopoietic cell transplant recipients. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD) Bone Marrow Transplant 2013 Sep;48(9):1145-51 114 Citations |
1 | Long-term safety of ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: final results from 5 years of follow-up. (Papp KA, Griffiths CE, Gordon K, Lebwohl M, Szapary PO, Wasfi Y, Chan D, Hsu MC, Ho V, Ghislain PD, Strober B, Reich K, PHOENIX 1 Investigators, PHOENIX 2 Investigators, ACCEPT Investigators) Br J Dermatol 2013 Apr;168(4):844-54 365 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes of surgical treatment for hereditary pheochromocytoma. (Grubbs EG, Rich TA, Ng C, Bhosale PR, Jimenez C, Evans DB, Lee JE, Perrier ND) J Am Coll Surg 2013 Feb;216(2):280-9 69 Citations |
1 | Long-term treatment with standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba L. enhances the conditioned suppression of licking in rats by the modulation of neuronal and glial cell function in the dorsal hippocampus and central amygdala. (Oliveira DR, Sanada PF, Filho AC, Conceição GM, Cerutti JM, Cerutti SM) Neuroscience 2013 Apr 03;235:70-86 20 Citations |
1 | Determination of renal stone composition in phantom and patients using single-source dual-energy computed tomography. (Kulkarni NM, Eisner BH, Pinho DF, Joshi MC, Kambadakone AR, Sahani DV) J Comput Assist Tomogr 2013;37(1):37-45 87 Citations |
1 | Coronary interventions in congenital heart diseases: from preterm to young adult patients. (Schneider M, Wiebe W, Hraška V, Zartner P) J Interv Cardiol 2013 Jun;26(3):287-94 10 Citations |
2 | Determination of peak deflections from human surrogates using chestbands in side impact tests. (Yoganandan N, Humm JR, Pintar FA, Maiman DJ) Med Eng Phys 2013 Aug;35(8):1181-7 7 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up of Van Nes rotationplasty in patients with congenital proximal focal femoral deficiency. (Ackman J, Altiok H, Flanagan A, Peer M, Graf A, Krzak J, Hassani S, Eastwood D, Harris GF) Bone Joint J 2013 Feb;95-B(2):192-8 41 Citations |
1 | Dose-response and efficacy of ferric citrate to treat hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients: a short-term randomized trial. (Dwyer JP, Sika M, Schulman G, Chang IJ, Anger M, Smith M, Kaplan M, Zeig S, Koury MJ, Blumenthal SS, Lewis JB, Collaborative Study Group) Am J Kidney Dis 2013 May;61(5):759-66 49 Citations |
2 | Antenatal betamethasone improves postnatal transition in late preterm lambs with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. (Konduri GG, Bakhutashvili I, Eis A, Afolayan A) Pediatr Res 2013 May;73(5):621-9 16 Citations |
1 | Genetic and pharmacological modifications of thrombin formation in apolipoprotein e-deficient mice determine atherosclerosis severity and atherothrombosis onset in a neutrophil-dependent manner. (Borissoff JI, Otten JJ, Heeneman S, Leenders P, van Oerle R, Soehnlein O, Loubele ST, Hamulyák K, Hackeng TM, Daemen MJ, Degen JL, Weiler H, Esmon CT, van Ryn J, Biessen EA, Spronk HM, ten Cate H) PLoS One 2013;8(2):e55784 107 Citations |
1 | Long-term glycemic control as a result of initial education for children with new onset type 1 diabetes: does the setting matter? (Cabrera SM, Srivastava NT, Behzadi JM, Pottorff TM, Dimeglio LA, Walvoord EC) Diabetes Educ 2013;39(2):187-94 8 Citations |
1 | Children with pulmonary arterial hypertension and prostanoid therapy: long-term hemodynamics. (Siehr SL, Ivy DD, Miller-Reed K, Ogawa M, Rosenthal DN, Feinstein JA) J Heart Lung Transplant 2013 May;32(5):546-52 57 Citations |
1 | Effects of age on ACTH, corticosterone, glucose, insulin, and mRNA levels during intermittent hypoxia in the neonatal rat. (Chintamaneni K, Bruder ED, Raff H) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2013 May 01;304(9):R782-9 26 Citations |
1 | Prostate-specific antigen response after short-term hormone therapy plus external-beam radiotherapy and outcome in patients treated on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study 9413. (Cury FL, Hunt D, Roach M 3rd, Shipley W, Gore E, Hsu IC, Krisch RE, Seider MJ, Sandler H, Lawton C) Cancer 2013 Jun 01;119(11):1999-2004 17 Citations |
1 | The C-terminus of Botulinum A Protease Has Profound and Unanticipated Kinetic Consequences Upon the Catalytic Cleft. (Silhár P, Lardy MA, Hixon MS, Shoemaker CB, Barbieri JT, Struss AK, Lively JM, Javor S, Janda KD) ACS Med Chem Lett 2013 Feb 14;4(2):283-287 15 Citations |
1 | Prevalence and outcomes of intermediate saphenous vein graft lesions: findings from the stenting of saphenous vein grafts randomized-controlled trial. (Abdel-Karim AR, Da Silva M, Lichtenwalter C, de Lemos JA, Obel O, Addo T, Roesle M, Haagen D, Rangan BV, Makke L, Jeroudi OM, Raghunathan D, Saeed B, Bissett JK, Sachdeva R, Voudris VV, Karyofillis P, Kar B, Rossen J, Fasseas P, Berger P, Banerjee S, Brilakis ES) Int J Cardiol 2013 Oct 03;168(3):2468-73 20 Citations |
1 | Distributed patterns of activity in sensory cortex reflect the precision of multiple items maintained in visual short-term memory. (Emrich SM, Riggall AC, Larocque JJ, Postle BR) J Neurosci 2013 Apr 10;33(15):6516-23 260 Citations |
1 | Comparable efficacy and lower cost of PBSC mobilization with intermediate-dose cyclophosphamide and G-CSF compared with plerixafor and G-CSF in patients with multiple myeloma treated with novel therapies. (Awan F, Kochuparambil ST, Falconer DE, Cumpston A, Leadmon S, Watkins K, Deremer D, Jillella A, Craig M, Hamadani M) Bone Marrow Transplant 2013 Oct;48(10):1279-84 46 Citations |
1 | Improvements in health care use associated with community coalitions: long-term results of the allies against asthma initiative. (Clark NM, Lachance LL, Benedict MB, Doctor LJ, Gilmore L, Kelly CS, Krieger J, Lara M, Meurer J, Milanovich AF, Nicholas E, Song PX, Rosenthal M, Stoll SC, Awad DF, Wilkin M) Am J Public Health 2013 Jun;103(6):1124-7 27 Citations |
1 | Adjunctive therapies to cerclage for the prevention of preterm birth: a systematic review. (Defranco EA, Valent AM, Newman T, Regan J, Smith J, Muglia LJ) Obstet Gynecol Int 2013;2013:528158 |
2 | Intraganglionic AAV6 results in efficient and long-term gene transfer to peripheral sensory nervous system in adult rats. (Yu H, Fischer G, Ferhatovic L, Fan F, Light AR, Weihrauch D, Sapunar D, Nakai H, Park F, Hogan QH) PLoS One 2013;8(4):e61266 39 Citations |
1 | The ubiquitin-proteasome system as a critical regulator of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation. (Jarome TJ, Helmstetter FJ) Neurobiol Learn Mem 2013 Oct;105:107-16 121 Citations |
1 | Progression of glomerular filtration rate reduction determined in conscious Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive rats. (Cowley AW Jr, Ryan RP, Kurth T, Skelton MM, Schock-Kusch D, Gretz N) Hypertension 2013 Jul;62(1):85-90 60 Citations |
1 | The Taussig-Bing anomaly: long-term results. (Schwarz F, Blaschczok HC, Sinzobahamvya N, Sata S, Korn F, Weber A, Asfour B, Hraska V) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2013 Nov;44(5):821-7 29 Citations |
1 | Central stress-integrative circuits: forebrain glutamatergic and GABAergic projections to the dorsomedial hypothalamus, medial preoptic area, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (Myers B, Mark Dolgas C, Kasckow J, Cullinan WE, Herman JP) Brain Struct Funct 2014 Jul;219(4):1287-303 119 Citations |
4 | Factors that influence parathyroid hormone half-life: determining if new intraoperative criteria are needed. (Leiker AJ, Yen TW, Eastwood DC, Doffek KM, Szabo A, Evans DB, Wang TS) JAMA Surg 2013 Jul;148(7):602-6 64 Citations |
1 | Tumor marker and measurement fluctuations may not reflect treatment efficacy in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma on long-term RET inhibitor therapy. (Kurzrock R, Atkins J, Wheler J, Fu S, Naing A, Busaidy N, Hong D, Sherman S) Ann Oncol 2013 Sep;24(9):2256-61 30 Citations |
2 | Modulation of the CXC chemokine receptor 4 agonist activity of ubiquitin through C-terminal protein modification. (Tripathi A, Saini V, Marchese A, Volkman BF, Tang WJ, Majetschak M) Biochemistry 2013 Jun 18;52(24):4184-92 20 Citations |
1 | Anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy for mesial temporal sclerosis: predictors of long-term seizure control. (Elliott RE, Bollo RJ, Berliner JL, Silverberg A, Carlson C, Geller EB, Barr WB, Devinsky O, Doyle WK) J Neurosurg 2013 Aug;119(2):261-72 34 Citations |
1 | Operative terminology and post-operative management approaches applied to hepatic surgery: Trainee perspectives. (Farid SG, Prasad KR, Morris-Stiff G) World J Gastrointest Surg 2013 May 27;5(5):146-55 |
1 | Automated identification of drug and food allergies entered using non-standard terminology. (Epstein RH, St Jacques P, Stockin M, Rothman B, Ehrenfeld JM, Denny JC) J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013;20(5):962-8 24 Citations |
1 | The structure of the mercury transporter MerF in phospholipid bilayers: a large conformational rearrangement results from N-terminal truncation. (Lu GJ, Tian Y, Vora N, Marassi FM, Opella SJ) J Am Chem Soc 2013 Jun 26;135(25):9299-302 29 Citations |
1 | HPLC determination of isoflavone levels in osage orange from the Midwest and southern United States. (Darji K, Miglis C, Wardlow A, Abourashed EA) J Agric Food Chem 2013 Jul 17;61(28):6806-11 13 Citations |
1 | Does the oxidation of nitric oxide by oxyMyoglobin share an intermediate with the metMyoglobin-catalyzed isomerization of peroxynitrite? (Koebke KJ, Pauly DJ, Lerner L, Liu X, Pacheco AA) Inorg Chem 2013 Jul 01;52(13):7623-32 23 Citations |
1 | Long-term effects of recombinant human growth hormone therapy in children with Prader-Willi syndrome. (Wolfgram PM, Carrel AL, Allen DB) Curr Opin Pediatr 2013 Aug;25(4):509-14 40 Citations |
2 | Viral status at the time of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: a modern predictor of longterm survival. (Groeschl RT, Hong JC, Christians KK, Turaga KK, Tsai S, Pilgrim CH, Gamblin TC) HPB (Oxford) 2013 Oct;15(10):794-802 5 Citations |
2 | Methodology to determine skull bone and brain responses from ballistic helmet-to-head contact loading using experiments and finite element analysis. (Pintar FA, Philippens MM, Zhang J, Yoganandan N) Med Eng Phys 2013 Nov;35(11):1682-7 30 Citations |
1 | Long-term effects on cognitive function of postmenopausal hormone therapy prescribed to women aged 50 to 55 years. (Espeland MA, Shumaker SA, Leng I, Manson JE, Brown CM, LeBlanc ES, Vaughan L, Robinson J, Rapp SR, Goveas JS, Wactawski-Wende J, Stefanick ML, Li W, Resnick SM, WHIMSY Study Group) JAMA Intern Med 2013 Aug 12;173(15):1429-36 159 Citations |
1 | Intermittent zoledronic Acid prevents bone loss in adults after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. (Hari P, DeFor TE, Vesole DH, Bredeson CN, Burns LJ) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2013 Sep;19(9):1361-7 21 Citations |
2 | Multiplex identification of gram-positive bacteria and resistance determinants directly from positive blood culture broths: evaluation of an automated microarray-based nucleic acid test. (Buchan BW, Ginocchio CC, Manii R, Cavagnolo R, Pancholi P, Swyers L, Thomson RB Jr, Anderson C, Kaul K, Ledeboer NA) PLoS Med 2013;10(7):e1001478 105 Citations |
1 | Impact of early surfactant and inhaled nitric oxide therapies on outcomes in term/late preterm neonates with moderate hypoxic respiratory failure. (Konduri GG, Sokol GM, Van Meurs KP, Singer J, Ambalavanan N, Lee T, Solimano A) J Perinatol 2013 Dec;33(12):944-9 46 Citations |
1 | Macrolides for the long-term management of asthma--a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. (Reiter J, Demirel N, Mendy A, Gasana J, Vieira ER, Colin AA, Quizon A, Forno E) Allergy 2013 Aug;68(8):1040-9 71 Citations |
2 | Direct calorimetry identifies deficiencies in respirometry for the determination of resting metabolic rate in C57Bl/6 and FVB mice. (Burnett CM, Grobe JL) Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2013 Oct 01;305(7):E916-24 34 Citations |
1 | Determination of structural topology of a membrane protein in lipid bilayers using polarization optimized experiments (POE) for static and MAS solid state NMR spectroscopy. (Mote KR, Gopinath T, Veglia G) J Biomol NMR 2013 Oct;57(2):91-102 34 Citations |
1 | Membrane protein structure determination: back to the membrane. (Yao Y, Ding Y, Tian Y, Opella SJ, Marassi FM) Methods Mol Biol 2013;1063:145-58 9 Citations |
1 | Hepatic and renal function with successful long-term support on a continuous flow left ventricular assist device. (Deo SV, Sharma V, Altarabsheh SE, Hasin T, Dillon J, Shah IK, Durham LA 3rd, Stulak JM, Daly RC, Joyce LD, Park SJ) Heart Lung Circ 2014 Mar;23(3):229-33 36 Citations |
1 | CaMKII, but not protein kinase A, regulates Rpt6 phosphorylation and proteasome activity during the formation of long-term memories. (Jarome TJ, Kwapis JL, Ruenzel WL, Helmstetter FJ) Front Behav Neurosci 2013;7:115 86 Citations |
1 | Aperiodic deterministic structure of OCD and the familial effect on rituals. (Bond RW Jr, Guastello SJ) Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci 2013 Oct;17(4):465-91 7 Citations |
1 | Membrane protein structure determination in membrana. (Ding Y, Yao Y, Marassi FM) Acc Chem Res 2013 Sep 17;46(9):2182-90 27 Citations |
1 | Clinical and imaging predictors of 1-year and long-term mortality in light chain (AL) amyloidosis: a 5-year follow-up study. (Migrino RQ, Harmann L, Christenson R, Hari P) Heart Vessels 2014 Nov;29(6):793-800 14 Citations |
1 | Liberation From Technology: Weaning From the Ventilator and Decannulation in Children Requiring Long-term Ventilator Support. (Henningfeld J, Wegner C, Ren B, Maletta K, D'Andrea L) Chest 2013 Oct 1;144(4_MeetingAbstracts):770A |
1 | Insights into the carboxyltransferase reaction of pyruvate carboxylase from the structures of bound product and intermediate analogs. (Lietzan AD, St Maurice M) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2013 Nov 15;441(2):377-82 20 Citations |
1 | The need for evidence based nutritional guidelines for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: acute and long-term following treatment. (Owens JL, Hanson SJ, McArthur JA, Mikhailov TA) Nutrients 2013 Oct 31;5(11):4333-46 22 Citations |
1 | Specificity residues determine binding affinity for two-component signal transduction systems. (Willett JW, Tiwari N, Müller S, Hummels KR, Houtman JC, Fuentes EJ, Kirby JR) mBio 2013 Nov 05;4(6):e00420-13 35 Citations |
1 | The intermittent bolus infusions of rapid infusion system caused hypothermia during liver transplantation. (Kim GS, Ko JS, Yu JM, Kim HY) Korean J Anesthesiol 2013 Oct;65(4):363-4 4 Citations |
1 | Optimization of carboxylate-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-mediated cisplatin formulation. (Kulhari H, Pooja D, Singh MK, Chauhan AS) Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2015 Feb;41(2):232-8 50 Citations |
1 | Long-term results of comprehensive clubfoot release versus the Ponseti method: which is better? (Smith PA, Kuo KN, Graf AN, Krzak J, Flanagan A, Hassani S, Caudill AK, Dietz FR, Morcuende J, Harris GF) Clin Orthop Relat Res 2014 Apr;472(4):1281-90 73 Citations |
1 | Focal epileptiform activity in the prefrontal cortex is associated with long-term attention and sociability deficits. (Hernan AE, Alexander A, Jenks KR, Barry J, Lenck-Santini PP, Isaeva E, Holmes GL, Scott RC) Neurobiol Dis 2014 Mar;63:25-34 64 Citations |
1 | The ubiquitin-specific protease 14 (USP14) is a critical regulator of long-term memory formation. (Jarome TJ, Kwapis JL, Hallengren JJ, Wilson SM, Helmstetter FJ) Learn Mem 2013 Dec 16;21(1):9-13 39 Citations |
1 | Determination of optimal counter-mass location in active prostheses for transfemoral amputees to replicate sound limb swing (Telwak M, Voglewede P, Silver-Thorn MB) Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME 2014;8(4) |
2 | Determination of variable stiffness of a human elbow for human-robot interaction (Boyarsky M, Heenan M, Beardsley S, Voglewede P) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference 2014;5B |
2 | A method for inducing and determining biomechanics associated with endplate fractures in the lumbar spine (Kiehl KL, Curry WH, Stemper BD, Eckardt G, Baisden JL, Maiman DJ, Yoganandan N, Shender BS) 51st Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, RMBS 2014 and 51st International ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium 2014 2014:119-124 1 Citation |
1 | A novel representation of terms related to infectious disease epidemiology for epidemic modeling: The Apollo Structured Vocabulary and pre-existing representations (Brochhausen M, Hanna J, Brown ST, Hogan WR, Wagner MM, Levander JD, Millett NE) CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2014;1327:21-26 1 Citation |
1 | Atypical lentigines in a man with mixed African American and white race/ethnicity receiving long-term voriconazole therapy. (Massey PR, Wanat KA, Elenitsas R, Rosenbach M) JAMA Dermatol 2014 Mar;150(3):334-5 4 Citations |
1 | A fluorescence-based high throughput assay for the determination of small molecule-human serum albumin protein binding. (McCallum MM, Pawlak AJ, Shadrick WR, Simeonov A, Jadhav A, Yasgar A, Maloney DJ, Arnold LA) Anal Bioanal Chem 2014 Mar;406(7):1867-75 26 Citations |
1 | Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with ascending aortic dilatation: safety of the procedure and mid-term follow-up†. (Rylski B, Szeto WY, Bavaria JE, Walsh E, Anwaruddin S, Desai ND, Moser W, Herrmann HC, Milewski RK) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2014 Aug;46(2):228-33; discussion 233 31 Citations |
1 | Muscle tension induced after learning enhances long-term narrative and visual memory in healthy older adults. (Nielson KA, Wulff LL, Arentsen TJ) Neurobiol Learn Mem 2014 Mar;109:144-50 11 Citations |
1 | Transported substrate determines exchange rate in the multidrug resistance transporter EmrE. (Morrison EA, Henzler-Wildman KA) J Biol Chem 2014 Mar 07;289(10):6825-6836 38 Citations |
1 | Multiple neural states of representation in short-term memory? It's a matter of attention. (Larocque JJ, Lewis-Peacock JA, Postle BR) Front Hum Neurosci 2014;8:5 138 Citations |
1 | Association of corrected QT interval with long-term mortality in patients with syncope. (Balasubramaniyam N, Palaniswamy C, Aronow WS, Khera S, Balasubramanian G, Harikrishnan P, Doshi JV, Nabors C, Peterson SJ, Sule S) Arch Med Sci 2013 Dec 30;9(6):1049-54 8 Citations |
1 | Cross-talk between EphA2 and BRaf/CRaf is a key determinant of response to Dasatinib. (Huang J, Hu W, Bottsford-Miller J, Liu T, Han HD, Zand B, Pradeep S, Roh JW, Thanapprapasr D, Dalton HJ, Pecot CV, Rupaimoole R, Lu C, Fellman B, Urbauer D, Kang Y, Jennings NB, Huang L, Deavers MT, Broaddus R, Coleman RL, Sood AK) Clin Cancer Res 2014 Apr 01;20(7):1846-55 26 Citations |
1 | Total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation in children for chronic pancreatitis: indication, surgical techniques, postoperative management, and long-term outcomes. (Chinnakotla S, Bellin MD, Schwarzenberg SJ, Radosevich DM, Cook M, Dunn TB, Beilman GJ, Freeman ML, Balamurugan AN, Wilhelm J, Bland B, Jimenez-Vega JM, Hering BJ, Vickers SM, Pruett TL, Sutherland DE) Ann Surg 2014 Jul;260(1):56-64 168 Citations |
1 | Ethyl glucuronide in hair and fingernails as a long-term alcohol biomarker. (Berger L, Fendrich M, Jones J, Fuhrmann D, Plate C, Lewis D) Addiction 2014 Mar;109(3):425-31 54 Citations |
1 | Collaborative development and maintenance of health terminologies. (Hardiker N, Kim TY, Bartz CC, Coenen A, Jansen K) AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2013;2013:572-7 4 Citations |
1 | Programming of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by neonatal intermittent hypoxia: effects on adult male ACTH and corticosterone responses are stress specific. (Chintamaneni K, Bruder ED, Raff H) Endocrinology 2014 May;155(5):1763-70 29 Citations |
1 | A nomogram to predict long-term survival after resection for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: an Eastern and Western experience. (Hyder O, Marques H, Pulitano C, Marsh JW, Alexandrescu S, Bauer TW, Gamblin TC, Sotiropoulos GC, Paul A, Barroso E, Clary BM, Aldrighetti L, Ferrone CR, Zhu AX, Popescu I, Gigot JF, Mentha G, Feng S, Pawlik TM) JAMA Surg 2014 May;149(5):432-8 297 Citations |
1 | Pediatric vocal fold immobility: natural history and the need for long-term follow-up. (Jabbour J, Martin T, Beste D, Robey T) JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2014 May;140(5):428-33 88 Citations |
1 | Inter-terminology mapping of nursing problems. (Kim TY, Hardiker N, Coenen A) J Biomed Inform 2014 Jun;49:213-20 37 Citations |
1 | Development of reusable logic for determination of statin exposure-time from electronic health records. (Miller AW, McCarty CA, Broeckel U, Hytopoulos V, Cross DS) J Biomed Inform 2014 Jun;49:206-12 2 Citations |
1 | Resonance Raman spectroscopy of the oxygenated intermediates of human CYP19A1 implicates a compound i intermediate in the final lyase step. (Mak PJ, Luthra A, Sligar SG, Kincaid JR) J Am Chem Soc 2014 Apr 02;136(13):4825-8 48 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes of total pancreatectomy and islet auto transplantation for hereditary/genetic pancreatitis. (Chinnakotla S, Radosevich DM, Dunn TB, Bellin MD, Freeman ML, Schwarzenberg SJ, Balamurugan AN, Wilhelm J, Bland B, Vickers SM, Beilman GJ, Sutherland DE, Pruett TL) J Am Coll Surg 2014 Apr;218(4):530-43 124 Citations |
1 | Feasibility of conducting long-term follow-up of children and infants treated for CNS tumors on the same cooperative group clinical trial protocol. (Hoag J, Kupst MJ, Briere ME, Mabbott D, Elkin TD, Trask CL, Isenberg J, Holm S, Ambler C, Strother DR) J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2014 Jun;21(2):136-43 1 Citation |
1 | Beta-2 adrenergic receptors mediate stress-evoked reinstatement of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference and increases in CRF mRNA in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in mice. (McReynolds JR, Vranjkovic O, Thao M, Baker DA, Makky K, Lim Y, Mantsch JR) Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2014 Oct;231(20):3953-63 40 Citations |
1 | Glucocorticoid receptor status is a principal determinant of variability in the sensitivity of non-small-cell lung cancer cells to pemetrexed. (Patki M, Gadgeel S, Huang Y, McFall T, Shields AF, Matherly LH, Bepler G, Ratnam M) J Thorac Oncol 2014 Apr;9(4):519-26 26 Citations |
1 | Open versus minimally invasive resection of gastric GIST: a multi-institutional analysis of short- and long-term outcomes. (Bischof DA, Kim Y, Dodson R, Carolina Jimenez M, Behman R, Cocieru A, Blazer DG 3rd, Fisher SB, Squires MH 3rd, Kooby DA, Maithel SK, Groeschl RT, Clark Gamblin T, Bauer TW, Karanicolas PJ, Law C, Quereshy FA, Pawlik TM) Ann Surg Oncol 2014 Sep;21(9):2941-8 45 Citations |
1 | Clot strength is negatively associated with ambulatory function in patients with peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication. (Mauer K, Gardner AW, Dasari TW, Stoner JA, Blevins SM, Montgomery PS, Saucedo JF, Exaire JE) Angiology 2015 Apr;66(4):354-9 1 Citation |
1 | Intermittent cold exposure enhances fat accumulation in mice. (Yoo HS, Qiao L, Bosco C, Leong LH, Lytle N, Feng GS, Chi NW, Shao J) PLoS One 2014;9(5):e96432 30 Citations |
1 | Predictors of short-term overactive bladder symptom improvement after transurethral resection of prostate in men with benign prostatic obstruction. (Zhao YR, Liu WZ, Guralnick M, Niu WJ, Wang Y, Sun G, Xu Y) Int J Urol 2014 Oct;21(10):1035-40 32 Citations |
1 | Transfusion-related acute lung injury-associated HNA-3a antibodies recognize complex determinants on choline transporter-like protein 2. (Bougie DW, Peterson JA, Kanack AJ, Curtis BR, Aster RH) Transfusion 2014 Dec;54(12):3208-15 8 Citations |
1 | Direct observation of the three regions in α-synuclein that determine its membrane-bound behaviour. (Fusco G, De Simone A, Gopinath T, Vostrikov V, Vendruscolo M, Dobson CM, Veglia G) Nat Commun 2014 May 29;5:3827 351 Citations |
3 | Intestinal alkaline phosphatase is protective to the preterm rat pup intestine. (Heinzerling NP, Liedel JL, Welak SR, Fredrich K, Biesterveld BE, Pritchard KA Jr, Gourlay DM) J Pediatr Surg 2014 Jun;49(6):954-60; discussion 960 20 Citations |
1 | Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the terminal ileum: a benign (lymphoma-like) condition that may harbor aberrant immunohistochemical patterns or clonal immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements. (Mojtahed A, Pai RK, Anderson MW, Arber DA, Longacre TA) Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2014 Sep;22(8):585-92 8 Citations |
1 | Improving patients' understanding of terms and phrases commonly used in self-reported measures of sexual function. (Alexander AM, Flynn KE, Hahn EA, Jeffery DD, Keefe FJ, Reeve BB, Schultz W, Reese JB, Shelby RA, Weinfurt KP) J Sex Med 2014 Aug;11(8):1991-8 13 Citations |
1 | An approach for modeling cross-immunity of two strains, with application to variants of Bartonella in terms of genetic similarity. (Ahn KW, Kosoy M, Chan KS) Epidemics 2014 Jun;7:7-12 4 Citations |
1 | Variants in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase complex components determine susceptibility to very early onset inflammatory bowel disease. (Dhillon SS, Fattouh R, Elkadri A, Xu W, Murchie R, Walters T, Guo C, Mack D, Huynh HQ, Baksh S, Silverberg MS, Griffiths AM, Snapper SB, Brumell JH, Muise AM) Gastroenterology 2014 Sep;147(3):680-689.e2 106 Citations |
1 | Identification of a novel C-terminal extension mutation in EPHA2 in a family affected with congenital cataract. (Reis LM, Tyler RC, Semina EV) Mol Vis 2014;20:836-42 17 Citations |
1 | Lipoprotein(a) level and apolipoprotein(a) phenotype as predictors of long-term cardiovascular outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting. (Ezhov MV, Safarova MS, Afanasieva OI, Kukharchuk VV, Pokrovsky SN) Atherosclerosis 2014 Aug;235(2):477-82 44 Citations |
3 | Multicenter biologic assignment trial comparing reduced-intensity allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant to hypomethylating therapy or best supportive care in patients aged 50 to 75 with intermediate-2 and high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome: Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network #1102 study rationale, design, and methods. (Saber W, Le Rademacher J, Sekeres M, Logan B, Lewis M, Mendizabal A, Leifer E, Appelbaum FR, Horowitz MM, Nakamura R, Cutler CS) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2014 Oct;20(10):1566-72 14 Citations |
1 | The N-terminal domain allosterically regulates cleavage and activation of the epithelial sodium channel. (Kota P, Buchner G, Chakraborty H, Dang YL, He H, Garcia GJM, Kubelka J, Gentzsch M, Stutts MJ, Dokholyan NV) J Biol Chem 2014 Aug 15;289(33):23029-23042 13 Citations |
1 | [Recommended screening and preventive practices for long-term survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation]. (Majhail NS, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Aljurf M, Atsuta Y, Bonfim C, Burns LJ, Chaudhri N, Davies S, Okamoto S, Seber A, Socie G, Szer J, Van Lint MT, Wingard JR, Tichelli A, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT), European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (APBMT), Bone Marrow Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zeland (BMTSANZ), East Mediterrnean Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (EMBMT), Sociedale Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Ossea (SBTMO)) Rinsho Ketsueki 2014 Jun;55(6):607-32 9 Citations |
1 | A method for mouse pancreatic islet isolation and intracellular cAMP determination. (Neuman JC, Truchan NA, Joseph JW, Kimple ME) J Vis Exp 2014 Jun 25(88):e50374 46 Citations |
1 | Changes in plasma ACTH levels and corticotroph tumor size in patients with Cushing's disease during long-term treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. (Fleseriu M, Findling JW, Koch CA, Schlaffer SM, Buchfelder M, Gross C) J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014 Oct;99(10):3718-27 76 Citations |
4 | Determination of internal target volume for radiation treatment planning of esophageal cancer by using 4-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT). (Chen X, Lu H, Tai A, Johnstone C, Gore E, Li XA) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2014 Sep 01;90(1):102-9 14 Citations |
1 | Protein degradation and protein synthesis in long-term memory formation. (Jarome TJ, Helmstetter FJ) Front Mol Neurosci 2014;7:61 95 Citations |
1 | Group sequential tests for long-term survival comparisons. (Logan BR, Mo S) Lifetime Data Anal 2015 Apr;21(2):218-40 4 Citations |
1 | Intermittent left ventricular assist device inflow tract obstruction by prolapsing papillary muscle detected by multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT). (Boruah PK, Baruah D, Mahr C, Gaglianello N, Shahir K) Int J Cardiol 2014 Sep;176(1):e13-4 3 Citations |
2 | Laparoscopic cryoablation for clinical stage T1 renal masses: long-term oncologic outcomes at the Medical College of Wisconsin. (Johnson S, Pham KN, See W, Begun FP, Langenstroer P) Urology 2014 Sep;84(3):613-8 35 Citations |
1 | Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients on long-term dialysis. (Trivedi H, Yang J, Szabo A) J Nephrol 2015 Apr;28(2):235-43 30 Citations |
1 | Randomized controlled withdrawal study of upper airway stimulation on OSA: short- and long-term effect. (Woodson BT, Gillespie MB, Soose RJ, Maurer JT, de Vries N, Steward DL, Baskin JZ, Padhya TA, Lin HS, Mickelson S, Badr SM, Strohl KP, Strollo PJ Jr, STAR Trial Investigators, STAR Trial Investigators) Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2014 Nov;151(5):880-7 107 Citations |
2 | Stress-induced cocaine seeking requires a beta-2 adrenergic receptor-regulated pathway from the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis that regulates CRF actions in the ventral tegmental area. (Vranjkovic O, Gasser PJ, Gerndt CH, Baker DA, Mantsch JR) J Neurosci 2014 Sep 10;34(37):12504-14 67 Citations |
1 | Determining the origins of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the mammalian NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase. (Bazil JN, Pannala VR, Dash RK, Beard DA) Free Radic Biol Med 2014 Dec;77:121-9 33 Citations |
2 | Long-term survival after transplantation of unrelated donor peripheral blood or bone marrow hematopoietic cells for hematologic malignancy. (Eapen M, Logan BR, Appelbaum FR, Antin JH, Anasetti C, Couriel DR, Chen J, Maziarz RT, McCarthy PL, Nakamura R, Ratanatharathorn V, Vij R, Champlin RE) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2015 Jan;21(1):55-9 30 Citations |
1 | Placebo use in pain management: The role of medical context, treatment efficacy, and deception in determining placebo acceptability. (Kisaalita N, Staud R, Hurley R, Robinson M) Pain 2014 Dec;155(12):2638-2645 25 Citations |
1 | Dose-intensive response-based chemotherapy and radiation therapy for children and adolescents with newly diagnosed intermediate-risk hodgkin lymphoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AHOD0031. (Friedman DL, Chen L, Wolden S, Buxton A, McCarten K, FitzGerald TJ, Kessel S, De Alarcon PA, Chen AR, Kobrinsky N, Ehrlich P, Hutchison RE, Constine LS, Schwartz CL) J Clin Oncol 2014 Nov 10;32(32):3651-8 201 Citations |
2 | Long-term survival and late effects among one-year survivors of second allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for relapsed acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes. (Duncan CN, Majhail NS, Brazauskas R, Wang Z, Cahn JY, Frangoul HA, Hayashi RJ, Hsu JW, Kamble RT, Kasow KA, Khera N, Lazarus HM, Loren AW, Marks DI, Maziarz RT, Mehta P, Myers KC, Norkin M, Pidala JA, Porter DL, Reddy V, Saber W, Savani BN, Schouten HC, Steinberg A, Wall DA, Warwick AB, Wood WA, Yu LC, Jacobsohn DA, Sorror ML) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2015 Jan;21(1):151-8 54 Citations |
1 | Glycemic responses to intermittent hepatic inflow occlusion in living liver donors. (Han S, Sangwook Ko J, Jin SM, Man Kim J, Choi SJ, Joh JW, Hoon Chung Y, Lee SK, Gwak MS, Kim G) Liver Transpl 2015 Feb;21(2):180-6 8 Citations |
1 | Reactive oxygen species as important determinants of medullary flow, sodium excretion, and hypertension. (Cowley AW Jr, Abe M, Mori T, O'Connor PM, Ohsaki Y, Zheleznova NN) Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2015 Feb 01;308(3):F179-97 89 Citations |
1 | Randomized phase III trial to test accelerated versus standard fractionation in combination with concurrent cisplatin for head and neck carcinomas in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0129 trial: long-term report of efficacy and toxicity. (Nguyen-Tan PF, Zhang Q, Ang KK, Weber RS, Rosenthal DI, Soulieres D, Kim H, Silverman C, Raben A, Galloway TJ, Fortin A, Gore E, Westra WH, Chung CH, Jordan RC, Gillison ML, List M, Le QT) J Clin Oncol 2014 Dec 01;32(34):3858-66 378 Citations |
2 | A method for inducing and determining biomechanics associated with endplate fractures in the lumbar spine. (Kiehl KL, Curry WH, Stemper BD, Eckardt G, Basiden JL, Maiman DJ, Yoganandan N, Shender BS) Biomed Sci Instrum 2014;50:119-24 |
1 | β-Thalassaemia intermedia masquerading as β-thalassaemia major. (Singh A, Varma S) BMJ Case Rep 2014 Nov 28;2014 3 Citations |
1 | Intrinsic disorder drives N-terminal ubiquitination by Ube2w. (Vittal V, Shi L, Wenzel DM, Scaglione KM, Duncan ED, Basrur V, Elenitoba-Johnson KS, Baker D, Paulson HL, Brzovic PS, Klevit RE) Nat Chem Biol 2015 Jan;11(1):83-9 63 Citations |
1 | Remote ischemic preconditioning prevents deterioration of short-term postoperative cognitive function after cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass: results of a pilot investigation. (Hudetz JA, Patterson KM, Iqbal Z, Gandhi SD, Pagel PS) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2015 Apr;29(2):382-8 41 Citations |
3 | Expression, purification and reconstitution of the C-terminal transmembrane domain of scavenger receptor BI into detergent micelles for NMR analysis. (Chadwick AC, Jensen DR, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Sahoo D) Protein Expr Purif 2015 Mar;107:35-42 7 Citations |
1 | Even free radicals should follow some rules: a guide to free radical research terminology and methodology. (Forman HJ, Augusto O, Brigelius-Flohe R, Dennery PA, Kalyanaraman B, Ischiropoulos H, Mann GE, Radi R, Roberts LJ 2nd, Vina J, Davies KJ) Free Radic Biol Med 2015 Jan;78:233-5 254 Citations |
1 | Determining the clinical significance of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: a SEER-Medicare population analysis. (Go RS, Gundrum JD, Neuner JM) Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 2015 Mar;15(3):177-186.e4 59 Citations |
1 | The short- and long-term fates of memory items retained outside the focus of attention. (LaRocque JJ, Eichenbaum AS, Starrett MJ, Rose NS, Emrich SM, Postle BR) Mem Cognit 2015 Apr;43(3):453-68 38 Citations |
1 | Momordica charantia polysaccharides could protect against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury through inhibiting oxidative stress mediated c-Jun N-terminal kinase 3 signaling pathway. (Gong J, Sun F, Li Y, Zhou X, Duan Z, Duan F, Zhao L, Chen H, Qi S, Shen J) Neuropharmacology 2015 Apr;91:123-34 89 Citations |
1 | Cardiopulmonary bypass and intra-aortic balloon pump use is associated with higher short and long term mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a PARTNER trial substudy. (Shreenivas SS, Lilly SM, Szeto WY, Desai N, Anwaruddin S, Bavaria JE, Hudock KM, Thourani VH, Makkar R, Pichard A, Webb J, Dewey T, Kapadia S, Suri RM, Xu K, Leon MB, Herrmann HC) Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2015 Aug;86(2):316-22 30 Citations |
2 | Determinants of pressure drift in Manoscan(™) esophageal high-resolution manometry system. (Babaei A, Lin EC, Szabo A, Massey BT) Neurogastroenterol Motil 2015 Feb;27(2):277-84 31 Citations |
1 | Patterns of relapse from a phase 3 Study of response-based therapy for intermediate-risk Hodgkin lymphoma (AHOD0031): a report from the Children's Oncology Group. (Dharmarajan KV, Friedman DL, Schwartz CL, Chen L, FitzGerald TJ, McCarten KM, Kessel SK, Iandoli M, Constine LS, Wolden SL) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2015 May 01;92(1):60-6 22 Citations |
1 | Modeling a Nursing Guideline with Standard Terminology and Unified Modeling Language for a Nursing Decision Support System: A Case Study. (Choi J, Jansen K, Coenen A) AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2015;2015:426-33 3 Citations |
1 | Mining Twitter as a First Step toward Assessing the Adequacy of Gender Identification Terms on Intake Forms. (Hicks A, Hogan WR, Rutherford M, Malin B, Xie M, Fellbaum C, Yin Z, Fabbri D, Hanna J, Bian J) AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2015;2015:611-20 14 Citations |
1 | A review of the genetic and long-term effects of G-CSF injections in healthy donors: a reassuring lack of evidence for the development of haematological malignancies. (Shaw BE, Confer DL, Hwang W, Pulsipher MA) Bone Marrow Transplant 2015 Mar;50(3):334-40 50 Citations |
1 | The Hsp104 N-terminal domain enables disaggregase plasticity and potentiation. (Sweeny EA, Jackrel ME, Go MS, Sochor MA, Razzo BM, DeSantis ME, Gupta K, Shorter J) Mol Cell 2015 Mar 05;57(5):836-849 79 Citations |
3 | SH2B3 Is a Genetic Determinant of Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis. (Flister MJ, Hoffman MJ, Lemke A, Prisco SZ, Rudemiller N, O'Meara CC, Tsaih SW, Moreno C, Geurts AM, Lazar J, Adhikari N, Hall JL, Jacob HJ) Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2015 Apr;8(2):294-304 22 Citations |
1 | Evaluation of the Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire using Rasch analysis. (Leske DA, Holmes JM, Melia BM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group) JAMA Ophthalmol 2015 Apr;133(4):461-5 22 Citations |
1 | Erratum: Intraganglionic AAV6 results in efficient and long-term gene transfer to peripheral sensory nervous system in adult rats (PLoS ONE (2013) 8:4 (e61266)) (Yu H, Fischer G, Ferhatovic L, Fan F, Light AR) PLoS ONE 10 February 2015;10(2) |
1 | Gastroduodenal Intussusception, Intermittent Biliary Obstruction and Biochemical Pancreatitis due to a Gastric Hyperplastic Polyp. (Chahla E, Kim MA, Beal BT, Alkaade S, Garrett RW, Omran L, Ogawa MT, Taylor JR) Case Rep Gastroenterol 2014;8(3):371-6 11 Citations |
1 | The accuracy of using ICD-9-CM codes to determine genotype and fever status of patients with sickle cell disease. (Eisenbrown K, Nimmer M, Brousseau DC) Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015 May;62(5):924-5 13 Citations |
1 | Macrosteatotic and nonmacrosteatotic grafts respond differently to intermittent hepatic inflow occlusion: Comparison of recipient survival. (Han S, Choi GS, Kim JM, Kwon JH, Park HW, Kim G, Kwon CH, Gwak MS, Ko JS, Joh JW) Liver Transpl 2015 May;21(5):644-51 12 Citations |
1 | Determining the prevalence rate of scabies and its associated social and demographic factors among patients attending health centers in the Qom Province (2005-2013) (Saghafipour A, Arsang S, Mohammadbaygi A, Shamsodini M) Journal of Military Medicine 1 March 2015;17(1):41-45 2 Citations |
1 | Molecular determinants of drug-specific sensitivity for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 19 and 20 mutants in non-small cell lung cancer. (Tsigelny IF, Wheler JJ, Greenberg JP, Kouznetsova VL, Stewart DJ, Bazhenova L, Kurzrock R) Oncotarget 2015 Mar 20;6(8):6029-39 32 Citations |
1 | The Impact of Surgical Margin Status on Long-Term Outcome After Resection for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. (Spolverato G, Yakoob MY, Kim Y, Alexandrescu S, Marques HP, Lamelas J, Aldrighetti L, Gamblin TC, Maithel SK, Pulitano C, Bauer TW, Shen F, Poultsides GA, Marsh JW, Pawlik TM) Ann Surg Oncol 2015 Nov;22(12):4020-8 140 Citations |
2 | Long-term use of ticagrelor in patients with prior myocardial infarction. (Bonaca MP, Bhatt DL, Cohen M, Steg PG, Storey RF, Jensen EC, Magnani G, Bansilal S, Fish MP, Im K, Bengtsson O, Oude Ophuis T, Budaj A, Theroux P, Ruda M, Hamm C, Goto S, Spinar J, Nicolau JC, Kiss RG, Murphy SA, Wiviott SD, Held P, Braunwald E, Sabatine MS, PEGASUS-TIMI 54 Steering Committee and Investigators) N Engl J Med 2015 May 07;372(19):1791-800 1678 Citations |
1 | Neuraminidase inhibition primes short-term depression and suppresses long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the rat hippocampus. (Savotchenko A, Romanov A, Isaev D, Maximyuk O, Sydorenko V, Holmes GL, Isaeva E) Neural Plast 2015;2015:908190 9 Citations |
1 | Conditional Probability of Long-term Survival After Liver Resection for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Multi-institutional Analysis of 535 Patients. (Spolverato G, Kim Y, Ejaz A, Alexandrescu S, Marques H, Aldrighetti L, Gamblin TC, Pulitano C, Bauer TW, Shen F, Sandroussi C, Poultsides G, Maithel SK, Pawlik TM) JAMA Surg 2015 Jun;150(6):538-45 91 Citations |
1 | Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Predicts Long-Term Cardiovascular Events after Radical Cystectomy. (Blackwell RH, Ellimoottil C, Bajic P, Kothari A, Zapf M, Kliethermes S, Flanigan RC, Quek ML, Kuo PC, Gupta GN) J Urol 2015 Oct;194(4):944-9 15 Citations |
1 | Inhaled nitric oxide in term/late preterm neonates with hypoxic respiratory failure: estimating the financial impact of earlier use. (Konduri GG, Menzin J, Frean M, Lee T, Potenziano J, Singer J) J Med Econ 2015;18(8):612-8 6 Citations |
1 | Impact of complications on long-term survival after resection of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. (Spolverato G, Yakoob MY, Kim Y, Alexandrescu S, Marques HP, Lamelas J, Aldrighetti L, Gamblin TC, Maithel SK, Pulitano C, Bauer TW, Shen F, Poultsides GA, Marsh JW, Pawlik TM) Cancer 2015 Aug 15;121(16):2730-9 69 Citations |
1 | Characteristics and Antibiotic Use Associated With Short-Term Risk of Clostridium difficile Infection Among Hospitalized Patients. (Aldrete Sdel M, Magee MJ, Friedman-Moraco RJ, Chan AW, Banks GG, Burd EM, Kraft CS) Am J Clin Pathol 2015 Jun;143(6):895-900 12 Citations |
1 | The relationship between first-trimester subchorionic hematoma, cervical length, and preterm birth. (Palatnik A, Grobman WA) Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 Sep;213(3):403.e1-4 26 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Patency and Clinical Analysis of Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene-Covered Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Stent Grafts. (Weber CN, Nadolski GJ, White SB, Clark TW, Mondschein JI, Stavropoulos SW, Shlansky-Goldberg RD, Trerotola SO, Soulen MC) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2015 Sep;26(9):1257-65; quiz 1265 54 Citations |
2 | Identification of Gram-Negative Bacteria and Genetic Resistance Determinants from Positive Blood Culture Broths by Use of the Verigene Gram-Negative Blood Culture Multiplex Microarray-Based Molecular Assay. (Ledeboer NA, Lopansri BK, Dhiman N, Cavagnolo R, Carroll KC, Granato P, Thomson R Jr, Butler-Wu SM, Berger H, Samuel L, Pancholi P, Swyers L, Hansen GT, Tran NK, Polage CR, Thomson KS, Hanson ND, Winegar R, Buchan BW) J Clin Microbiol 2015 Aug;53(8):2460-72 132 Citations |
1 | The ethics of self-determination: The diving bell and the butterfly (Derse AR) The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies May 27, 2015:1-6 |
1 | A short-term Borrelia burgdorferi infection model identifies tissue tropisms and bloodstream survival conferred by adhesion proteins. (Caine JA, Coburn J) Infect Immun 2015 Aug;83(8):3184-94 46 Citations |
3 | Long-term outcomes after surgical repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect. (Ginde S, Lam J, Hill GD, Cohen S, Woods RK, Mitchell ME, Tweddell JS, Earing MG) J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015 Aug;150(2):369-74 79 Citations |
1 | Evaluation of cost versus antioxidant determinants in green tea dietary supplements. (A Roberson CL, Abourashed EA, Elsharkawy N) J Am Pharm Assoc (2003) 2015;55(4):381-9 2 Citations |
1 | Bromodomain and extraterminal inhibition blocks tumor progression and promotes differentiation in neuroblastoma. (Lee S, Rellinger EJ, Kim KW, Craig BT, Romain CV, Qiao J, Chung DH) Surgery 2015 Sep;158(3):819-26 26 Citations |
1 | Structural Determinants for the Selective Anti-HIV-1 Activity of the All-β Alternative Conformer of XCL1. (Guzzo C, Fox JC, Miao H, Volkman BF, Lusso P) J Virol 2015 Sep;89(17):9061-7 12 Citations |
1 | Microarray Determination of the Expression of Drug Transporters in Humans and Animal Species Used for the Investigation of Nasal Absorption. (Al-Ghabeish M, Scheetz T, Assem M, Donovan MD) Mol Pharm 2015 Aug 03;12(8):2742-54 20 Citations |
1 | Retrospective cohort analysis comparing the incidence of deep vein thromboses between peripherally-inserted and long-term skin tunneled venous catheters in hemato-oncology patients. (Sriskandarajah P, Webb K, Chisholm D, Raobaikady R, Davis K, Pepper N, Ethell ME, Potter MN, Shaw BE) Thromb J 2015;13:21 28 Citations |
1 | EXAMINING LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF AN INFANT MENTAL HEALTH HOME-BASED EARLY HEAD START PROGRAM ON FAMILY STRENGTHS AND RESILIENCE. (Mckelvey L, Schiffman RF, Brophy-Herb HE, Bocknek EL, Fitzgerald HE, Reischl TM, Hawver S, Cunningham Deluca M) Infant Ment Health J 2015;36(4):353-65 33 Citations |
2 | Leptin attenuates the detrimental effects of β-amyloid on spatial memory and hippocampal later-phase long term potentiation in rats. (Tong JQ, Zhang J, Hao M, Yang J, Han YF, Liu XJ, Shi H, Wu MN, Liu QS, Qi JS) Horm Behav 2015 Jul;73:125-30 39 Citations |
1 | The Externally Supported Ross Operation: Early Outcomes and Intermediate Follow-Up. (Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Hill GD, Barnes M, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Tweddell JS) Ann Thorac Surg 2015 Aug;100(2):631-8 26 Citations |
1 | Backbone structure of Yersinia pestis Ail determined in micelles by NMR-restrained simulated annealing with implicit membrane solvation. (Marassi FM, Ding Y, Schwieters CD, Tian Y, Yao Y) J Biomol NMR 2015 Sep;63(1):59-65 21 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain. (Lubrano M, Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM) Ann Intern Med 2015 Jul 21;163(2):147 |
1 | Fabrication and Short-Term in Vivo Performance of a Natural Elastic Lamina-Polymeric Hybrid Vascular Graft. (McCarthy CW, Ahrens DC, Joda D, Curtis TE, Bowen PK, Guillory RJ 2nd, Liu SQ, Zhao F, Frost MC, Goldman J) ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2015 Aug 05;7(30):16202-12 27 Citations |
1 | Long-term sustained disease control in patients with mantle cell lymphoma with or without active disease after treatment with allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation after nonmyeloablative conditioning. (Vaughn JE, Sorror ML, Storer BE, Chauncey TR, Pulsipher MA, Maziarz RT, Maris MB, Hari P, Laport GG, Franke GN, Agura ED, Langston AA, Rezvani AR, Storb R, Sandmaier BM, Maloney DG) Cancer 2015 Oct 15;121(20):3709-16 32 Citations |
1 | A phase 1 study of intermittently administered pazopanib in combination with continuous daily dosing of lapatinib in patients with solid tumors. (Henary H, George GC, Wheler J, Naing A, Piha-Paul S, Fu S, Mistry R, Zinner R, Kurzrock R, Hong DS) Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2015 Sep;76(3):597-603 2 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Outcomes of Adding HPV Vaccine to the Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia Treatment Regimen in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men. (Deshmukh AA, Chhatwal J, Chiao EY, Nyitray AG, Das P, Cantor SB) Clin Infect Dis 2015 Nov 15;61(10):1527-35 44 Citations |
4 | Reduced-Intensity Allografting as First Transplantation Approach in Relapsed/Refractory Grades One and Two Follicular Lymphoma Provides Improved Outcomes in Long-Term Survivors. (Klyuchnikov E, Bacher U, Kröger NM, Hari PN, Ahn KW, Carreras J, Bachanova V, Bashey A, Cohen JB, D'Souza A, Freytes CO, Gale RP, Ganguly S, Hertzberg MS, Holmberg LA, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Klein A, Ku GH, Laport GG, Lazarus HM, Miller AM, Mussetti A, Olsson RF, Slavin S, Usmani SZ, Vij R, Wood WA, Maloney DG, Sureda AM, Smith SM, Hamadani M) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2015 Dec;21(12):2091-2099 49 Citations |
1 | Harmonizing Nursing Terminologies. (Coenen A, Paese F, Saba V, Jansen K, Hardiker NR, Kim TY) Stud Health Technol Inform 2015;216:776-9 5 Citations |
1 | Can hepatic resection provide a long-term cure for patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma? (Spolverato G, Vitale A, Cucchetti A, Popescu I, Marques HP, Aldrighetti L, Gamblin TC, Maithel SK, Sandroussi C, Bauer TW, Shen F, Poultsides GA, Marsh JW, Pawlik TM) Cancer 2015 Nov 15;121(22):3998-4006 154 Citations |
2 | Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Impact of Surgical Margin Status on Long-Term Outcomes. (Margonis GA, Kim Y, Prescott JD, Tran TB, Postlewait LM, Maithel SK, Wang TS, Evans DB, Hatzaras I, Shenoy R, Phay JE, Keplinger K, Fields RC, Jin LX, Weber SM, Salem A, Sicklick JK, Gad S, Yopp AC, Mansour JC, Duh QY, Seiser N, Solorzano CC, Kiernan CM, Votanopoulos KI, Levine EA, Poultsides GA, Pawlik TM) Ann Surg Oncol 2016 Jan;23(1):134-41 70 Citations |
1 | Determination of Eligibility in Related Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Donors: Ethical and Clinical Considerations. Recommendations from a Working Group of the Worldwide Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Association. (Bitan M, van Walraven SM, Worel N, Ball LM, Styczynski J, Torrabadella M, Witt V, Shaw BE, Seber A, Yabe H, Greinix HT, Peters C, Gluckman E, Rocha V, Halter J, Pulsipher MA) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2016 Jan;22(1):96-103 24 Citations |
1 | A phase 2, open-label, multicenter study of the long-term safety of siltuximab (an anti-interleukin-6 monoclonal antibody) in patients with multicentric Castleman disease. (van Rhee F, Casper C, Voorhees PM, Fayad LE, van de Velde H, Vermeulen J, Qin X, Qi M, Tromp B, Kurzrock R) Oncotarget 2015 Oct 06;6(30):30408-19 53 Citations |
1 | What is the best immunosuppressant combination in terms of antitumor effect in hepatocellular carcinoma? (Lee KW, Seo YD, Oh SC, Suh SW, Jeong J, Kim H, Yi NJ, Suh KS) Hepatol Res 2016 May;46(6):593-600 8 Citations |
1 | Association of Isolated Single Umbilical Artery With Small for Gestational Age and Preterm Birth. (Battarbee AN, Palatnik A, Ernst LM, Grobman WA) Obstet Gynecol 2015 Oct;126(4):760-764 24 Citations |
1 | Cardiovascular Mortality Following Short-term Androgen Deprivation in Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: An Analysis of RTOG 94-08. (Voog JC, Paulus R, Shipley WU, Smith MR, McGowan DG, Jones CU, Bahary JP, Zeitzer KL, Souhami L, Leibenhaut MH, Rotman M, Husain SM, Gore E, Raben A, Chafe S, Sandler HM, Efstathiou JA) Eur Urol 2016 Feb;69(2):204-10 37 Citations |
1 | Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture. (Zheng HF, Forgetta V, Hsu YH, Estrada K, Rosello-Diez A, Leo PJ, Dahia CL, Park-Min KH, Tobias JH, Kooperberg C, Kleinman A, Styrkarsdottir U, Liu CT, Uggla C, Evans DS, Nielson CM, Walter K, Pettersson-Kymmer U, McCarthy S, Eriksson J, Kwan T, Jhamai M, Trajanoska K, Memari Y, Min J, Huang J, Danecek P, Wilmot B, Li R, Chou WC, Mokry LE, Moayyeri A, Claussnitzer M, Cheng CH, Cheung W, Medina-Gómez C, Ge B, Chen SH, Choi K, Oei L, Fraser J, Kraaij R, Hibbs MA, Gregson CL, Paquette D, Hofman A, Wibom C, Tranah GJ, Marshall M, Gardiner BB, Cremin K, Auer P, Hsu L, Ring S, Tung JY, Thorleifsson G, Enneman AW, van Schoor NM, de Groot LC, van der Velde N, Melin B, Kemp JP, Christiansen C, Sayers A, Zhou Y, Calderari S, van Rooij J, Carlson C, Peters U, Berlivet S, Dostie J, Uitterlinden AG, Williams SR, Farber C, Grinberg D, LaCroix AZ, Haessler J, Chasman DI, Giulianini F, Rose LM, Ridker PM, Eisman JA, Nguyen TV, Center JR, Nogues X, Garcia-Giralt N, Launer LL, Gudnason V, Mellström D, Vandenput L, Amin N, van Duijn CM, Karlsson MK, Ljunggren Ö, Svensson O, Hallmans G, Rousseau F, Giroux S, Bussière J, Arp PP, Koromani F, Prince RL, Lewis JR, Langdahl BL, Hermann AP, Jensen JE, Kaptoge S, Khaw KT, Reeve J, Formosa MM, Xuereb-Anastasi A, Åkesson K, McGuigan FE, Garg G, Olmos JM, Zarrabeitia MT, Riancho JA, Ralston SH, Alonso N, Jiang X, Goltzman D, Pastinen T, Grundberg E, Gauguier D, Orwoll ES, Karasik D, Davey-Smith G, AOGC Consortium, Smith AV, Siggeirsdottir K, Harris TB, Zillikens MC, van Meurs JB, Thorsteinsdottir U, Maurano MT, Timpson NJ, Soranzo N, Durbin R, Wilson SG, Ntzani EE, Brown MA, Stefansson K, Hinds DA, Spector T, Cupples LA, Ohlsson C, Greenwood CM, UK10K Consortium, Jackson RD, Rowe DW, Loomis CA, Evans DM, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Joyner AL, Duncan EL, Kiel DP, Rivadeneira F, Richards JB) Nature 2015 Oct 01;526(7571):112-7 456 Citations |
1 | Providing Psychosocial Support to Children and Families in the Aftermath of Disasters and Crises. (Schonfeld DJ, Demaria T, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ADVISORY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH) Pediatrics 2015 Oct;136(4):e1120-30 69 Citations |
2 | Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation as Curative Therapy for Patients with Myelofibrosis: Long-Term Success in all Age Groups. (Deeg HJ, Bredeson C, Farnia S, Ballen K, Gupta V, Mesa RA, Popat U, Hari P, Saber W, Seftel M, Tamari R, Petersdorf EW) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2015 Nov;21(11):1883-7 39 Citations |
2 | Long-term survival outcomes of reduced-intensity allogeneic or autologous transplantation in relapsed grade 3 follicular lymphoma. (Klyuchnikov E, Bacher U, Woo Ahn K, Carreras J, Kröger NM, Hari PN, Ku GH, Ayala E, Chen AI, Chen YB, Cohen JB, Freytes CO, Gale RP, Kamble RT, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Lazarus HM, Martino R, Mussetti A, Savani BN, Schouten HC, Usmani SZ, Wiernik PH, Wirk B, Smith SM, Sureda A, Hamadani M) Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 Jan;51(1):58-66 34 Citations |
1 | Long-term growth and alignment after occipitocervical and atlantoaxial fusion with rigid internal fixation in young children. (Kennedy BC, D'Amico RS, Youngerman BE, McDowell MM, Hooten KG, Couture D, Jea A, Leonard J, Lew SM, Pincus DW, Rodriguez L, Tuite GF, Diluna ML, Brockmeyer DL, Anderson RC, Pediatric Craniocervical Society) J Neurosurg Pediatr 2016 Jan;17(1):94-102 36 Citations |
1 | Preliminary Evaluation of the Research-Use-Only (RUO) iCubate iC-GPC Assay for Identification of Select Gram-Positive Bacteria and Their Resistance Determinants in Blood Culture Broths. (Buchan BW, Reymann GC, Granato PA, Alkins BR, Jim P, Young S) J Clin Microbiol 2015 Dec;53(12):3931-4 5 Citations |
1 | Effects of Developmental Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on Long-term Self-renewal of Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells. (Laiosa MD, Tate ER, Ahrenhoerster LS, Chen Y, Wang D) Environ Health Perspect 2016 Jul;124(7):957-65 21 Citations |
2 | Incidence of Perioperative Complications Following Resection of Adrenocortical Carcinoma and Its Association with Long-Term Survival. (Margonis GA, Amini N, Kim Y, Tran TB, Postlewait LM, Maithel SK, Wang TS, Evans DB, Hatzaras I, Shenoy R, Phay JE, Keplinger K, Fields RC, Moses LE, Weber SM, Salem A, Sicklick JK, Gad S, Yopp AC, Mansour JC, Duh QY, Seiser N, Solorzano CC, Kiernan CM, Votanopoulos KI, Levine EA, Poultsides GA, Pawlik TM) World J Surg 2016 Mar;40(3):706-714 12 Citations |
1 | Repression of HNF1α-mediated transcription by amino-terminal enhancer of split (AES). (Han EH, Gorman AA, Singh P, Chi YI) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015 Dec 4-11;468(1-2):14-20 4 Citations |
1 | Cholesterol-Dependent Conformational Exchange of the C-Terminal Domain of the Influenza A M2 Protein. (Kim SS, Upshur MA, Saotome K, Sahu ID, McCarrick RM, Feix JB, Lorigan GA, Howard KP) Biochemistry 2015 Dec 15;54(49):7157-67 35 Citations |
1 | miRge - A Multiplexed Method of Processing Small RNA-Seq Data to Determine MicroRNA Entropy. (Baras AS, Mitchell CJ, Myers JR, Gupta S, Weng LC, Ashton JM, Cornish TC, Pandey A, Halushka MK) PLoS One 2015;10(11):e0143066 69 Citations |
1 | Failure to rescue in trauma: Coming to terms with the second term. (Holena DN, Earl-Royal E, Delgado MK, Sims CA, Pascual JL, Hsu JY, Carr BG, Reilly PM, Wiebe D) Injury 2016 Jan;47(1):77-82 15 Citations |
1 | Epigenetic regulation of ID4 in the determination of the BRCAness phenotype in breast cancer. (Branham MT, Campoy E, Laurito S, Branham R, Urrutia G, Orozco J, Gago F, Urrutia R, Roqué M) Breast Cancer Res Treat 2016 Jan;155(1):13-23 12 Citations |
2 | Intermittent neonatal hypoxia elicits the upregulation of inflammatory-related genes in adult male rats through long-lasting programming effects. (Gehrand AL, Kaldunski ML, Bruder ED, Jia S, Hessner MJ, Raff H) Physiol Rep 2015 Dec;3(12) 4 Citations |
1 | Unveiling the crucial intermediates in androgen production. (Mak PJ, Gregory MC, Denisov IG, Sligar SG, Kincaid JR) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Dec 29;112(52):15856-61 67 Citations |
1 | Vancomycin continuous infusion versus intermittent infusion during continuous venovenous hemofiltration: slow and steady may win the race (Lin H, Bukovskaya Y, De Moya M, Lee J, Schmidt U) Annals of Intensive Care 22 December 2015;5(1) 14 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up of children with chronic myeloid leukemia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. (Broglie L, Hijiya N, Helenowski IB, Dilley K, Schneiderman J, Tse W, Duerst R, Kletzel M, Morgan E, Chaudhury S) Leuk Lymphoma 2016;57(4):949-52 4 Citations |
1 | Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation in adults: evolution, experience and long-term outcomes in the UK National Health Service : a retrospective analysis on behalf of the British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Eurocord. (Snowden JA, Danby R, Ruggeri A, Marks DI, Hough RE, Pagliuca A, Potter M, Russell N, Craddock C, Clark A, Miller P, Cook G, Gluckman E, Shaw BE, Rocha V) Br J Haematol 2016 Feb;172(3):478-81 1 Citation |
1 | Neurogranin restores amyloid β-mediated synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation deficits. (Kaleka KS, Gerges NZ) Exp Neurol 2016 Mar;277:115-123 24 Citations |
1 | Using Visual Analytics to Determine the Utilization of Preoperative Anesthesia Assessments. (Wanderer JP, Gruss CL, Ehrenfeld JM) Appl Clin Inform 2015;6(4):629-37 10 Citations |
1 | Effect of exercise training on clot strength in patients with peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication: An ancillary study. (Mauer K, Exaire JE, Stoner JA, Saucedo JF, Montgomery PS, Gardner AW) SAGE Open Med 2015;3:2050312115575938 4 Citations |
1 | Pediatric Kennedy Terminal Ulcer. (Reitz M, Schindler CA) J Pediatr Health Care 2016;30(3):274-8 8 Citations |
2 | Quality of Life and Long-Term Therapy in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. (Flynn KE, Atallah E) Curr Hematol Malig Rep 2016 Apr;11(2):80-5 41 Citations |
1 | Glycosaminoglycan binding by the lyme disease spirochete is a determinant of tissue tropism and disease (Lin YP, Osburne MS, Pereira MJ, Coburn J, Leong JM) Glycobiology and Human Diseases 22 February 2016:86-96 1 Citation |
1 | New onset postoperative atrial fibrillation predicts long-term cardiovascular events after gastrectomy. (Nassoiy SP, Blackwell RH, Kothari AN, Besser S, Gupta GN, Kuo PC, Abood GJ) Am J Surg 2016 Mar;211(3):559-64 12 Citations |
1 | Term newborn with unilateral craniofacial defects (Acharya K, Basel D, Segall H, Sampath V) NeoReviews March 2016;17(3):e184-e187 1 Citation |
1 | Characterization of the membrane-inserted C-terminus of cytoprotective BCL-XL. (Yao Y, Nisan D, Fujimoto LM, Antignani A, Barnes A, Tjandra N, Youle RJ, Marassi FM) Protein Expr Purif 2016 Jun;122:56-63 20 Citations |
1 | Gammaherpesvirus targets peritoneal B-1 B cells for long-term latency. (Rekow MM, Darrah EJ, Mboko WP, Lange PT, Tarakanova VL) Virology 2016 May;492:140-4 28 Citations |
1 | Long-term Survival, Organ Function, and Malignancy after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Fanconi Anemia. (Bonfim C, Ribeiro L, Nichele S, Bitencourt M, Loth G, Koliski A, Funke VAM, Pilonetto DV, Pereira NF, Flowers MED, Velleuer E, Dietrich R, Fasth A, Torres-Pereira CC, Pedruzzi P, Eapen M, Pasquini R) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2016 Jul;22(7):1257-1263 57 Citations |
1 | Genomic portfolio of Merkel cell carcinoma as determined by comprehensive genomic profiling: implications for targeted therapeutics. (Cohen PR, Tomson BN, Elkin SK, Marchlik E, Carter JL, Kurzrock R) Oncotarget 2016 Apr 26;7(17):23454-67 36 Citations |
2 | Modeling Hematopoiesis and Responses to Radiation Countermeasures in a Bone Marrow-on-a-Chip. (Torisawa YS, Mammoto T, Jiang E, Jiang A, Mammoto A, Watters AL, Bahinski A, Ingber DE) Tissue Eng Part C Methods 2016 May;22(5):509-15 57 Citations |
1 | Current mid-term outcome with an integrated surgical strategy for correction of d-transposition of the great arteries with ventricular septal defect and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. (Bierbach B, Arenz C, Suchowerskyj P, Schroth S, Blaschczok J, Asfour B, Schneider M, Hraška V) Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2016 Oct;50(4):617-625 5 Citations |
1 | Bidirectional regulation of synaptic transmission by BRAG1/IQSEC2 and its requirement in long-term depression. (Brown JC, Petersen A, Zhong L, Himelright ML, Murphy JA, Walikonis RS, Gerges NZ) Nat Commun 2016 Mar 24;7:11080 38 Citations |
1 | Longterm quality of life after oncologic surgery and microvascular free flap reconstruction in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. (Peisker A, Raschke GF, Guentsch A, Roshanghias K, Eichmann F, Schultze-Mosgau S) Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2016 Jul 01;21(4):e420-4 20 Citations |
2 | Transcatheter or Surgical Aortic-Valve Replacement in Intermediate-Risk Patients. (Leon MB, Smith CR, Mack MJ, Makkar RR, Svensson LG, Kodali SK, Thourani VH, Tuzcu EM, Miller DC, Herrmann HC, Doshi D, Cohen DJ, Pichard AD, Kapadia S, Dewey T, Babaliaros V, Szeto WY, Williams MR, Kereiakes D, Zajarias A, Greason KL, Whisenant BK, Hodson RW, Moses JW, Trento A, Brown DL, Fearon WF, Pibarot P, Hahn RT, Jaber WA, Anderson WN, Alu MC, Webb JG, PARTNER 2 Investigators) N Engl J Med 2016 Apr 28;374(17):1609-20 4069 Citations |
4 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging Correlates with Short-Term Myelopathy Outcome in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. (Vedantam A, Rao A, Kurpad SN, Jirjis MB, Eckardt G, Schmit BD, Wang MC) World Neurosurg 2017 Jan;97:489-494 41 Citations |
3 | Is long-term survival possible after margin-positive resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS)? (Klooster B, Rajeev R, Chrabaszcz S, Charlson J, Miura J, Bedi M, Gamblin TC, Johnston F, Turaga KK) J Surg Oncol 2016 Jun;113(7):823-7 15 Citations |
1 | X-ray laser diffraction for structure determination of the rhodopsin-arrestin complex. (Zhou XE, Gao X, Barty A, Kang Y, He Y, Liu W, Ishchenko A, White TA, Yefanov O, Han GW, Xu Q, de Waal PW, Suino-Powell KM, Boutet S, Williams GJ, Wang M, Li D, Caffrey M, Chapman HN, Spence JC, Fromme P, Weierstall U, Stevens RC, Cherezov V, Melcher K, Xu HE) Sci Data 2016 Apr 12;3:160021 46 Citations |
1 | Evolution of Living Donor Nephrectomy at a Single Center: Long-term Outcomes With 4 Different Techniques in Greater Than 4000 Donors Over 50 Years. (Serrano OK, Kirchner V, Bangdiwala A, Vock DM, Dunn TB, Finger EB, Payne WD, Pruett TL, Sutherland DE, Najarian JS, Matas AJ, Kandaswamy R) Transplantation 2016 Jun;100(6):1299-305 46 Citations |
1 | The role of routine cervical length screening in selected high- and low-risk women for preterm birth prevention. (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM). Electronic address: pubs@smfm.org, McIntosh J, Feltovich H, Berghella V, Manuck T) Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016 Sep;215(3):B2-7 194 Citations |
1 | Echocardiographic determinants of LV functional improvement after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. (Chen J, Nawaz N, Fox Z, Komlo C, Anwaruddin S, Desai N, Jagasia D, Herrmann HC, Han Y) Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2016 May;87(6):1164-72 7 Citations |
1 | Repeat Exposure to Leg Swing Perturbations During Treadmill Training Induces Long-Term Retention of Increased Step Length in Human SCI: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study. (Wu M, Landry JM, Kim J, Schmit BD, Yen SC, McDonald J, Zhang Y) Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2016 Dec;95(12):911-920 21 Citations |
1 | Intermolecular Markovnikov-Selective Hydroacylation of Olefins Catalyzed by a Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex. (Kim J, Yi CS) ACS Catal 2016 May 06;6(5):3336-3339 30 Citations |
2 | Tempering Sepsis-induced Hyperbilirubinemia: Implications for Short- and Long-Term Outcomes. (Patel J, Taneja A) Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016 May 15;193(10):1183 |
1 | Tissue-specific dynamin-1 deletion at the calyx of Held decreases short-term depression through a mechanism distinct from vesicle resupply. (Mahapatra S, Fan F, Lou X) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 May 31;113(22):E3150-8 15 Citations |
1 | Self-Propelled Dressings Containing Thrombin and Tranexamic Acid Improve Short-Term Survival in a Swine Model of Lethal Junctional Hemorrhage. (Baylis JR, St John AE, Wang X, Lim EB, Statz ML, Chien D, Simonson E, Stern SA, Liggins RT, White NJ, Kastrup CJ) Shock 2016 Sep;46(3 Suppl 1):123-8 21 Citations |
1 | Long-term Outcomes for Living Pancreas Donors in the Modern Era. (Kirchner VA, Finger EB, Bellin MD, Dunn TB, Gruessner RW, Hering BJ, Humar A, Kukla AK, Matas AJ, Pruett TL, Sutherland DE, Kandaswamy R) Transplantation 2016 Jun;100(6):1322-8 26 Citations |
2 | The Impact of Arterial Input Function Determination Variations on Prostate Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pharmacokinetic Modeling: A Multicenter Data Analysis Challenge. (Huang W, Chen Y, Fedorov A, Li X, Jajamovich GH, Malyarenko DI, Aryal MP, LaViolette PS, Oborski MJ, O'Sullivan F, Abramson RG, Jafari-Khouzani K, Afzal A, Tudorica A, Moloney B, Gupta SN, Besa C, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Mountz JM, Laymon CM, Muzi M, Schmainda K, Cao Y, Chenevert TL, Taouli B, Yankeelov TE, Fennessy F, Li X) Tomography 2016 Mar;2(1):56-66 |
1 | Considerations in the management of hypoxemic respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm neonates. (Lakshminrusimha S, Konduri GG, Steinhorn RH) J Perinatol 2016 Jun;36 Suppl 2:S12-9 69 Citations |
2 | Cerebral palsy, developmental coordination disorder, visual and hearing impairments in infants born preterm (Acharya K, Pellerite M, Lagatta J, Andrews B, Msall ME) NeoReviews June 2016;17(6):e325-e333 4 Citations |
2 | Adverse Events in Young and Preterm Infants Receiving Topical Timolol for Infantile Hemangioma. (Frommelt P, Juern A, Siegel D, Holland K, Seefeldt M, Yu J, Uhing M, Wade K, Drolet B) Pediatr Dermatol 2016 Jul;33(4):405-14 67 Citations |
1 | A critical appraisal of continence in bladder exstrophy: Long-term outcomes of the complete primary repair. (Ellison JS, Shnorhavorian M, Willihnganz-Lawson K, Grady R, Merguerian PA) J Pediatr Urol 2016 Aug;12(4):205.e1-7 29 Citations |
1 | Harmonising Nursing Terminologies Using a Conceptual Framework. (Jansen K, Kim TY, Coenen A, Saba V, Hardiker N) Stud Health Technol Inform 2016;225:471-5 5 Citations |
1 | Autoimmune manifestations in patients with multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. (Shimanovsky A, Alvarez Argote J, Murali S, Dasanu CA) BBA Clin 2016 Dec;6:12-8 48 Citations |
1 | Erratum: Long-term outcomes after surgical repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect (Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (2015) 150 (369-374)) (Ginde S, Lam J, Hill GD, Cohen S, Woods RK, Mitchell ME) Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1 July 2016;152(1):292 |
1 | Association between Serum Bilirubin and Acute Intraoperative Hyperglycemia Induced by Prolonged Intermittent Hepatic Inflow Occlusion in Living Liver Donors. (Han S, Jin SM, Ko JS, Kim YR, Gwak MS, Son HJ, Joh JW, Kim GS) PLoS One 2016;11(7):e0156957 1 Citation |
1 | Effects of standardized Ginkgo biloba extract on the acquisition, retrieval and extinction of conditioned suppression: Evidence that short-term memory and long-term memory are differentially modulated. (Zamberlam CR, Vendrasco NC, Oliveira DR, Gaiardo RB, Cerutti SM) Physiol Behav 2016 Oct 15;165:55-68 11 Citations |
1 | Determinants of unhealthy behaviors following bariatric surgery (Rusch M, Adams SJ, Azam L, Sparapani R, Meurer J, Wallace J) Obesity Open Access Obesity Open Access 2016; 2(3): 1-7 |
1 | The next generation of target capture technologies - large DNA fragment enrichment and sequencing determines regional genomic variation of high complexity. (Dapprich J, Ferriola D, Mackiewicz K, Clark PM, Rappaport E, D'Arcy M, Sasson A, Gai X, Schug J, Kaestner KH, Monos D) BMC Genomics 2016 Jul 09;17:486 58 Citations |
1 | Best Practices for Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy: Dosing and Long-Term Management. (Boster AL, Adair RL, Gooch JL, Nelson ME, Toomer A, Urquidez J, Saulino M) Neuromodulation 2016 Aug;19(6):623-31 54 Citations |
1 | Association of a Family History of Coronary Heart Disease With Initiation of Statin Therapy in Individuals at Intermediate Risk: Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. (Safarova MS, Bailey KR, Kullo IJ) JAMA Cardiol 2016 Jun 01;1(3):364-6 9 Citations |
1 | Primary liver resection for patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma: the role of surgery in BCLC early (A) and intermediate stages (B). (Bell R, Pandanaboyana S, Lodge JPA, Prasad KR, Jones R, Hidalgo E) Langenbecks Arch Surg 2017 Jun;402(4):575-583 9 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Cancer Outcomes From Study NRG Oncology/RTOG 9517: A Phase 2 Study of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation With Multicatheter Brachytherapy After Lumpectomy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer. (White J, Winter K, Kuske RR, Bolton JS, Arthur DW, Scroggins T, Rabinovitch RA, Kelly T, Toonkel LM, Vicini FA, McCormick B) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016 Aug 01;95(5):1460-1465 47 Citations |
1 | Inhaled nitric oxide therapy for pulmonary disorders of the term and preterm infant. (Sokol GM, Konduri GG, Van Meurs KP) Semin Perinatol 2016 Oct;40(6):356-369 32 Citations |
1 | Response to commentary re 'A critical appraisal of continence in bladder exstrophy: Long-term outcomes of the complete primary repair'. (Scott Ellison J) J Pediatr Urol 2016 Oct;12(5):314 |
1 | Long-term Effects on Cognitive Trajectories of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy in Two Age Groups. (Espeland MA, Rapp SR, Manson JE, Goveas JS, Shumaker SA, Hayden KM, Weitlauf JC, Gaussoin SA, Baker LD, Padula CB, Hou L, Resnick SM, WHIMSY and WHIMS-ECHO Study Groups) J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2017 Jun 01;72(6):838-845 46 Citations |
1 | Determinants of time to death in hospital in critically ill patients around the world. (Martin-Loeches I, Wunderink RG, Nanchal R, Lefrant JY, Kapadia F, Sakr Y, Vincent JL, ICON Investigators) Intensive Care Med 2016 Sep;42(9):1454-60 19 Citations |
1 | Relative distribution of Gb3 isoforms/analogs in NOD/SCID/Fabry mice tissues determined by tandem mass spectrometry. (Provençal P, Boutin M, Dworski S, Au B, Medin JA, Auray-Blais C) Bioanalysis 2016 Sep;8(17):1793-807 15 Citations |
3 | Comparison of Patient-Reported Outcomes in 5-Year Survivors Who Received Bone Marrow vs Peripheral Blood Unrelated Donor Transplantation: Long-term Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial. (Lee SJ, Logan B, Westervelt P, Cutler C, Woolfrey A, Khan SP, Waller EK, Maziarz RT, Wu J, Shaw BE, Confer D, Horowitz MM, Anasetti C) JAMA Oncol 2016 Dec 01;2(12):1583-1589 105 Citations |
1 | Long-term Stability and Reliability of Baseline Cognitive Assessments in High School Athletes Using ImPACT at 1-, 2-, and 3-year Test-Retest Intervals. (Brett BL, Smyk N, Solomon G, Baughman BC, Schatz P) Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2016 Dec 01;31(8):904-914 |
1 | Concomitant 11p15.4-p15.5 duplication and terminal 22q13.33 deletion in a patient with features of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. (Peterson JF, Bick DP, Geddes GC, McCarrier J, Grignon JW Jr, Chirempes B, Broeckel U, Abidi F, Rogers RC, Boccuto L, DuPont B, vanTuinen P) Am J Med Genet A 2016 Dec;170(12):3348-3351 3 Citations |
1 | Association among Maternal Obesity, Cervical Length, and Preterm Birth. (Palatnik A, Miller ES, Son M, Kominiarek MA) Am J Perinatol 2017 Apr;34(5):471-479 14 Citations |
1 | Within-Category Decoding of Information in Different Attentional States in Short-Term Memory. (LaRocque JJ, Riggall AC, Emrich SM, Postle BR) Cereb Cortex 2017 Oct 01;27(10):4881-4890 62 Citations |
2 | Radiographic Changes in the Cervical Spine Following Anterior Arthrodesis: A Long-Term Analysis of 166 Patients. (Rao RD, Gore DR, Tang SJ, Rebholz BJ, Yoganandan N, Wang M) J Bone Joint Surg Am 2016 Oct 05;98(19):1606-1613 18 Citations |
2 | Successful Strategies to Determine High-Resolution Structures of GPCRs. (Xiang J, Chun E, Liu C, Jing L, Al-Sahouri Z, Zhu L, Liu W) Trends Pharmacol Sci 2016 Dec;37(12):1055-1069 56 Citations |
3 | Short-Term Angiotensin Subtype 1 Receptor Blockade Does Not Alter the Circulatory Responses to Sympathetic Nervous System Modulation in Healthy Volunteers Before and During Sevoflurane Anesthesia: Results of a Pilot Study. (Arain SR, Freed JK, Novalija J, Pagel PS, Ebert TJ) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2016 Dec;30(6):1479-1484 1 Citation |
1 | Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Improves Long-Term Nipple But Not Skin Sensation After Breast Reconstruction: Quantification of Long-Term Sensation in Nipple Sparing Versus Non-nipple Sparing Mastectomy. (Rodriguez-Unda NA, Bello RJ, Clarke-Pearson EM, Sanyal A, Cooney CM, Manahan MA, Rosson GD) Ann Plast Surg 2017 Jun;78(6):697-703 26 Citations |
1 | Staphylococcus aureus Colonization and Long-Term Risk for Death, United States. (Mendy A, Vieira ER, Albatineh AN, Gasana J) Emerg Infect Dis 2016 Nov;22(11):1966-1969 15 Citations |
3 | On the use of peroxy-caged luciferin (PCL-1) probe for bioluminescent detection of inflammatory oxidants in vitro and in vivo - Identification of reaction intermediates and oxidant-specific minor products. (Zielonka J, Podsiadły R, Zielonka M, Hardy M, Kalyanaraman B) Free Radic Biol Med 2016 Oct;99:32-42 43 Citations |
1 | Sodium nitroprusside enhanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation improves short term survival in a porcine model of ischemic refractory ventricular fibrillation. (Yannopoulos D, Bartos JA, George SA, Sideris G, Voicu S, Oestreich B, Matsuura T, Shekar K, Rees J, Aufderheide TP) Resuscitation 2017 Jan;110:6-11 17 Citations |
1 | The Amino-terminal Domain of the Androgen Receptor Co-opts Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Docking Sites in ELK1 Protein to Induce Sustained Gene Activation That Supports Prostate Cancer Cell Growth. (Rosati R, Patki M, Chari V, Dakshnamurthy S, McFall T, Saxton J, Kidder BL, Shaw PE, Ratnam M) J Biol Chem 2016 Dec 09;291(50):25983-25998 13 Citations |
2 | Endometrial carcinoma: The perioperative and long-term outcomes of robotic surgery in the morbidly obese. (Hinshaw SJ, Gunderson S, Eastwood D, Bradley WH) J Surg Oncol 2016 Dec;114(7):884-887 14 Citations |
1 | Clinical Score Predicting Long-Term Survival after Repeat Resection for Recurrent Adrenocortical Carcinoma. (Tran TB, Maithel SK, Pawlik TM, Wang TS, Hatzaras I, Phay JE, Fields RC, Weber SM, Sicklick JK, Yopp AC, Duh QY, Solorzano CC, Votanopoulos KI, Poultsides GA) J Am Coll Surg 2016 Dec;223(6):794-803 20 Citations |
1 | E2F-2 Promotes Nuclear Condensation and Enucleation of Terminally Differentiated Erythroblasts. (Swartz KL, Wood SN, Murthy T, Ramirez O, Qin G, Pillai MM, Rao S, Minella AC) Mol Cell Biol 2017 Jan 01;37(1) 22 Citations |
1 | Consensus on the standardization of terminology in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and related thrombotic microangiopathies. (Scully M, Cataland S, Coppo P, de la Rubia J, Friedman KD, Kremer Hovinga J, Lämmle B, Matsumoto M, Pavenski K, Sadler E, Sarode R, Wu H, International Working Group for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) J Thromb Haemost 2017 Feb;15(2):312-322 371 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes after thiotepa-based high-dose therapy (HDT) and autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (auto-HCT) in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). (Shah N, Rauenzahn S, Veltri L, Wen S, Craig M, Hamadani M, Kanate AS, Cumpston A) Bone Marrow Transplant 2017 Feb;52(2):321-322 2 Citations |
1 | Hemiarthroplasty for the treatment of distal humeral fractures: midterm clinical results. (Schultzel M, Scheidt K, Klein CC, Narvy SJ, Lee BK, Itamura JM) J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2017 Mar;26(3):389-393 41 Citations |
1 | International Continence Society Good Urodynamic Practices and Terms 2016: Urodynamics, uroflowmetry, cystometry, and pressure-flow study. (Rosier PFWM, Schaefer W, Lose G, Goldman HB, Guralnick M, Eustice S, Dickinson T, Hashim H) Neurourol Urodyn 2017 Jun;36(5):1243-1260 411 Citations |
1 | Corrosion Characteristics Dictate the Long-Term Inflammatory Profile of Degradable Zinc Arterial Implants. (Guillory RJ 2nd, Bowen PK, Hopkins SP, Shearier ER, Earley EJ, Gillette AA, Aghion E, Bocks M, Drelich JW, Goldman J) ACS Biomater Sci Eng 2016 Dec 12;2(12):2355-2364 79 Citations |
1 | The effects of stimulus novelty and negativity on BOLD activity in the amygdala, hippocampus, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (Pedersen WS, Balderston NL, Miskovich TA, Belleau EL, Helmstetter FJ, Larson CL) Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2017 May 01;12(5):748-757 18 Citations |
1 | Curative Surgical Resection of Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Determining Long-term Outcome Based on Conditional Disease-free Probability. (Kim Y, Margonis GA, Prescott JD, Tran TB, Postlewait LM, Maithel SK, Wang TS, Glenn JA, Hatzaras I, Shenoy R, Phay JE, Keplinger K, Fields RC, Jin LX, Weber SM, Salem A, Sicklick JK, Gad S, Yopp AC, Mansour JC, Duh QY, Seiser N, Solorzano CC, Kiernan CM, Votanopoulos KI, Levine EA, Poultsides GA, Pawlik TM) Ann Surg 2017 Jan;265(1):197-204 29 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcomes in newborn surgery (Tomuschat C, Oldham KT, Calkins CM) Newborn Surgery, Fourth Edition 1 January 2017:1159-1184 |
1 | Venous thromboembolism in pediatric trauma patients: Ten-year experience and long-term follow-up in a tertiary care center. (Leeper CM, Vissa M, Cooper JD, Malec LM, Gaines BA) Pediatr Blood Cancer 2017 Aug;64(8) 41 Citations |
1 | Vocal fold paralysis in preterm infants: prevalence and analysis of risk factors. (Jabbour J, Uhing M, Robey T) J Perinatol 2017 May;37(5):585-590 10 Citations |
2 | Cytogenetic risk determines outcomes after allogeneic transplantation in older patients with acute myeloid leukemia in their second complete remission: A Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research cohort analysis. (Michelis FV, Gupta V, Zhang MJ, Wang HL, Aljurf M, Bacher U, Beitinjaneh A, Chen YB, DeFilipp Z, Gale RP, Kebriaei P, Kharfan-Dabaja M, Lazarus HM, Nishihori T, Olsson RF, Oran B, Rashidi A, Rizzieri DA, Tallman MS, de Lima M, Khoury HJ, Sandmaier BM, Weisdorf D, Saber W, Acute Leukemia Working Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, aresearch collaboration between the National Marrow Donor Program/Be the Match Registry and theMedicalCollegeofWisconsin) Cancer 2017 Jun 01;123(11):2035-2042 12 Citations |
2 | Neonatal bladder inflammation induces long-term visceral pain and altered responses of spinal neurons in adult rats. (Kannampalli P, Babygirija R, Zhang J, Poe MM, Li G, Cook JM, Shaker R, Banerjee B, Sengupta JN) Neuroscience 2017 Mar 27;346:349-364 18 Citations |
1 | Mechanism of Intrinsic Chemiluminescence Production from the Degradation of Persistent Chlorinated Phenols by the Fenton System: A Structure-Activity Relationship Study and the Critical Role of Quinoid and Semiquinone Radical Intermediates. (Gao HY, Mao L, Li F, Xie LN, Huang CH, Shao J, Shao B, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu BZ) Environ Sci Technol 2017 Mar 07;51(5):2934-2943 32 Citations |
3 | NMR Structure of the C-Terminal Transmembrane Domain of the HDL Receptor, SR-BI, and a Functionally Relevant Leucine Zipper Motif. (Chadwick AC, Jensen DR, Hanson PJ, Lange PT, Proudfoot SC, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Sahoo D) Structure 2017 Mar 07;25(3):446-457 19 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Glycemic Control in Adult Patients Undergoing Remote vs. Local Total Pancreatectomy With Islet Autotransplantation. (Kesseli SJ, Wagar M, Jung MK, Smith KD, Lin YK, Walsh RM, Hatipoglu B, Freeman ML, Pruett TL, Beilman GJ, Sutherland DE, Dunn TB, Axelrod DA, Chaidarun SS, Stevens TK, Bellin M, Gardner TB) Am J Gastroenterol 2017 Apr;112(4):643-649 22 Citations |
1 | The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exoenzyme Y: A Promiscuous Nucleotidyl Cyclase Edema Factor and Virulence Determinant. (Morrow KA, Frank DW, Balczon R, Stevens T) Handb Exp Pharmacol 2017;238:67-85 23 Citations |
1 | Long-term Outcomes After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Multiple Sclerosis. (Muraro PA, Pasquini M, Atkins HL, Bowen JD, Farge D, Fassas A, Freedman MS, Georges GE, Gualandi F, Hamerschlak N, Havrdova E, Kimiskidis VK, Kozak T, Mancardi GL, Massacesi L, Moraes DA, Nash RA, Pavletic S, Ouyang J, Rovira M, Saiz A, Simoes B, Trnený M, Zhu L, Badoglio M, Zhong X, Sormani MP, Saccardi R, Multiple Sclerosis–Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (MS-AHSCT) Long-term Outcomes Study Group) JAMA Neurol 2017 Apr 01;74(4):459-469 215 Citations |
1 | Therapeutic indications and other use-case-driven updates in the drug ontology: anti-malarials, anti-hypertensives, opioid analgesics, and a large term request. (Hogan WR, Hanna J, Hicks A, Amirova S, Bramblett B, Diller M, Enderez R, Modzelewski T, Vasconcelos M, Delcher C) J Biomed Semantics 2017 Mar 03;8(1):10 10 Citations |
3 | Moderate, Short-Term, Local Hyperglycemia Attenuates Forearm Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation After Transient Ischemia-Reperfusion in Human Volunteers. (Ebert TJ, Novalija J, Barney JA, Uhrich TD, Arain SR, Freed JK, Pagel PS) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2017 Oct;31(5):1649-1655 2 Citations |
1 | Short-term outcomes of the multi-institutional bladder exstrophy consortium: Successes and complications in the first two years of collaboration. (Borer JG, Vasquez E, Canning DA, Kryger JV, Bellows A, Weiss D, Groth T, Shukla A, Kurtz MP, Mitchell ME) J Pediatr Urol 2017 Jun;13(3):275.e1-275.e6 41 Citations |
1 | Long-term effects of systemic gene therapy in a canine model of myotubular myopathy. (Elverman M, Goddard MA, Mack D, Snyder JM, Lawlor MW, Meng H, Beggs AH, Buj-Bello A, Poulard K, Marsh AP, Grange RW, Kelly VE, Childers MK) Muscle Nerve 2017 Nov;56(5):943-953 52 Citations |
1 | Neighborhood Disadvantage and Preterm Delivery in Urban African Americans: The Moderating Role of Religious Coping. (Sealy-Jefferson S, Slaughter-Acey J, Caldwell CH, Kwarteng J, Misra DP) SSM Popul Health 2016 Dec;2:656-661 7 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Consequences of Repetitive Concussion and Head-Impact Exposure. (McAllister T, McCrea M) J Athl Train 2017 Mar;52(3):309-317 136 Citations |
3 | Biomechanical Determinants of the Reactive Strength Index During Drop Jumps. (Kipp K, Kiely MT, Giordanelli MD, Malloy PJ, Geiser CF) Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2018 Jan 01;13(1):44-49 37 Citations |
1 | Routine inclusion of long-term functional and patient-reported outcomes into trauma registries: The FORTE project. (Rios-Diaz AJ, Herrera-Escobar JP, Lilley EJ, Appelson JR, Gabbe B, Brasel K, deRoon-Cassini T, Schneider EB, Kasotakis G, Kaafarani H, Velmahos G, Salim A, Haider AH) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017 Jul;83(1):97-104 72 Citations |
1 | Provision of long-term monitoring and late effects services following adult allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant: a survey of UK NHS-based programmes. (Hamblin A, Greenfield DM, Gilleece M, Salooja N, Kenyon M, Morris E, Glover N, Miller P, Braund H, Peniket A, Shaw BE, Snowden JA) Bone Marrow Transplant 2017 Jun;52(6):889-894 8 Citations |
1 | Understanding predictors of continued long-term pediatric cancer care across the region: A report from the Consortium for New England Childhood Cancer Survivors. (Welch JJG, Kenney LB, Hirway P, Usmani GN, Kadan-Lottick N, Grewal SS, Huang M, Bradeen H, Ader J, Diller L, Schwartz CL) Pediatr Blood Cancer 2017 Oct;64(10) 12 Citations |
1 | Duration of Androgen Deprivation in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: Long-Term Update of NRG Oncology RTOG 9202. (Lawton CAF, Lin X, Hanks GE, Lepor H, Grignon DJ, Brereton HD, Bedi M, Rosenthal SA, Zeitzer KL, Venkatesan VM, Horwitz EM, Pisansky TM, Kim H, Parliament MB, Rabinovitch R, Roach M 3rd, Kwok Y, Dignam JJ, Sandler HM) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2017 Jun 01;98(2):296-303 102 Citations |
1 | Disentangling the effects of novelty, valence and trait anxiety in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdala and hippocampus with high resolution 7T fMRI. (Pedersen WS, Muftuler LT, Larson CL) Neuroimage 2017 Aug 01;156:293-301 17 Citations |
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3 | Personalized Prognostic Risk Score for Long-Term Survival for Children with Acute Leukemia after Allogeneic Transplantation. (Bitan M, Ahn KW, Millard HR, Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Diaz MA, Dietz A, Vincent MG, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, Thiel E, Davies SM, Eapen M) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530 13 Citations |
3 | Long-Term Outcome of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Compared to Non-Inflammatory Breast Cancer in the Setting of High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. (Cheng YC, Shi Y, Zhang MJ, Brazauskas R, Hemmer MT, Bishop MR, Nieto Y, Stadtmauer E, Ayash L, Gale RP, Lazarus H, Holmberg L, Lill M, Olsson RF, Wirk BM, Arora M, Hari P, Ueno N) J Cancer 2017;8(6):1009-1017 8 Citations |
1 | Long-term surveillance of zinc implant in murine artery: Surprisingly steady biocorrosion rate. (Drelich AJ, Zhao S, Guillory RJ 2nd, Drelich JW, Goldman J) Acta Biomater 2017 Aug;58:539-549 146 Citations |
1 | A marginal structural modeling strategy investigating short and long-term exposure to neighborhood poverty on BMI among U.S. black and white adults. (Do DP, Zheng C) Health Place 2017 Jul;46:201-209 13 Citations |
1 | Long-term fate of the upper tracts following complete primary repair of bladder exstrophy. (Ellison JS, Ahn J, Shnorhavorian M, Grady R, Merguerian PA) J Pediatr Urol 2017 Aug;13(4):394.e1-394.e6 17 Citations |
1 | Postoperative Urinary Retention is an Independent Predictor of Short-Term and Long-Term Future Bladder Outlet Procedure in Men. (Blackwell RH, Vedachalam S, Shah AS, Kothari AN, Kuo PC, Gupta GN, Turk TMT) J Urol 2017 Nov;198(5):1124-1129 3 Citations |
1 | Long-term outcome of inflammatory breast cancer compared to non-inflammatory breast cancer in the setting of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (Cheng YC, Shi Y, Zhang MJ, Brazauskas R, Hemmer MT, Bishop MR, Nieto Y, Stadtmauer E, Ayashi L, Gale RP, Lazarus H, Holmberg L, Lill M, Olsson RF, Wirk BM, Arora M, Hari P, Ueno N) J Cancer Cheng YC, Shi Y, Zhang MJ, Brazauskas R, Hemmer MT, Bishop MR, Nieto Y, Stadtmauer E, Ayashi L, Gale RP, Lazarus H, Holmberg L, Lill M, Olsson RF, Wirk BM, Arora M, Hari P, Ueno N. Long-term outcome of inflammatory breast cancer compared to non-inflammatory breast cancer in the setting of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Cancer, 8(6):1009-1017, 2017 |
1 | Determining a Need for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Supplement: Official Proceedings of the 2017 AIUM Annual Convention (Phelan MB, Grawey T, Lenz T,) Florida Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine PHELAN, MB, Grawey T, Lenz T, Determining a Need for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Supplement: Official Proceedings of the 2017 AIUM Annual Convention, March 25–29, Orlando, Florida Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine July 2017 Volume 36, Issue Supplement S1 Pages S1–S135 |
1 | Steady-State Levels of Phosphorylated Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 1/2 Determined by Mortalin/HSPA9 and Protein Phosphatase 1 Alpha in KRAS and BRAF Tumor Cells. (Wu PK, Hong SK, Park JI) Mol Cell Biol 2017 Sep 15;37(18) 22 Citations |
1 | Factors Determining the Oxygen Permeability of Biological Membranes: Oxygen Transport Across Eye Lens Fiber-Cell Plasma Membranes. (Subczynski WK, Widomska J, Mainali L) Adv Exp Med Biol 2017;977:27-34 12 Citations |
2 | Structure and Dynamics of Type III Secretion Effector Protein ExoU As determined by SDSL-EPR Spectroscopy in Conjunction with De Novo Protein Folding. (Fischer AW, Anderson DM, Tessmer MH, Frank DW, Feix JB, Meiler J) ACS Omega 2017 Jun 30;2(6):2977-2984 11 Citations |
1 | Performance of prognostic scores and staging systems in predicting long-term survival outcomes after surgery for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. (Buettner S, Galjart B, van Vugt JLA, Bagante F, Alexandrescu S, Marques HP, Lamelas J, Aldrighetti L, Gamblin TC, Maithel SK, Pulitano C, Margonis GA, Weiss M, Bauer TW, Shen F, Poultsides GA, Marsh JW, IJzermans JNM, Groot Koerkamp B, Pawlik TM) J Surg Oncol 2017 Dec;116(8):1085-1095 44 Citations |
1 | Intrinsically disordered chromatin protein NUPR1 binds to the C-terminal region of Polycomb RING1B. (Santofimia-Castaño P, Rizzuti B, Pey ÁL, Soubeyran P, Vidal M, Urrutia R, Iovanna JL, Neira JL) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Aug 01;114(31):E6332-E6341 43 Citations |
1 | Effect of patient-reported smoking status on short-term bariatric surgery outcomes. (Inadomi M, Iyengar R, Fischer I, Chen X, Flagler E, Ghaferi AA) Surg Endosc 2018 Feb;32(2):720-726 29 Citations |
1 | Risk of early, intermediate, and late rejection following heart transplantation: Trends over the past 25 years and relation to changes in medical management. Tertiary center experience: The Sheba Heart Transplantation Registry. (Katz M, Freimark D, Raichlin E, Har-Zahav Y, Arad M, Kassif Y, Peled A, Asher E, Elian D, Kogan A, Shlomo N, Ofek E, Lavee J, Goldenberg I, Peled Y) Clin Transplant 2017 Oct;31(10) 9 Citations |
1 | A Long-term Follow-up of Young Adults With Idiopathic Clubfoot: Does Foot Morphology Relate to Pain? (Graf AN, Kuo KN, Kurapati NT, Krzak JJ, Hassani S, Caudill AK, Flanagan A, Harris GF, Smith PA) J Pediatr Orthop 2017 Aug 02 14 Citations |
1 | Acute and mid-term outcomes of stent implantation for recurrent coarctation of the aorta between the Norwood operation and fontan completion: A multi-center Pediatric Interventional Cardiology Early Career Society Investigation. (Aldoss O, Goldstein BH, Danon S, Goreczny S, Gray RG, Sathanandam S, Whiteside W, Williams DA, Zampi JD) Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017 Nov 15;90(6):972-979 10 Citations |
1 | Comparative Analysis of Partial Gland Ablation and Radical Prostatectomy to Treat Low and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer: Oncologic and Functional Outcomes. (Garcia-Barreras S, Sanchez-Salas R, Sivaraman A, Barret E, Secin F, Nunes-Silva I, Linares-Espinós E, Rozet F, Galiano M, Cathelineau X) J Urol 2018 Jan;199(1):140-146 29 Citations |
1 | Long-term Graft Survival After Kidney Allograft Torsion: Rapid Diagnosis and Surgical Management Key to Reversibility of Injury. (Serrano OK, Olowofela AS, Kandaswamy R, Riad S) Transplant Proc 2017 Sep;49(7):1565-1569 7 Citations |
1 | Acute and Midterm Outcomes of Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Treatment of Dysfunctional Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Conduits in Patients With Aortopulmonary Transposition and a Systemic Right Ventricle. (Whiteside W, Tretter JT, Aboulhosn J, Aldoss O, Armstrong AK, Bocks ML, Gillespie MJ, Jones TK, Martin MH, Meadows JJ, Metcalf CM, Turner ME, Zellers T, Goldstein BH) Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2017 Sep;10(9) 6 Citations |
5 | Long-Term Effects of Orthoses Use on the Changes of Foot and Ankle Joint Motions of Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy. (Liu XC, Embrey D, Tassone C, Zvara K, Brandsma B, Lyon R, Goodfriend K, Tarima S, Thometz J) PM R 2018 Mar;10(3):269-275 12 Citations |
1 | Long-Term Outcomes of Patent Foramen Ovale Closure or Medical Therapy after Stroke. (Saver JL, Carroll JD, Thaler DE, Smalling RW, MacDonald LA, Marks DS, Tirschwell DL, RESPECT Investigators) N Engl J Med 2017 Sep 14;377(11):1022-1032 814 Citations |
1 | Steady-state levels of phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 determined by mortalin/HSPA9 and protein phosphatase 1 alpha in KRAS and BRAF tumor cells (Pui-Kei Wu, Seung-Keun Hong, Jong-In Park) Molecular and Cellular Biology |
1 | Long-Term Prognostic Value of Gasping During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. (Debaty G, Labarere J, Frascone RJ, Wayne MA, Swor RA, Mahoney BD, Domeier RM, Olinger ML, O'Neil BJ, Yannopoulos D, Aufderheide TP, Lurie KG) J Am Coll Cardiol 2017 Sep 19;70(12):1467-1476 45 Citations |
4 | Anatomic Repair of Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries: Single-Center Intermediate-Term Experience. (Sachdeva S, Jacobsen RM, Woods RK, Mitchell ME, Cava JR, Ghanayem NS, Frommelt PC, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS) Pediatr Cardiol 2017 Dec;38(8):1696-1702 5 Citations |
3 | Glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter determines transgene expression in satellite glial cells following intraganglionic adeno-associated virus delivery in adult rats. (Xiang H, Xu H, Fan F, Shin SM, Hogan QH, Yu H) J Neurosci Res 2018 Mar;96(3):436-448 10 Citations |
1 | Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on Survival Without Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (Hasan SU, Potenziano J, Konduri GG, Perez JA, Van Meurs KP, Walker MW, Yoder BA, Newborns Treated With Nitric Oxide (NEWNO) Trial Group) JAMA Pediatr 2017 Nov 01;171(11):1081-1089 60 Citations |
1 | A cellular threshold for active ERK1/2 levels determines Raf/MEK/ERK-mediated growth arrest versus death responses. (Hong SK, Wu PK, Park JI) Cell Signal 2018 Jan;42:11-20 24 Citations |
1 | Poor early response to methotrexate portends inadequate long-term outcomes in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: Evidence from 2 phase 3 clinical trials. (Gordon KB, Betts KA, Sundaram M, Signorovitch JE, Li J, Xie M, Wu EQ, Okun MM) J Am Acad Dermatol 2017 Dec;77(6):1030-1037 7 Citations |
1 | Early aspirin initiation following heart transplantation is associated with reduced risk of allograft vasculopathy during long-term follow-up. (Peled Y, Lavee J, Raichlin E, Katz M, Arad M, Kassif Y, Peled A, Asher E, Elian D, Har-Zahav Y, Shlomo N, Freimark D, Goldenberg I, Klempfner R) Clin Transplant 2017 Dec;31(12) 31 Citations |
1 | Patients' Conceptions of Terms Related to Sexual Interest, Desire, and Arousal. (DeLamater JD, Weinfurt KP, Flynn KE) J Sex Med 2017 Nov;14(11):1327-1335 5 Citations |
1 | Concept Analysis of Growth Failure in Preterm Infants in the NICU. (Schehr LK, Johnson TS) J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2017;46(6):870-877 4 Citations |
1 | Predictors of short-term change after a brief alcohol intervention for mandated college drinkers. (Carey KB, Merrill JE, Walsh JL, Lust SA, Kalichman SC, Carey MP) Addict Behav 2018 Feb;77:152-159 14 Citations |
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1 | Long-term survival after resection of sarcomatoid carcinoma of the pancreas: an updated experience. (Blair AB, Burkhart RA, Griffin JF, Miller JA, Weiss MJ, Cameron JL, Wolfgang CL, He J) J Surg Res 2017 Nov;219:238-243 12 Citations |
4 | Autologous/Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation versus Tandem Autologous Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma: Comparison of Long-Term Postrelapse Survival. (Htut M, D'Souza A, Krishnan A, Bruno B, Zhang MJ, Fei M, Diaz MA, Copelan E, Ganguly S, Hamadani M, Kharfan-Dabaja M, Lazarus H, Lee C, Meehan K, Nishihori T, Saad A, Seo S, Ramanathan M, Usmani SZ, Gasparetto C, Mark TM, Nieto Y, Hari P) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Mar;24(3):478-485 34 Citations |
1 | Clinical long-term success of contemporary nano-filled resin composites in class I and II restorations cured by LED or halogen light. (Pflaum T, Kranz S, Montag R, Güntsch A, Völpel A, Mills R, Jandt K, Sigusch B) Clin Oral Investig 2018 May;22(4):1651-1662 9 Citations |
1 | Association of lipoprotein(a) level with short- and long-term outcomes after CABG: The role of lipoprotein apheresis. (Ezhov MV, Afanasieva OI, Il'ina LN, Safarova MS, Adamova IY, Matchin YG, Konovalov GA, Akchurin RS, Pokrovsky SN) Atheroscler Suppl 2017 Nov;30:187-192 16 Citations |
5 | Long-term outcomes among 2-year survivors of autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for Hodgkin and diffuse large b-cell lymphoma. (Myers RM, Hill BT, Shaw BE, Kim S, Millard HR, Battiwalla M, Majhail NS, Buchbinder D, Lazarus HM, Savani BN, Flowers MED, D'Souza A, Ehrhardt MJ, Langston A, Yared JA, Hayashi RJ, Daly A, Olsson RF, Inamoto Y, Malone AK, DeFilipp Z, Margossian SP, Warwick AB, Jaglowski S, Beitinjaneh A, Fung H, Kasow KA, Marks DI, Reynolds J, Stockerl-Goldstein K, Wirk B, Wood WA, Hamadani M, Satwani P) Cancer 2018 Feb 15;124(4):816-825 46 Citations |
1 | Structure of monomeric Interleukin-8 and its interactions with the N-terminal Binding Site-I of CXCR1 by solution NMR spectroscopy. (Berkamp S, Park SH, De Angelis AA, Marassi FM, Opella SJ) J Biomol NMR 2017 Nov;69(3):111-121 27 Citations |
1 | Isolated Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia Diagnosed on Breast Biopsy: Low Upgrade Rate on Subsequent Excision With Long-Term Follow-up. (Muller KE, Roberts E, Zhao L, Jorns JM) Arch Pathol Lab Med 2018 Mar;142(3):391-395 17 Citations |
5 | Characterizing indeterminate liver lesions in patients with localized pancreatic cancer at the time of diagnosis. (Bhalla M, Aldakkak M, Kulkarni NM, O'Connor SD, Griffin MO Jr, Christians KK, Evans DB, Tsai S, Tolat PP) Abdom Radiol (NY) 2018 Feb;43(2):351-363 12 Citations |
1 | Long-term evidence that a pediatric oncology mentorship program for young investigators is feasible and beneficial in the cooperative group setting: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. (Esbenshade AJ, Pierson CR, Thompson AL, Reed D, Gupta A, Levy A, Kahalley LS, Harker-Murray P, Schore R, Muscal JA, Embry L, Maloney K, Horton T, Zweidler-Mckay P, Dhall G) Pediatr Blood Cancer 2018 Mar;65(3) 6 Citations |
1 | A Rare Cause of Intermittent Dyspnea, Occasional Palpitations, and Atypical Chest Discomfort. (Dye L 3rd, Freed JK, Leschke JR, Pagel PS) J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2018 Aug;32(4):2031-2033 2 Citations |
1 | Five lessons learned about long-term pain management in adults with sickle cell disease. (Field JJ) Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2017 Dec 08;2017(1):406-411 16 Citations |
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1 | Blood biomarkers as predictors of long-term mortality in COPD. (Mendy A, Forno E, Niyonsenga T, Gasana J) Clin Respir J 2018 May;12(5):1891-1899 45 Citations |
1 | Intermittent versus continuous feeding in critically ill adults. (Patel JJ, Rosenthal MD, Heyland DK) Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2018 Mar;21(2):116-120 40 Citations |
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1 | Determining Risk of Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Based on Epidemiologic Factors and Genetic Variants. (Dong J, Buas MF, Gharahkhani P, Kendall BJ, Onstad L, Zhao S, Anderson LA, Wu AH, Ye W, Bird NC, Bernstein L, Chow WH, Gammon MD, Liu G, Caldas C, Pharoah PD, Risch HA, Iyer PG, Reid BJ, Hardie LJ, Lagergren J, Shaheen NJ, Corley DA, Fitzgerald RC, Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer Study (SOCS) consortium, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL, Thrift AP) Gastroenterology 2018 Apr;154(5):1273-1281.e3 67 Citations |
1 | Different contributions of chemokine N-terminal features attest to a different ligand binding mode and a bias towards activation of ACKR3/CXCR7 compared with CXCR4 and CXCR3. (Szpakowska M, Nevins AM, Meyrath M, Rhainds D, D'huys T, Guité-Vinet F, Dupuis N, Gauthier PA, Counson M, Kleist A, St-Onge G, Hanson J, Schols D, Volkman BF, Heveker N, Chevigné A) Br J Pharmacol 2018 May;175(9):1419-1438 51 Citations |
1 | Complexation of NAC-Derived Peptide Ligands with the C-Terminus of α-Synuclein Accelerates Its Aggregation. (Jha NN, Ranganathan S, Kumar R, Mehra S, Panigrahi R, Navalkar A, Ghosh D, Kumar A, Padinhateeri R, Maji SK) Biochemistry 2018 Feb 06;57(5):791-804 11 Citations |
1 | Determination of total plasma oxysterols by enzymatic hydrolysis, solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry. (Mendiara I, Domeño C, Nerín C, Geurts AM, Osada J, Martínez-Beamonte R) J Pharm Biomed Anal 2018 Feb 20;150:396-405 6 Citations |
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1 | A cellular threshold for active ERK1/2 levels determines Raf/MEK/ERK-mediated growth arrest versus death responses (Seung-Keun Hong, Pui-Kei Wu, Jong-In Park) Cellular signalling |
1 | The association of long-term alcohol biomarkers with risk for alcohol-related injury: Implications for screening. (Fendrich M, Berger L, Fuhrmann D) J Subst Use 2017;22(2):232-235 |
1 | Long-Term Outcomes after Protocolized Sedation versus Usual Care in Ventilated Pediatric Patients. (Watson RS, Asaro LA, Hertzog JH, Sorce LR, Kachmar AG, Dervan LA, Angus DC, Wypij D, Curley MAQ, RESTORE Study Investigators and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators (PALISI) Network) Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018 Jun 01;197(11):1457-1467 59 Citations |
1 | The role and timing of parathyroid hormone determination after total thyroidectomy. (Mazotas IG, Wang TS) Gland Surg 2017 Dec;6(Suppl 1):S38-S48 26 Citations |
1 | Perioperative and long-term outcomes after radical cystectomy in hemodialysis patients. (Johnson SC, Smith ZL, Golan S, Rodriguez JF 3rd, Pearce SM, Smith ND, Steinberg GD) Urol Oncol 2018 May;36(5):237.e19-237.e24 6 Citations |
1 | Social Determinants of Treatment Response. (Bachur C, Singer B, Hayes-Conroy A, Horwitz RI) Am J Med 2018 May;131(5):480-483 6 Citations |
1 | Long-term follow-up with mention of complications in pediatric microvascular mandibular reconstruction. (Akakpo K, Iobst C, Old M, Grischkan J) Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2018 Feb;105:154-157 8 Citations |
1 | Impact of ureteral stricture and treatment choice on long-term graft survival in kidney transplantation. (Arpali E, Al-Qaoud T, Martinez E, Redfield RR III, Leverson GE, Kaufman DB, Odorico JS, Sollinger HW) Am J Transplant 2018 Aug;18(8):1977-1985 37 Citations |
1 | Modeling radiation injury-induced cell death and countermeasure drug responses in a human Gut-on-a-Chip. (Jalili-Firoozinezhad S, Prantil-Baun R, Jiang A, Potla R, Mammoto T, Weaver JC, Ferrante TC, Kim HJ, Cabral JMS, Levy O, Ingber DE) Cell Death Dis 2018 Feb 14;9(2):223 149 Citations |
3 | Physiological Approach to Sodium Supplementation in Preterm Infants. (Segar DE, Segar EK, Harshman LA, Dagle JM, Carlson SJ, Segar JL) Am J Perinatol 2018 Aug;35(10):994-1000 30 Citations |
1 | Unilateral Orticochea Pharyngoplasty for Unilateral Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Long-Term Outcomes Data. (Klement KA, Black JS, Vanlue MJ, Denny AD) J Craniofac Surg 2018 Jun;29(4):946-948 1 Citation |
1 | Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model of CW002, an Investigational Intermediate Neuromuscular Blocking Agent, in Healthy Volunteers. (Kaullen JD, Owen JS, Brouwer KLR, Heerdt PM, Lien CA, Savarese JJ, Schmith VD) Anesthesiology 2018 Jun;128(6):1107-1116 2 Citations |
1 | Long-term regeneration and remodeling of the pig esophagus after circumferential resection using a retrievable synthetic scaffold carrying autologous cells. (La Francesca S, Aho JM, Barron MR, Blanco EW, Soliman S, Kalenjian L, Hanson AD, Todorova E, Marsh M, Burnette K, DerSimonian H, Odze RD, Wigle DA) Sci Rep 2018 Mar 07;8(1):4123 49 Citations |
1 | Long-term optimization of outcomes with flexible adalimumab dosing in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. (Gniadecki R, Leonardi CL, Gordon KB, Gu Y, Geng Z, Nader A, Teixeira HD) J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2018 Aug;32(8):1297-1304 9 Citations |
5 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging in a Large Longitudinal Series of Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Correlated With Long-Term Functional Outcome. (Rao A, Soliman H, Kaushal M, Motovylyak O, Vedantam A, Budde MD, Schmit B, Wang M, Kurpad SN) Neurosurgery 2018 Oct 01;83(4):753-760 28 Citations |
1 | Specific storage of glycoconjugates with terminal α-galactosyl moieties in the exocrine pancreas of Fabry disease patients with blood group B. (Rybová J, Kuchar L, Hulková H, Asfaw B, Dobrovolný R, Sikora J, Havlícek V, Škultéty L, Ledvinová J) Glycobiology 2018 Jun 01;28(6):382-391 6 Citations |
1 | TP53 mutations and number of alterations correlate with maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) determined by positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG PET). (Chang GH, Kurzrock R, Tran L, Schwaederle M, Hoh CK) Oncotarget 2018 Mar 06;9(18):14306-14310 7 Citations |
2 | ASBMT Practice Guidelines Committee Survey on Long-Term Follow-Up Clinics for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Survivors. (Hashmi SK, Lee SJ, Savani BN, Burns L, Wingard JR, Perales MA, Palmer J, Chow E, Meyer E, Marks D, Mohty M, Inamoto Y, Rodriguez C, Nagler A, Sauter C, Komanduri KV, Pidala J, Hamadani M, Johnston L, Shah N, Shaughnessy P, Hamilton BK, Majhail N, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Schriber J, DeFilipp Z, Tarlock KG, Fanning S, Curtin P, Rizzo JD, Carpenter PA) Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2018 Jun;24(6):1119-1124 37 Citations |
1 | Vagal Termination of Ventricular Tachycardia in a Pediatric Patient. (Chaszczewski KJ, Sosnowski C, Ganesan R) Pediatrics 2018 Apr;141(Suppl 5):S412-S415 3 Citations |
1 | Reduced Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change, Strain, and Strain Rate before Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Anastomosis is Associated with Medium-Term Mortality for Children with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. (Lin LQ, Conway J, Alvarez S, Goot B, Serrano-Lomelin J, Colen T, Tham EB, Kutty S, Li L, Khoo NS) J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2018 Jul;31(7):831-842 32 Citations |
1 | Development and characterization of carboxy-terminus specific monoclonal antibodies for un |